How are Space Marines humans...

How are Space Marines humans? They clearly are fucking mutants just not the warp type I would like to remind you that humans have only one heart, can't spit acid and don't live for centuries.

They round off to human in the larger context. Remember, you're fighting fungus that shoots you with mind bullets.

Well when a man loves the Emperor and they put a dozen different extra organs and growth serums into him..

Nice bait.

Oh but psykers who look way more human suddenly are mutants right?

they're post-humans

you tolerate them because they were made by your god and share his blood

That faggot vegetable on golden toilet wasn't human either.

They channel warp. It's less normal than being a big guy with parts of primarch bioengineered in

They're still genetically and born human but augmented to the point where they can fuck up the enemies of Man.
Also you probably dont wanna ostracize the supermen who keep the aliens from felating your asshole

It's a very, very useful and very, very mighty vegetable, so...

They're just humans with lots of augmentations. Same as the techpriests, just more organic augments than mechanical ones. They still retain the human form.

Space Marines are too few to be relevant on the galactic scale. The Guard and especially the Navy are more important in the greater scheme of things.
>felating your asshole
I don't even want to know what it means.

A mutation would be a genetic difference from the human baseline. As the organs of the Space Marine gene-seed are implanted into humans rather than grown with humans in vats, Space Marines are human.

>humans not living for centuries

2/10 got me to reply

The guard/skitarii does 99% of the fighting, the space marines take 90% of the credit. Space marines are supposed to be the scalpel of the imperium, doing surgical strikes to take out the most important objective. The guard is the hammer of the imperium, meant to smash aside opposition with numbers and copious amounts of dakka and adamantium balls. Most of the fluff doesn't show this though and has the space marines fighting as elite yet frontline troops in situations where the guard could have achived the same results with much less loss to the imperium. For the kind of losses they take in the fluff, chapters should number at least 10,000 and have a scout class numbering at least 1000 at all times for fresh recruits. Headcanon says this is the case and the imperium lies about the numbers to make the marines seem more mythical than they really are

>Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the salty tears of mortals

Anyone has the wemb where he Emperor explains this?

You know, you have a point there user. Add in there clearly heretical beliefs, I guess the Inquisition better get started purging every Space Marine chapter.

Surely that will not be difficult in the slightest or leave the Imperium far weaker than if it just ignored this hypocrisy.

I don't get this really.

40k is constantly brought up as a HFY setting. Except the real heroes of that setting aren't even human, they're mutants who spit acid and eat brains. Even their thinking is utterly alien to an average person, they're basically biorobots hardwired towards religious fundamentalism. Meanwhile actual humans live in degenerate, squalid feudal conditions in a thinly veiled metaphor for Stalinism and serve their blockheaded mutant masters as lowly serfs or meatshields. How is this pro-humanity again?

>40k a HFY setting
>shit nigga what are you smoking and please pass it around

It's because 40k is actually an everything is shit for everyone all the time setting.

Even the Astartes don't claim they're humans. They have this whole shtick going that they they sacrificed their humanity in order to become the living weapons with which Humanity will fight off the darkness. Or something alog the line, differs from chapter to chapter.

Still, they are not mutants to be abhored, they ware created, their growth controled, and their essence comes from the Emperor himself and his divine sons. Again, or something along the line.

>real heroes
>not human
The real heroes are the guard and navy, user.

>was created by hundreds of human shamans merging together.
>not human

He is more human than you, faggot.

>>was created by hundreds of human shamans merging together.


The Emperor is a member of a group of prehistoric Immortals called the True Perpetuals. He gained his godlike powers by bargaining with the gods of Chaos.

So no, he is not more human than that user or you and I.

Fuck. You reminded me of a thing I made myself forget. Horus Heresy was a mistake. Oh, and fuck you for reminding me.

this makes me think why do the guardsmen have so much respect to the SM praising them as angels. Why don't the SM praise the guardsmen .

Because Guardsmen are insignificant specs.

Is this a thing? Seriously?

This should not be a fucking thing

>being a big guy

Is this fucking canon? I need source right the fuck now.

>believing anything a Lord of Change declares to be true

This version of events comes from a Lord of Change talking to Horus trying to convince him to submit to Chaos.

Take it with all the salt in the Sahara Desert.

Horus Heresy novels, specifically Vengeful Spirit.

>Every human life is a spark in the darkness. It flares for a moment, catches the eye, and is gone forever. A retinal after-image that fades and is obscured forever by newer, brighter lights.

>Men united in the purpose of the Emperor are blessed in his sight and shall live forever in his memory.

>But the universe is a big place and, whatever happens, you will not be missed...

Because the worst you can say about Astartes is that they are heavily augmented humans. Try to ban augmentation in general and you piss off the Ad-Mech.