/biz....what did I just do.
/biz....what did I just do
you just bought a ticket to lamboland
bought a literally who coin on a scam exchange nice job newcoiner
they call it a zero sum game for a reason. survival of the fittest. thanks for playing.
I almost filled that order. Damn
i just gave away .360 ETH then?
yup. Congrats on this. Seriously.
hello darkness
I think I just made the biggest meme of 2017
It was suppose to be one mission /biz ONE MISSION
You tried
Brutal. So you bought a fraction of a REQ token for .36 Eth? How much of your total portfolio is that
Fucking hell kek
Just so you know OP, the ETH per token is usually listed backwards
so for example:
Would mean "0.003 ETH per REQ" and not "0.003 REQ per ETH"
Is this just a thing on ED or most exchanges?
Seems pretty autistic desu
OP you never responded. I’ll reimburse you for that if it was serious money to you
other exchanges warn you if you sell/buy 2% lower/higher than the market price. ed is the wild west of the wild west my nigga.
When I see shit like this I know my IQ is way above average....
Hi sorry, I had to leave for work. Yeah it was pretty serious considering I don't have a lot of money
you just got REQ'd
ED gives a warning too