What are werewolves like in your setting?
Do you like them full bestial?
Do they have some control?
Do they go full furry or olde school claws and a really thick beard?
What are werewolves like in your setting?
Do you like them full bestial?
Do they have some control?
Do they go full furry or olde school claws and a really thick beard?
user that's not lycanthropy that's gay manga
I'd recognize that dick anywhere
he's got the dick of champions, you'd better recognize nit
Fuck off, furry retard.
No. They are abominations. Humans who have been possessed or forced to be possessed by spirits of animals corrupted with torture and cruelty. Upon this fusion usually the pain and suffering will drive the individual into insanity leaving only baser instincts at play coupled with the fact that now the monstrosity kills not only to survive but merely for the sake of doing so as it now posses the capacity to do evil for the sake of such.
Over time the fusion of man and beast leads to strange and terrible mutations. assymetrical horns of elks, sometimes the elongated snout of a horse, extra rows of teeth and masses of fur and often claws and hooves in no particular arragement.
Those who do not succumb immediately to insanity are no less doomed and more so are capabale of even greater acts of evil as the spirit witih will slowly and surely corrupt their world view. Now instead of simply being a violent beast, they are violent with the capacity to extend suffering via torture and other such means.
I once had a DM who included Lycanthropes after some guy kept complaining about "the severe lack of werewolves in this setting". The Lycanthropes infected others through semen, and exclusively targeted men (since they made physically stronger werewolves).
I miss that DM.
In my setting lycanthropes are seen as blessed by the gods and make pilgrimages into the highlands where the giant tribes live, to kill as many as they can before dying.
Old school. It's a curse, you fuck up all you hold dear first as a completely berserk beast, then you just murder and fuck shit up in general.
Rycanthropy is Rewd
In my setting, lycanthropes are known to be suffering from a disease and therefore cannot help their condition.
Transforming and beastial behavior is the result of urges, not loss of mental faculties.
There is no reason that a lycanthrope with sufficient willpower could not go undetected for years, if they avoided silver.
They could be decent people.
Despite all of the above, they are universally reviled, distrusted, and either killed or driven out of every community.
They are openly regarded as scum and usually live up to the reputation.
So how did That Guy react?
Was he "I don't wanna be raped by no dickwolves!" or did the GM accidently his magical realm?
Full furry, but extremely fucked up. Instead of musclebound and large they are sinewy and gangly, with malshapen limbs and mismatched body parts. Breathing in a werewolf's breath infects you, and you transform under times of great stress. Once transformed, a werewolf will be locked in that form until the next full moon, during which they go through a final berserk rage until they tire out and fall unconscious.
Blessed silver is the only thing that can pierce their hide, so villages usually donate all the silver they own to the local church or convent.
The grand cathedral in the province's capital hides a werewolf formally known as a mighty paladin, through faith, he has retained enough sanity to remain lucid until the final rage of his transformations.
What is it with werewolves and women immediately wanting the knot?
I've been cursed with lycanthropy in two separate campaigns, and each time the girl in the group got all sympathetic and close to the character.
The natural way is essentially a Geas, you are possessed by an animal spirit that compels you to perform a certain task and you can either resist and get torn to shreds by the beast or do what it wants, get some cool powers for a time and die with your soul intact once the job is done. The man-made way is messy, unpredictable and only used by nutjob cultists and evil fuckers who don't care for the safety and well-being of their minions.
The same girl? It just might be her, not women in general.
>they are sinewy and gangly, with malshapen limbs and mismatched body parts.
Two separate girls, one was playing an alchemist and the other was playing a Paladin.
Apparently gave the knot to the Alchemist.
Fuck yeah.
Though, imagine less hairy and more warped, like Ludwig except with a wolf instead of a horse.
It's because werewolves are rough, savage beasts with vaguely compatible genitalia (big enough to fit, small enough to not kill). It's basically animal magnetism on a monstrous scale; the creature is intelligent yet feral, and in some cases used to be (or still is) a man the woman might have cared for.
There's a lot of fear involved with werewolves, and fear is a close cousin to lust. The knot is just the cherry on top of a fucked up monster-sex sundae, a big ole corded ball of muscle that looks too big to fit, but it does. It's the hedonistic, forbidden thrill of a partner that has something they've never tried before, all wrapped up in a killing machine that possibly views the girl as some sort of breeding bitch.
Lots of kinks and fetishes a lot of women adore are going on with werewolves.
Yeah this post reads weird, but things are going to get weird when talking about werewolf dicks.
I really like that style of axe, but I have no idea what it's called.
I'm sorry, "apparently"?
Looks like a carpenter axe. Not exactly built for combat. Would break pretty easily.
The long bit of the blade that curves down towards the handle is called the Beard, apparently. Type Bearded Axe into Google and see what comes up.
You aren't actually in control of the character when they change, user. Some DMs have you straight up leave the room until the next day, like what my DM did.
I came back to that session with the alchemist walking funny and the DM telling me my character shifted the night before, alchemist took it with a skip and a smile, though. She wound up figuring out an elixir that made the shifts voluntary and controlled. That's when she actually started overtly courting my character.
Tacticool werewolves!
I once had a setting where the Boyars of the North Realm were literally werewolves, who would wear specially fitted armor that was made to expand and accommodate their lycan forms, so when they shape changed they would turn into armored whirlwinds of destruction. This was one of the primary reasons their lands were never conquered. Also, taking the Knot was considered an honor.
>cyberpunk werewolves because some corporation wants to grow supersoldiers etc.
I never knew I wanted that...
I want this now.
So your GM doesn't make you go on a rampage against all living things while transformed? I asked mine if I could play a natural born lycanthrope seeking a way to free himself from the curse through alchemy but I didn't want to slaughter or be slaughtered by my party. The idea was that he hated the curse and became an alchemist to find a potion that could cure him and meanwhile he would knock himdself out with a sleep potion during full moons. Instead I became the goddamn healer again because no one else plays clerics in my group...
Well, that depends on where you are.
Some folk in the north use sympathetic magic to take on aspects of wolves and bears in battle. They tend to be the most "normal" in day-to-day life, seeing as they have to be wearing the pelts and war paint to use these powers.
Then just a biiiit to the southeast, you have the Wolf Princes who take the forms of great wolves to protect their kingdoms from the enemies their armies cannot face.
Go far enough west from there, and you get witches who intentionally take on the forms of wolves to hunt their unprepared victims.
Then there was that one guy who got a blessing from the nature god that let him just turn people into werewolves. Nobody talks about him much.
>She wound up figuring out an elixir that made the shifts voluntary and controlled.
Well, she had to pass the time with something, spending an hour tied to someone's crotch...
Werewolves are the spawn of Yana, mother of wolves. She blessed her wolves so they could become strong and fend for themselves.
Women who are bitten by these wovles will turn into werewolves. Men will die. The women go full bestial, no part of their former selves will remain.
Holy shit.
Any chummers in this thread know how I could make this?
Loup Garou is way too Wolf-man, and SURGE is really hard to work a backround into because lolmagic!
Like werewolf the Apocalypse but less ecoterrorism.
Source on this? I recognize Itsy at least but who's the other guy?
they're very hairy but otherwise normal people with wolf like traits (fangs, claws) who transform into full blown 10 ft tall wolf beasts during full moons and do wolf things like howling at the moon, hiding from fire and humans, killing sheep and sniffing each others buttholes. they're infertile in this transformed state and experience no sexual arousal.
I think Rycanthropy is the author, not (knot?) the title.
The curse grows more powerful over time, the more blood the werewolf has spilt the stronger they are while transformed.
Newly cursed are essentially just berserkers heavily influenced by the moon with a slight increase in strength, they start to get some additional predatory insticnts but are mostly the same during the day
Moderately advanced cases of the curse cause a thick fur to grow over the body, an increase in all physical characteristics, and the growing of vicious fangs and claws. The cursed looks like a wolfman. When untransformed they maintain heightened senses and begin to take on minor characteristics of their transformed state.
Advanced cases impart massively increased physical traits, magical resilience, fur hard enough to act as armor, and resistance to traditional weaknesses. The transformation also begins to last longer, given time the cursed will always be in wolf form, with the exception of the night of the new moon. The cursed takes the form of a wolf the size of a small car. The cursed is no longer a person with the form of a wolf, but the reverse at this point, their hair is fur like, their eyes reflective and gold, their teeth sharp and fingers tipped in claws. They have an overpowering need to hunt and kill and have little memory of who they used to be.
Full on furry and nobody cares.
I talked with the girl over PMs about what happened things got lewd when she learned I'm not a prude and apparently she was trying to collect samples of my character's blood while he was transforming.
It's not hard to guess how it happened, she got more than just blood samples.
But yeah, the character's in control of his shifting now, and the relationship he's got with the alchemist is honesty very adorable. Turbo-lewd in private sure, but in-game it's almost like San from Princess Mononoke, with the awkward young alchemist becoming a wild woman mounted on the back of a giant killing machine.
She spent it laying on a big fuzzy chest, getting licked all over.
There's a whole board available for you to air your concerns
What this guy said. You have to remember that many women have rape fantasies (very different from actual rape), and more than a few have wondered how it would be to take a horse or dog cock if it wasn't attached to a smelly animal, or potentially lethal in the case of the former.
>not /trash/
He seems friendly, so the least you can do is point him on the right direction.
>would be to take a horse or dog cock if it wasn't attached to a smelly animal, or potentially lethal in the case of the former.
>potentially lethal
Ever hear of Mr. Hands?
Mr. Hands would have a word with you.
If he weren't dead.
>rape fantasies (very different from actual rape)
It's not rape if you enjoy it...
Guys, you're missing the part that this specific incident was lethal BECAUSE said horse cock was attached to dumb smelly animal. Specifically because the animal panicked and did some sudden movement while the guy was nailed on it. The size had nothing to do with the lethality, you could do the same kind of damage with a pencil. If you lodged it deep inside guy's colon and then jerked it around like that.
I actually tried to make a game of this concept for a class. Unfortunately It never got past the 1st level, and even that was horribly unfinished.
Is there a femalw equivalent of "thinking with your dick"? Uterus? Ovaries?
Not the phrase. But yes, women are just as sexually motivated as men are. A lot of us just aren't as forward about it as you are.
>women are just as sexually motivated as men are
that's bullshit, I'm sorry. It's not purely a cultural thing.
Testosterone leads to a much higher sex drive in men, as reported by several studies and personal experience from FTM transexuals who start hormone therapy.
I wouldn't consider this thinking with your dick/uterus.
This is what happens when you present potential non-human sex partners to someone who's used to getting fucked by other humans. It's like asking why so many men are into centaurs, or lamia, or catgirls or the plethora of other fantastical races out there.
Women are used to only getting one type of dick, all others locked behind that pesky little thing called "it's a fucking animal, you freak." Once that limiter is removed, what's stopping them from sampling a Tiefling's horse dick? Shifter knot? Why only experience a single variation of cock when others exist?
Underrated post
I know this is furry bait, but I'ma bite it.
>What are werewolves like in your setting?
They are an example of the seven sins, and each one is forced to follow a specific sin, while they are forced to follow the opposite of another sin... So for example.
Werewolf #1
Takes Lustful (bow-chika-wow-wow)
Then, takes Kind (So no rapey rape.)
Basically, this means that you can have a mean motherfucker, who gives his money out freely, etc...
>Do you like them full bestial?
Sort of, in Wolf Form they go full bestial instincts, while in Hybrid form it's kind of half feral.
>Do they have some control?
No, but they are heavily influenced by the moon and shit. Also, each sin has it's own influence.
Lustful: Fuck everyone, literally.
Pride: Dude just insulted you? Fuck his shit up.
Gluttony: Might as well eat everything, what's the worst that could happen?
Wrath: Blood for the Blood God!
Greedy: Steal everything that's not bolted down.
Similar to the virtues.
>Do they go full furry or olde school claws and a really thick beard?
Full furry, I guess. For maximium RIP AND TEAR
Fuck you, you furry.
But otherwise, my players have pulled some major fucking shit with my rules. I will say though, werewolves are cool so long as you don't try to have furry sex with other players.
Not wereWOLF but...
Okay, those briefs killed it for me.
Almost spilled my drink.
>But yes, women are just as sexually motivated as men are.
This is what women actually believe.
>Ever see women watching male strippers? They're laughing, joking, dancing, and having a good time.
>Ever see men watching female strippers? *emotionless staring intensifies*
>Ever see a lion watch a gazelle? *emotionless staring intensifies*
- Larry Miler
>I'm using the joke of a two-bit comedian as fact
>A joke that equates men to predators, no less
I'll admit, it's exciting maybe the first time you see it and then it's just boring afterwards.
Then again, women are under no real social restrain either so they can cut loose and get away with it, if a bunch of dudes rushed the stag and touched the stripper everyone one of them is getting busted in the nuts with sexual assualt. Hell, you can even touch them when doing lap dances. Strippers are a waste of time and money anyways. If we arn't going to fuck my money is wasted on you.
The men who regularly go to strip clubs are desperate, lonely and honestly quite pathetic. I don't see why you're using the words of a comedian to prove this is somehow truth on how a well-balanced man behaves when presented with a sexually desirable partner.
>personal experience from mentally unstable people
>that's bullshit, I'm sorry.
What's bullshit, that women don't like sex as much as men, or women don't try to hunt for sex as much as men?
Because I'll be honest with you, women love sex. The only reason it doesn't look like they're as motivated to get it is because most women aren't thirsty fucks that need to prowl the streets for the slightest prospect of a good lay.
>most women aren't thirsty fucks that need to prowl the streets for the slightest prospect of a good lay.
You've never been out on a Friday night, have you?
Oh hush, I'm filter-feeding the guy that thinks women are dainty virginal gazelles and men are ravenous lions.
I've actually been sitting on a similar character idea, for a while, but I went full WEEB with it, and he just drags around a big giant coffin, and seals himself in it every full moon.
>women love sex
well sure
>The only reason it doesn't look like they're as motivated to get it is because most women aren't thirsty fucks that need to prowl the streets for the slightest prospect of a good lay.
isn't that a bit redundant? 'women look like they don't want sex as much as men do, but that's just because they don't try so hard to get it?'
I'd wager it's not even about how much you 'like' or 'don't like' sex because sure, women get as much pleasure out of sex out of men. It's just that testosterone turns it into a more urgent need for men than it is for women.
Werewolf monks.
Wasn't this line of conversation started when someone insisted women can't be interested in horse-dick or the knot because women just don't look for sex the same way men do?
Okay yeah, here's the start of it.
The user was asking why women are so attracted to the idea of thick meaty monster dicks, an user stated women are motivated by sex just as much as men (which is obviously in reference to the female interest in the knot) and someone went off on a tirade how women just aren't interested in pursuing sex.
Like, what's the point of this debate anymore? What are we trying to prove? That women just aren't interested in sex and in fact they're meek little maids who sit on the concrete Savannah, waiting for a male lion to mount them?
Kind of like Beorn from Lord of the Rings, mixed with Discworld werewolves.
>What are werewolves like in your setting?
A curse handed down from the Gods, passed onto a single female, whose very sweat is enough to inflict the curse on another. If she is killed (an insurmountable task, even burning, decapitation, and burial wont do the trick), the curse is immediately passed on to another. As part of the curse, all living things instinctively detest and fear them and their kin.
>Do you like them full bestial?
They turn into bipedals of great speed and strength, and are recognizably wolvish. They don't take on a full wolf form.
>Do they have some control?
They only act by the progenitor's whims, and the progenitor can control them with the same ease she controls her own body. Transformed or not.
>Do they go full furry or olde school claws and a really thick beard?
Thick spine fur, bristly hairs all over, and long claws. They're much more likely to crush you to death than slash you with claws though.
No. In fact, the presence of a humanlike penis is one of the fastest ways to identify a werewolf as opposed to wolvish beastmen.
>testosterone turns it into a more urgent need
Except when you divert that testosterone to other purposes, like men have been doing for millennia.
It's called a conversation, user. Someone starts talking, someone else starts talkign afterwards, and then they're talking about the last thing someone said instead of how the conversation started.
The point is to converse and be social and share opinions. Y'know, normal human being stuff.
>the presence of a humanlike penis is one of the fastest ways to identify a werewolf as opposed to wolvish beastmen.
"A beastial biped with a long muzzle and snout leaps from the darkness, snarling and roaring, clearly intent on killing you."
"Spot check?"
"You spotted dick."
In my setting werewolves are people cursed by vampires.
How bestial they are is influenced by both the phase of the moon as well as the whims of the vampire at that time.
Most vampires use that as a way of controlling their werewolves. Werewolves who disobey orders become mindless beasts, while those that are loyal have a lot of control over themselves and their shapeshifting powers.
>What are werewolves like in your setting?
Big, fluffy, scary but friendly.
I played a similar character. Played a naturaly lycanthrope hunter in pathfinder with a mastiff companion on the outskirts of werewolf-infested not!London who hated his curse and kept it hidden. Campaign died around level 5 though. Shame, because the build was actually pretty sick. And it was around the time that Bloodborne came out, so I knew where my DM got most of the inspiration.
>>I'm using the joke of a two-bit comedian as fact
I'm using it to describe a fact humorously, and fuck you he did the best bit on drinking I've ever seen.
Good points about strip clubs. But the question is regarding sexual motivation.
Would most women ever behave that way, or do half the stupid things men do, out of desire for sex?
Men are motivated to do extraordinary things for sex.
Men think about sex more often.
Men consistently act with a greater sense of urgency regarding sex.
Everything about the biology of male reproduction ties into that urgency.
Men are more motivated by sex.
That doesn't mean women don't love sex as much or more than men.
It doesn't mean women aren't motivated by sex.
It might not even be biological. It might stem from the social truth that most any woman could get sex by lowering her standards past acceptable levels, while the same is not true for most any man.
There are reasons why there are less homeless women and straight male prostitutes.
Okay, I'm asking the awkward question so future generations don't have to.
In your opinion, what is the best kind of dick and why? Assume the dick is attached to the person you love.
>Barbed dicks
>Horse dicks
Heh They're were-lions. And I didn't say the gazelles were innocent
Why aren't lion-based catfolk more popular in tabletop? Like, wouldn't everyone want to play a fabulously muscular lion-bro with a glorious mane of golden hair?
Regular person who goes full on beastman when the moon strikes. Absolutely zero control.
>Men consistently act with a greater sense of urgency regarding sex.
>Everything about the biology of male reproduction ties into that urgency.
top jej
You don't tend to see men worrying about their biological clocks ticking.
I heard somewhere that human dicks were evolved to evoke the most pleasure, based on how long we last compared to other species (who evolved to blow their load as quick as possible, because there's nothing more vulnerable to a predator than two prey attempting to mate).
No actual research or anything attached to that, but it seems plausible.
>Why aren't lion-based catfolk more popular in tabletop?
Try to play a Thundercat and everyone tells you to yiff in hell.
Fur has largely been ruined furries and anti-furries.
Wouldn't blowing your load faster mean the dick causes more pleasure for the male?
I believe the human dick was designed to compete with other males in orgies, where our unusually large glans were literally designed to scoop out competing semen while engaging in sloppy seconds.