Argh! How is this your "address", do they mail it?
Screw it - I'm just a dumb girl who doesn't get/understand Bitcoin
Argh! How is this your "address", do they mail it?
Screw it - I'm just a dumb girl who doesn't get/understand Bitcoin
Nice repost, fuck off idiot
( ᷅᷄ ) wow meaner than my cat!
tits or gtfo
fuck off u poor bitch
Oh look, a shitty beg thread
Send fuck you money to this address instead: 1Dw5wDumMAdj54jsGyp7DM7yRHjxdtCu3J
Any coins received will stay there forever and you will never get to spend them
It's the address that holds your amount of BTC/ETH/WhateverOtherShitcoin
Imagine responding seriously.
This is a wallet address, where you keep your bitcoin. give out this number to allow people to send you bitcoin.. this is your public key (or wallet address). The private key is what you need to send bitcoins dint give that to anyone... Also, what is Google
I like girls
On the off chance this is even legit, you want this dumb bitch that is FOMOing to make money?
your address needs to start with your name
ex. 4Ariad3kJr7AY2YtkbzpEfFa7MPSxs7stP3hV3DH6eU4ZzAqi1oJw2GgBKZmYHcJsz5KAS3vwCjRwKBzR5av1YzLCMdK3Ta
beeeeee my crypto brainlet gf
i will teach you the ways of pump and dump
so its a mailbox?.. (¬_¬)
I cannot believe how retarded you are, why are you even in crypto.
I'm a grill btw XD
( . )( . )
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Idk.. I wanted to be one of the guys I guess.
You can't be this new.
Can you freaking mail something to your bank account number!?
No, it like comparing carots and potatoes.
You cypto address is just a name for your "bank account" equivalent in cryptoworld.
Lurk moar godam!
Perdon me but how much did you put and in wich coin?
imagine being fucking stupid enough that you respond to this thread
>falling for shitty bait
Autism at its finest
>Being dumb enough to respond to this shit
my bro helped set up bitcoin on a website called coinbase.com
and there are other coins that you know about? sorry
If you want normies to buy, you need to at least say them how.
can a bait really be shitty if it gets this many responses?
t. philosopher
It's okay but there are few rules if you want to fit here.
Here we go for Veeky Forums 101:
Lurk more is the first one.
No girls on the internet (meaning we don't care if you are a girl a boy or anything else, don't mention it if you are not wiling to show your tits / dick (-> /aco))
This is a freaking imageboard! Use nice, degenerate image instead of smileys.
As for coins, lurk more.
You bougth bitcoin without even knowing what it was. Teach yourself what it is and wht are the risk / rewards before going further.
Also, compulsory tits or gtfo.
send pic of boob and vagene
>> I'm just a dumb girl
means you're a dude.
ヾ( ・`⌓´・)ノ゙
Argh stop fighting, im sorry!
I'll just ask my brother its fine.
Did you just read?
It's how things work down there.
(As a side note this thread have been particularly nice, may I add)
So stop complaining, tuff up, and enjoy the Veeky Forums's full retard ride!