Setting has not-japanese

>setting has not-japanese
>setting has not-norsemen
>setting has not-any real life culture

so fucking lazy

Thanks for sharing your opinion. It is unique and new and never before heard by anyone here. You are a special snowflake with opinions worth posting.

>a thread whines about stuff through green text and doesn't state any alternatives

so fucking lazy

>setting has wololo so unique made-up nations concieved by a autistic neckbeard with hardly any knowledge in anthropology, assburgish tendencies to put everything in stiff, binary label-boxes, and inability to differentiate a "cultural characteristic" from "cheap gimmick", resulting in shallow shit trying to pass as "original"

I'll take my cultures inspired by real world instead, real life is much better writer than faggots like those

Fantasy cuultures inspired by real world ones concentrate solely on one gimmick from said culture to begin with you retard see not-vikings being obsessed with le ebin mead and axes or not aztecs thinking about human sacrifice 24/7

>I wanna fix what isn't broken

I like how Endless Legend pulled off Roving Clans, who are not! jews pretending to be ARABO- MONGOLIAN NIIIGHTS

Noted. Now enjoy your own home brewed setting with furry races and so many subverted tropes (lel) that will never get noticed because no one can get their head up their asses as far as you can.

If you play bad games, maybe. That's your fucking problem so stop generalizing.

Not every instance of not!vikings is Skyrim.

Sensible "original creations" are still way rarer and harder to make than sensible real world adaptations.

>setting has not-humans
>setting has not-pantheon gods
>setting has not-flying dinosaurs
Into the trash

Different person, what are some examples of good adaptations?

Show some good norse inspired cultures then.

>setting uses swords
>setting uses guns
>setting uses any real-world weapons at all

OP, you're so stupid you aren't even going far enough.
Why even bother with fantasy if you're just going to copy reality?

>setting has swords
>setting has real world plants and animals
>setting has continents
>setting has a not-sun
absolutely disgusting, 2/10 would not play

>Why even bother with fantasy if you're just going to copy reality?

you basically just dissed the idea of ripping off real life cultures while trying to defend them

There are no alternatives. Literally ever fantasy culture in tabletop RPGs can be boiled down to Not-Something.

If anyone bothered with bird people living on floating islands for example instead of constantly spamming fantasy England then maybe it wouldn't be the case but noo Veeky Forums must be retarded and just spam cliche fuckfests then pretend it's all right because le others le do it too.

>setting has carbon-based life forms
>setting has carbon at all
>setting uses physical matter from the periodic table
>setting has matter

It like you're not even trying OP.
When you get on my level come back and we'll talk about settings. Right now you're clearly you bound by conventional rules and concepts to really ever contribute meaningfully to discussions about them yet.

>bird people living on floating islands

Yeah, because that's real original and has never been done, ever.

>states species and geography
>calls it culture players really are awful

>OP has greentext
>OP has meme picture
>OP has dicks in their mouth

so fucking lazy

It's better than not- LOTR #4512

Has it been done? I can't think of an example of that.

I disagree, user. Tropes are valuable tools to convey lot of information quickly to the player. Saying "these guys are basically the Romans of the setting" or "they're like vikings, except..." lets the player know the general idea about a group of people without needing to read pages of backstory, and it can always be expounded upon later in play if necessary. Uniqueness for the sake of uniqueness alone is as bad as bland carbon copy of LoTR - except it takes longer to explain!

>the poster of this thread will not be banned
>the poster of this thread will not even be warned

We sure have some wonderful mods.

>Setting has the concept of a 3D universe
>Setting has the concept of dimensions
>Setting has the concept of a Universe

Get on my level


>setting has not-muslims
>setting has not-aztecs
>setting has no wall


the Vrykul from WoW
>10 foot tall robots cursed into becoming organic creatures
>get slowly twisted into worshiping the "god of death" that cursed them
>eventually the leader of an undead army shows up
>the start to revere him as the avatar of their god, and willingly join his armies, competing in great tournaments to decide who gets empowered into the great Ymirjar or cursed into the degenerate Vargul

Aside from the muh ice giants theme they have going on they have fuck all to do with norse.

Alright then asshole you run next session, see how you go, I'm fucking sick of GMing your ass.

they're clearly designed around Norsemen in everyway except for sea raiding, and there are subfactions that do that like the Kvaldir

fixed for accuracy

>World building fags
You fucks are literally the cancer that kills fun games.

>not just creating a world that's the sort of Medieval Western European perception of their own world.

>>Well in MY setting...!

Fixed properly this time

>Setting doesn't even try and pretend it's a fantasy culture
>Just drops Russia in the middle of it and says "a wizard did it"

"But then, the Slavs arrived."

Please elaborate? I don't see how is worldbuilding the opposite of fun.

It, like anything else, isn't cancer, but a lot of people who indulge in it are. It's because people think clever writing = subverting expectations for the sake of it. It's like they go on tvtropes and do the opposite so that their setting will be 'unique'.

Yeah because all Norsemen were warriors and their entire culture revolved around war right?

Because GMs spend ages working out the minutiae of their fictional worlds, yet most of it just gets wasted because the players never interact with the world that deeply.

Then they get pissy because the players don't love their precious Elfland as much as they do, even though the players have no reason to care about all the work they put into it because it's not built into their adventures properly.

And it's not built into their adventures because the GM has no idea how to actually tell a decent fucking story, and thinks that having a thousand pages of worldbuilding notes will make up for that deficiency.

so they have to be a 1:1 rip of the real life culture or it isn't a good adaptation? They took the warrior aspect and then did interesting things with the rest of it. The mythological aspect of their servitude to the Lich King is certainly more interesting than any other not-Vikings I've heard of

That would be the trope-y use of the Norse, yeah

>the GM has no idea how to actually tell a decent fucking story

Quite often, you'd think, they'd be better off writing a story. Because it's not that they can't tell a story, it's that they do all the prep-work for their lovely setting, and treat it like it's a book. It's one of the big difficulties with running a game for people - you can watch films and you can read books for inspiration, but you're not a director, and you're not an author, you don't have that level of control over your protagonists.

Same goes for players though; a book or a film or what-have-you is usually about one character doing things, and if they go into a game with an expectation of the game being wholly centred around their exploits, just like it is in Book X or Film Z, they're going to fuck up the game for everyone else, or come away from it pretty disappointed.

Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess. Was it 6th dungeon?
