MTG Flavor text / Artwork Thread

Share your favorites! Whether it be funny flavor texts, beautiful foils, stunning art or maybe all combined!

Posting one of my favorite cards of all time
>tfw you will never be this smug


all others need not apply


I leld at the filename

Love the flavour text




I got it. I got it. I-




Undoubtedly my favorite flavor text. Art.. not so much.

Its sequel card, Overwhelming Denial, has much neater art, though I can't tell if Ulamog is the one denying overwhelmingly or the one being overwhelmingly denied.
Either way it looks like something getting smashed by total obliteration and that's fine by me.

Fantastic art for a fantastic card.


Interesting card though, considering it's flavortext alludes to the sheer number of options that beat it.


Here, take this

Fucking love the artwork on these guys


This one is brilliant!

>fug reckless cohort I never asked for these feels

For as shit as the cluestones are, I fucking love this cluestone text.

I like this flavor text.


teferi, constructive use of time

heh heh heh

One of my favorite flavor texts.

Love this one, together with the art it's so simply powerful.

Posting an absolute classic

Nahiri did nothing wrong.

I've never played magic and I don't own any cards.

Except this one. Fuck I love that flavour text so much. So many magic cards have beautiful art and amazing blurbs. I love it.

I uhh
I might need this.

Literally "nothing personnel, kid" the card.

Someone should add "but he's overcosted garbage" in the card flavor.

love the artwork


Bullshit. Last Word acknowledges one is not invincible or insurmountable, it just exudes confidence that the present opponent is insufficient.
This is what you're looking for.

Wow, they need to reprint it and foil that shit