What problem does CryptoKitties solve?
What problem does CryptoKitties solve?
The pokemon exchange problem
It solves my loneliness problem.
its called entertainment/fun. you ppl are retarded
Being bored, the same problem all entertainment solves.
It solves the Pokemon card problem.
The problem that dumb people have too much money
Shut up and swallow my jizz, slut
It solves the Too Much Ethereum In My Wallet problem
Its a good thing to play with between trades
Developer haphazardness
The eternal void that is my lonely heart. My virtual cat keeps me from the rope.
Gives your that sweet sense of pride and accomplishment
How to separate idiots from their money faster than any shitcoin ever conceived.
there are people literally starving to death maybe you could donate that money to them you pathetic scum
i worked hard for my immutable cats and i'm going to fucking enjoy them
It solves the problem of easily locating delinquents in society so if there is a culling, they can easily be identified on the blockchain.
Realty: Doesn't solve anything, people will forget about this in Q1 2018. "Hey Jack, remember the time you paid $1,000 for a GIF image"...
blockchain neopets aka proof of concept for successful dapps
buy fucking ETH
how many kitties do I need to buy her as a gf?
OP is probably too retarded to realize that another entertainment product, porn, has been one of the biggest drivers of technological progress.
Wait until the crypto kittie hack
it's a stress test
The existential problem
solves the problem of ETH moon for no reason. they clog the mempool, ETH turns to shit and goes back to 300.
Let's hope the stress test doesn't destroy the whole network for months.
proof of concept for blockchain-based trading card games.
it relieves idiots of their money.