Does anyone here know where I can get a 2 sided dice? i need it for 50/50 rolls.
Does anyone here know where I can get a 2 sided dice? i need it for 50/50 rolls
Flip a coin.
If this isn't bait (it is), you are retarded.
I don't have a coin.
Then how will you buy the dice?
flip a debit card
With paper money?
user, evens or odds works equally well.
No it doesn't you can rig it. See, I'm getting odds.
a coin is a 2 sided dice.
>I don't have a coin.
then use your computer or phone or whatever you are accessing Veeky Forums with to find a coin flip simulator online.
This is my favorite bait
A coin can land on edge; it's not actually a perfect modeling of .5 probability.
A die can break when you roll it; a corner might get crushed and crumble off mid-flight and it could land on the stump.
It might snap in half and land on the numbers side with a blank gaping nothing pointing upwards.
It might get eaten by a dog while in transit.
Does anyone here know where I can find a 2.5 sided die?
Yes, this is why we don't use dice, we use CSPRNGs with a strong extractor.
Should be "a 2-sided die". "Dice" is the plural.
It's the one on the left. You're welcome.
>nothing can go wrong with a computer
wew lad. you might as well be rolling hollow glass dice. or eggshells.
Look at this scrub.
I bet you even think my computers are colocated, don't you?
Networks are a meme, get yourself a mainframe senpai.
They're called coins. Flip them.
RIP your RNG when a coast collapses into the ocean.
Take a six sided dice, even numbers equals twos, odd numbers equal one.