Become Your Name

The definition of your name is now you.

Your first name is how you are recognized in the world with a token regarding it or just by obvious physical detail.
>He looks like a younger warrior. And he's also graced by God? His name must be Evan.

Your middle name is your hidden or barely seen trait. May be interchanged with your first depending on how your referred.
>"Not many people know this, but I am also Michael, 'He Who is Like God'."

Your last name is your family's trade/occupation/namesake. Everyone born under this name has a token on their tradition on them to be seen like their first name.
>He bears the sigil of Llongoria. Does he hail from Astories?

I personally prefer this website:
But Google is fine too.

Who are you?

Other urls found in this thread: name means British guy from a specific area of England.

Bumping with celebrities.

Busta Rhymes-Trevor George Smith Jr.

>Trevor: Crossing, Cautious

>George: Farmer, Rustic

>Smith: Blacksmith, To Strike/Hammer

Busta Rhymes is that farmer that blacksmiths on the side. He's also a skeptical motherfucker?

So does Mr. Longoria. What's the rest of it?

>Zackary: Renowned by God/God Remembers

>John: God's Grace/God is Good

>Quinto: Fifth Born Child/Home Ruler/Friend/Young Soldier

From a family of friendly housekeepers who raise their young to be soldiers. This particular child has a especially special place in God's eyes. To be able to show he's renowned by God and also carries his grace should make him a really blessed soldier. Was it luck that he survived that fight or was it something else?

Everyone knows it was the something else.

Michael is one of the most common names I can think of. And my last name means "Old Man", so I'm one of many messengers, perhaps an old one at that.

I'm hardly even 30 yet though, give me a fucking break. I'm not even middle aged yet!

Your family is taught to be old men. Don't take it as being an old cranky handicap stuck in retirement, but as a family taught to be experienced.

Having the latent ability to be wise and appreciative to life(?) and then being 'like God', you are truly fucking wise and probably seen as all knowing when it counts.

What of your middle name?

My name means savior of men hailing from a certain region of italy. No middle name.

If anyone can guess my first name by its meaning I'll be mildly entertained.

"God remembers"

Can mean shinning, brilliant, or a small smooth rock

>Not going to tell you
But it means middle class, basically

Not really sure what to make of that

Guess I might as well post mine.

>Free Man

>Lover of the Earth/Follower of Demeter

>Defender of Mankind,Sand/Along the Beach

Raised by a family of soldiers stationed along the sand. Then I guess I kinda do want I want being seen as a free-man whatever the hell that means. Then I guess I tend to this plant-less beach/desert with prayers to Demeter. Any help with the free-man ideas?


You're middle class, in a society with lords and slaves. Alternatively, you're descended from freed slaves

But user I'm colored.

> Bringer of light
> Warlike
> Last name is originally a toponym, denoting a river

Not quite sure what that would mean.

No begins with A, a little more east than the name you're thinking of

Toponym meaning the type of topography. Your from a family the lives on or across the river. In a magic since, in the river.

You yourself are bring light into the worldnew whether it means clarity/hope to others, or in a magic theme setting, literal light.

And your middle name is just war. If anyone needs to go in a fight, they make sure to come to you. Your enemies however, they know better then to pissed you off.

Your a riverman that is insightful yet eager to go to battle. In a magical sense, you dispose of foes with your blasts of light and maybe even water magic.


I'm a strawberry picker for some dude named John, as was my father. Secretly I take care of his fuck huge plantation for him. Maybe I tell him fairies do it just to see the wide eyed wonder in his eyes

Well, if your name is Johnson, you should also have God's grace. Otherwise, you know a John.

But strawberry picking? Plantation?

That's way cooler than what I had in mind. I had somewhat of a bloody fisherman/free time arsonist image.

First means: Bright flame, or bright famous
Middle means: Rich guardian
Last means: Moon

Victory, son of the glorious.

Damn, name is badass.

Alexander, I know this because that is my name as well

It's not Johnson. To be fair I just picked the first thing I saw on Google but my first name means son of the servent of John (it's probably a Bible reference but fuck if I know) and my last name is the Scottish version of the French word for strawberries. The plantation came cause I needed to fit Stewart somewhere in there

It could be. Both actually.

>Bigots disagree with your advice
>You were going to leave them be until they said rivers a shit
>Reveal middle name
>They instantly run away
>You bring the ligh,t blasting and maiming
>Personally finish the job

You finished your battle, ransacked their place, lit that shit on fire, and went back home fishinig and bloodstained. All depends on how you would play it.

So I'm known as a horse-fucker from a secretly high-born family of tailors?

Looks like I should be waifuing a certain marshmallow unicorn.

>Full name
>Victorious protector of mankind, dweller of the green plain

I'm okay with this.

First: Defender of Man
Middle: Swift or overflowing
Last: Russian/Polish aristocrat

So I would be some sort of paladin in a track suit, or at least Adidas brand plate

I am thinking it'd make me a clever sherif, but not nearly smart enough to avoid a reputation for being someone that's regularly overcome by emotions like anger.
Most people aren't aware of how disgustingly well paid I am to do my job.

If this is fantasy, then I don't know what to do with "moon." If it's sci-fi, then I guess my family are from the moon colonies/are lunar miners.

>Little flame
King born of embers, secretly bearing the sigil of a god

my last name literally means "fat"

>red, or earth

>small hill

>valiant, brave, or wise

My family is brave for a living, I'm red, and I... have a small penis?

>Commander, ruler of the household, an authority figure
>Son of the right hand, honored
>Beloved or dear man, well liked
Going by that I should be some kind of politician

Did you really just post your full name on an anonymous image board?

The literal translation of my name into English is Man Child no.8

From a family that researches or hails the moon, applying it for almost everything they do. This person in particular is a bright individual. Not quite like moonlight, but as a burning flame that's seen by all. In hiding, he's also guards a bountiful wealth with his life and continues to gain more riches, making him more protective of his treasure.

This guy only knows defeat through his peers, if he even bothers acknowledging them. Whether it be combat or wits, this person always comes on top. He'll do whatever it takes to gain his glory.

Buy is it considered Italian?

From Stewart, I got Keeper of the Estate,Watchful/Careful,Guardian.

Try the link in OP.

>Zachary John Quinto is an American actor and film producer.
Either it's not actually his name and doesn't matter, or it is his name and you'd be hard pressed to find anything not on the actor


My name literally means courageous young warrior of light. I guess I'm a paladin IRL, who knew.

>First Name
Travels far, takes many paths
A Spotted Eagle
Remembered by god

>Middle Name
The Breach

>Last name
No direct translation due to circumstances
A term that means courage for some reason but could refer to off kidney's

I have 2 titles as well but i've honestly made it piss easy already to google who i am exactly.

>2 titles
Esquire? The third?

> To hear/to hear God
>Enclosed area

Apparently, I'm some sort of badger-raising druid?

Nah. Their official only in a certain branch of american government that can only be acquired and entered through race.

>Gift of God
>From a town with a lot of thorn bushes

But what did God substitute me for? The thorn bushes?

Where the hell are the horse fucker names coming from?

Trained in the lush fields where he was raised, this warrior defends those on his grounds without second thought. The first thought to protect the people of the lands always leads him to victory.

Ugh, for every Alex out there or with any similar name that jumps towards "paladin" makes me cringe. Unless you have a biblical or any other religious attachment to your name, then MAYBE you could be a paladin. My autism is showing.

At most, you would be a wayfarer from a wealthy and lavish family. Maybe the idea of being pent up in that comfy lifestyle isn't for you so you strive for a more righteous cause. But if you defend others, do you really have to tare their blows? You adapt your quick nature into swift and overflowing way of fighting to pressure the opponent. The best defense is a good offense.

-Crooked nose

I have the best initials ever. [\spoiler]

Don't tarnish your name like that, bro!

Michael craig moore

...I'm the angel of rocky swamps.

Are you the president?

My name is directly related to this:

Maybe paladin jumped out to me because I'm an actual ordained minister? But it's okay man, you keep feeling that cringe.

>Protector of man
>Sea spear

I'm Aquaman.


At least you get all the ocean life, all I get to do is literally badger people -_-

You may be a ruler, but there are plenty of other kings out there. You have to basically wag your dick around most of the time by revealing why your better than the rest. Implementing Christ-Bearer and Little Flame shouldn't be a problem. Good luck.

If it's similar to Cody, it could also mean Pure and Round. Also, fat people are not strictly obese. Fat is homely, full, and contempt in knowing food is life.

... iunno. Keep searching, dude.

You have bravery in your blood. Backing down against despair is arduous for you. Especially when the terrain is your favor. If their is earth beneath your feet, you have no fear. I'd you see a hill nearby, you take advantage. Do you know what you can do with a small hill? Of course you do.

In a non-magic setting, I guess you know just what to do with hill nearby. With Magic, conjure the red earth, shape small hills, etc.

I'm not sure why I quoted you. Anyway, being a vicious subterranean preacher isn't so bad.

>god is my judge
>Anglicized form of Coinneach, derived from caoin, meaning handsome
Searches for my last name come up blank or just take me to ancestry sites that want my money, with no listed meanings. My parents tell me it's Ukrainian and comes from the word for czar.

So according to OP, I'm some kind of religious revolutionary, I'm secretly quite handsome, and I'm also from a long line of rulers, then?

>The Name of God
>Who is Like God
>Vigilant (I've got two middle names shut up)
>From the land between the streams

So I am the avatar of the lord, who obviously resembles the lord and is ever vigilant. Some sort of watchful demigod/incarnation, who came from the lowlands.

Oh no, I meant that my entire name means that.
Like, Brit Bromhed.

>Zachary John Quinto


It is hard not to love you. It's even harder not to trust you. Leaders can see from you that your insight is necessary for things to go forward. And when those leaders decide to step down, everyone has faith in you guiding them forward. What you do with their love and hope for you is another story.

Man Child no.8. As in the eigth son? Or as in a man with the heart of a child?

Stop. Not a paladin. However, you're defintely hopeful like one. When battle comes, you know the light is on your side. Whether you take that as reason, intellect, hope, whatever, you just know that it gives you your reason to push forward. Nothing can stop your light from shining.

Your family has their renown for good reason. You were raised in this lavish home but we're brought up to brave the unknown. For you, it was really easy. You take leaps of faith, or more so, flights of faith to travel those rodds to foreign lands and roads unknown. You soar like and eagle and occasionally with eagles as signs from God pressing you forward. Who knows where else your bear your name. Whether your welcomed or not is another matter.

You were taught to distance yourself away from the rest of the world, or at least be hidden away from it. And it is fine, for you can stay this way for as long you your "messages." To hear the word of God every moment is a refresher that the world is ok. To see youself in the badgers is even more of a relief. To know how they prowl, scavenge, attack, survive, and live is the exact way how you want to live. To not give in, take in your daily word, then take on the world.

To be raised the by the shrubs, thickets and thorns sprawling across the town taught your family that there is a thorn in your side. They hurt a bit, but the pain goes away. This a basic lesson that others have trouble accepting, constantly being annoyed by the pricks in their side. But what if you can remind them, or help them forget? You have an awfully odd way of doing so, impersonating how they were before. Soon enough, more people believed you to be them in a much better light. It's as if you were given to these people to remind them of the better things. Pain comes and goes and so does unnecessary attitudes. Show them what they should be. Even replace them if you have to. You'll be doing the world a favor.

>he who laughs
>may god laugh
Contextually translated, more like:
>he who has the last laugh

>regal one


I have no idea.

I ended up getting a similar result for the no.8 on my last name, so either we have the same last name, or both our names keep fucking the system up and they give us some bullshit about numerology instead.

Nobody knows with any certainty what my surname means. It's a fucked up Prussian/Silesian mongrel name.

>Son of the Right hand
>Literally Scottish.
>Boar Friend

Am I some sort of paladin then?

But my last name has no recorded meaning because so few have it

to hear, or to have heard god.
to be priceless or to flourish
A hearder.

>Born of a line of tamers and beast hearders, he has been spoken to by voices of a god or unseen power, and is an now an oracle of these, he flourishes and is most renound for being both a beast-master and oracle.

I'm not saying i'm a Shaman/Occultist beastmaster, but i mean.. am I?

This is why namefaggots should be killed.

>One who descends
>Lives in/near a small valley

Mine isn't particularly poignant.

Badger as a verb, user. You were born to be a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness. You trap people to preach the word of God to them.

>Rich. God beholds.
>From an English surname which was derived from Welsh llyn "lake". The name Lynn is an Anglo-Saxon baby name. In Anglo-Saxon the meaning of the name Lynn is: Dwells by the torrent.
>"Free man"
>Their name, meaning "son of Cárthach" (whose name meant "loving"),

I'm not sure how to put it all together. Someone send help.

First: Son of the South’. In the Book of Genesis, it is treated as meaning ‘Son of the Right Hand’.
Middle: Greek: Cheer German: Battle sword
Last: nickname for a crafty or ingenious person. The word was also used in a concrete sense of a stratagem or device, particularly a trap

So I'm a tricky rogue with a moral compass?

You're obviously a lawful good cleric,paladin, or fighter that had a decent up bringing.

Sounds more like a classic joyful trickster who is also the son of the King's right hand man.

>Daughter of Venus
First Middle
>Goddess of the Sky
Second Middle
>A location or Prostitute
Small flowerimg shrub

Mum, you didn't really think my name through much, did you?

>The Supplanter
>Little Dark One (Irish origin, so probably dark haired)
>Son of Odhar

Some edgelord outcast who wants to CK2 his way to prominence in a noble family.

Gentle mannered harpy?

Looked up a bit more on Lynn, and it actually comes from the name of a maiden who served the Lady of the Lake and saved Owain. My body is ready to become justice.

It could be far worse. Your name would probably net you a nice life as someone working in a temple. Maybe they worship the actual heavenly body/planet Venus, as the goddess's physical manifestation? And Venus is also a goddess of love so that might explain the prostitute part. Temple whores were a thing in Egypt at least. Not sure about Greco-Roman.

>"Son" of the "South"
Kek. Even your mother knew you'd grow up to be a little sissyboy.

>Victory for the People
>Secretly a Defender

I already knew this but God damn my name would be great for a noblebright heroic fantasy character.

I'm Man-Hedgehog now.
My arms are not blue.

>Famous and Noble
>Secretly smart as fuck
>Lives in a certain area in Portugal

>mother knew you'd grow up to be a little sissy
But I was named after my dad.

This is now you.

Fucking idiot.

Oh, didn't notice the middle name thing.
I'm Man-May-God-Protect-Magnificent-Hedgehog.


...So you're Chris Chan?

Gift of God
Noble,Truth,of noble birth

Literally a fucking paladin

Dark skinned Winner of the people. Has gotten plays of his victories on Stage.

Handsome Horse Lord
I think it's funny

Black people names are weird
Only the most dashing of cavaliers

It's funny because my most common character is a not European squire trying to imitate not-Huns


Pacifist monk

I'm not actually black. My middle name means basically "Dark skinned", which is funny because I am whiter than most of my friends.

Gift of God


"God is Gracious"

I'm a lazy, 6'2 atheist.

War genius from a Greek island ready to fight.

Those germans sure were not very original with their names, all wars and fights...