Somewhere in the depths of the Vast Nothingness, the area that entraps all realities in a fabric of space and time that resembles a beautifully knit cardigan, there exists a certain place. It’s a nice place to live in, one might say. Pleasant summers, cool winters, clear skies, fertile grounds for miles. This land is so apparently great that a mighty kingdom has been built upon it, but not after several bloody centuries of looting, pillaging and civil warfare, both of the pitchfork and torch kind and the kind wherein burly men in tight suits stand in opposite ends of a courtroom and point very serious accusing fingers at each other.
Within that kingdom, you are there. It would be quite concerning if you were not. You are an important woman of many titles. They herald you as the Silver Queen, Archduchess of the Almighty, The Third Daughter, Mistress of Song, Heir of the Grey, Envoy of the Good Devils and on some occasions when the patrons of the bar have gotten themselves sufficiently drunk to let their innermost thoughts wander loose like a flock of liberated pigeons, top contender for the most rational member of the royal family.
For the purposes of this tale, however, you shall be named Irinora Agares Lucifuge.
>>Irinora Quest.
As previously implied, you are a princess of the kingdom of demons, typically known as Makai. You stand at almost two metres tall, possess flowing silver hair that sparkles in the moonlight and enjoy a nice bowl of freshly wrung noodles in pork soup for breakfast.
The burning question is, where are you right now and what are you doing?
>Your chambers, reading the best book in the multiverse.
>Your holiday home, relaxing in the warmth of the sun.
>A restaurant in the capital, feasting on the finest delicacies the kingdom has to offer.
>A hallway in the royal palace, bossing around the servants.
>Custom option.