Charm Edition.


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

Other urls found in this thread:


Does Vision Charm work with Sundial of the Infinite like I think it does?

What are people hopeing for in the 4 colour commanders? I think no matter what the b/w/g/u commander does I'm going to turn him into 4 colour enchantment goodstuff. Daxos made me fall in love with enchantments but it annoyed me that I couldn't tap into green.

How do you figure?

Official Color Identity Tier list

God Tier
Sultai, Bant, Temur.

GU Tier

Middle Tier

Blue Tier

At Least You Still Have 3 Colors Tier

Poor Guilds Tier

Other Monos Tier

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Anyone have a good yasova dragonclaw deck?

If you mean make it permanent, no.

God Tier

GU Tier

Middle Tier

Good Mono Tier

Kaalia / Alesha Tier

Poor Guilds Tier


Other Mono Tier

Meme Tier

Golgari (specifically gitrog)

fixed for you friend, no need to thank me

What's your favorite charm?

Pic related:
Ramp? Recursion? Evasion?
And only one color, so your deck just has to have green and you're good.

>not enjoying cantripping strip mine

I play Jhoira. Both the destroy artifact and remove/add suspend counters mode are pretty much always useful. The Trample mode has it's moments too.

>implyingi dont already do that in the original memeoplasm deck

That isnt ramp.

Bant charm is best charm
>destroy artifact
>tuck a creature
>counter an instant

What's your favorite charm?

Sultai Charm, hands down.

Sultai because it's the best one.

> hating on meme frog because of 4 chins
For being "meme" tier he's a fuck good commander.

just because he is in meme tire doesnt mean i hate him. just easy meme tier

Actually it is the rakdos charm. I use it in my nekusar deck at most I will take 3-4 dmg whereas everyone else will take 10 about or so

Both these lists are good, especially because of the fact that esper isn't on them. It's too good for lists.

>Temur God Tier
mah nigga

>Unironically liking degenerate Golgari
For what reason?

What blue/black/colorless creature hate is good to use? I have things like The Abyss, Tabernacle (land), and Invoke Prejudice. At the moment, I'm not sure of what other cards I could use.

>he doesn't like the waifu quadfecta, meren, sisters, savra, and glissa...

If you don`t mind getting a ton of hate

>not the monogreen waifus of azusa, titania, yeva, nissa, freyalise, ayumi, and nylea

I learned to play around invasion. My first "good" casual U/B deck used 2 copies (all i owned so wanted a playset) of that card plus color changers like Sway of Illusion for one sided board wipes. Throw in some counterspells & Fact or Fiction and I accidentally baby's first control deck.

Anyone else have cards from when they first learned to play always sneak into their EDH decks?

arena of the ancients
ensaring bridge

I have just the thing for you. Look under the tax section.


I'm hoping BUGR is a +1/+1 counters matter, just so I can play 4 color Kraj

Other than that I'm just hoping there are at least 2 Commanders and the Nephilm (even if they aren't legendary)

how should i handle popping out some of these cards for the maybeboard? i like the morbid mechanic, but i cant think of solid cuts for these. also avatar of woe im thinking should be in the deck, based on how good it is.


With that last one? No, because Sundial explicitly says "end of turn" effects end when you use it

The only thing really pops in your Maybe is the Avatar, Malicious Affliction, and Reaper of the Abyss
But the deck looks solid so I don't know what to tell you

should i take out shriek for avatar? since it destroys target creature instead of target non black non artifact? or am i going about it wrong?

also considering pathbreaker out for reaper, but malicious i dont know what. also supposed to be on that block is v hexmage, so idk if i should add that or not as well

>God Tier Temur

What universal denial effects are there for Zedruu?
Mindlock orb, hushwing gryff, torpor orb come to mind.
Current shit list:

Gravity Sphere can dick over flying-heavy decks

So I finally brewed up a list for pic related.


It is basically exactly what you would expect. Only odd bit is I'm only running 28 lands total, with 8 ramp artifacts and a copy of Hide Tide.

Surprisingly enough, I have yet to have a hand that is not keepable. Any hand with at least two blue sources is an instant keep. And because of how much card draw I'm running, I actually have had trouble not hitting lands.

Anyways please give the deck a look. I'd appreciate any suggestions or critique. Hell, I probably missed some card or another that goes amazingly well with this little blue bugger.

So, how does it win?

By drawing cards my friend. And by making you draw cards.

Chasm Skulker
Ebony Owl Netsuke
Iron Maiden
Jace's Erasure
Laboratory Maniac
Psychosis Crawler
Rite of Replication
Sphinx's Tutelage

With no hand size limit and Teferi's Puzzle Box you can suddenly be drawing quite a lot of cards every turn.

35 lands are what you want for competitive decks.
That's the absolute minimum, 37-39 is what I usually run. My ultra polished daretti runs 35 lands.
Also don't be like that one guy who said one ritual is fine.

So Blind Seer can change its own color. Does that mean protection wouldn't apply if you targeted something with protection from blue using its ability?

Try doing some playtest with the deck on tappedout. It is actually amazing how little I worry about being able to hit a land drop.

So, why not just use Nekusar instead?

This guy's right, the lowest I go is 34 and that's only in my Mizzix where I'm running a giant pile of rocks and proliferating storage lands the whole game.

Because that's overdone to hell. And I wanted to try Mono-Blue.

I know it's not the best there ever was, but it's fun.

If I am to put in more lands, what would you cut?

Can someone critique this? I feel like it's shit. I don't want it to be competitive or anything, but I don't want it to be bad.


No Avenger of Zendikar?

not doran, but i prefer sepulchral primordial

I actually almost took out the whole table with a Rakdos Charm with it's 1 for each creature effect. I had a Mogis on board and Furnace of Rath, everyone had been eating the 4 turn after turn, everyone had a few creatures, and life totals were low. The player in the lead had Nissa (Worldwaker) ready to ult. Had they ulted before combat to pull out all of their basic lands for elementals, the Charm would have dealt enough damage to win.

>god tier
>UGx, UGx and UGx
How does it feel like to be wrong?

Dawn charm for sure

Loads of really competitive decks use 30-32 lands. They also run all legal moxen, dorks and 1-2 drop mana rocks to make up for it though.

you should run wall of tanglecord

thanks for the suggestions. Will take them into account.

Does anyone here use Cockatrice? I'd really like to play with folks using cards I haven't bought yet in order to feel better before I spend money. I know I can just print proxies but still.

Is your commander canonically dead? If not do you wish for them to come back like Ezuri or Rhys?

I'm actually curious what brago was like when he was alive.

How do you define this?

Funny. It feels a lot like being vailidated by a salty user who wishes blue and green weren't the best colors and having one or both is what makes a color combo strong.

My favorite combos are Rakdos and Orzov. This isn't a speshul fee fees contest, this is a tier list.

>mfw my Volrath deck has gone 6-0 since making it
>mfw all but one kill has been the result of dropping Draco from my hand for a 1-shot kill

Conjurer's Bauble.

Plz explain further

>Swing with Volrath
>Goes unblocked
>Use his ability
>Discard Draco from hand
>Gets +16/+16
>Deal 22 Commander damage

Guys my playgroup doesn't play with commander damage. We follow pretty much every other rule but not the whole 21 commander damage is death. We generally play 4+ player FFAs so this is rarely and issue and it would be a big pain to keep track of everything. But at the same time it discourages certain decks since. I am working on building a boros deck and was going to use Kalemne but it seems like Aurelia or Gisela would be better given these rules.
Does anyone else play like this or has any experience convincing their group to play with commander damage?

Oh yea ofc... That is a cool "mini"-combo. Damn... I had forgot Volraths ability and didnt look him up...

Post deck desu

Yeah and my Arcanis got consistent T4 wins on tappedout.net
I'm sure there's some, but they would also have green which is not Kami colours.
Cut Puzzle Box, and most of the howling mine effects. You're not playing nekusar, and if you were this would be a shitty nekusar.
Drawing a shitton of cards is cute, but you need to win. Psychosis crawler is pretty good at that.
Add pact of negation, otherwise there's no real need to run tolaria west.
Add arcane lab because
>pic related
(thanks to whoever made that)
Turnabout lets you cast costly spells with high tide.
Cut the x-draw cards as well(except blue zenith) and add the more efficient draw cards; compulsive research, thirst for knowledge (add seat of synod), and whatnot.
Ghost quarter+Tec edge get rid of lands which is blues weak spot.
Rapid hybridization, reality shift, and pongify are also weak in multiplayer. Add things like evacuation on their place.
Arcanis+mind over matter is a good infinite combo (with a graveyard shuffle, ideally kozilek/ulamog but elixir of immortality works too) which can win with blue zenith.
Hope this helped a bit. Remember that commander isn't overloading on similar effects to your commander, because your commander does that already.
Howling mine can stay because 2cmc.

You're pretty much alone here. Commander damage is a non-issue in almost every other playgroup. Change groups or hope the group spontaneously decides to play differently.

I am disgusted every time I see these baby horse tentacles.

Which howling mine effects to cut? All besides howling mine?

As you said it is almost a non-issue. I was more asking if other groups do the same thing. As for changing groups I play with my good friends so that is not really an option. Plus there are few places around here that allow you to drink beer so I think I will just stick to playing at someone's residence.

Also after checking the least I've seen on mtgtop8.com is 36 lands, and almost all green decks run 39, some run 38 or 37

...that's French.

Yea, and in multiplayer there would be more land destruction, so run more lands is me point

The best Brago, Jelava/Grixis storm and Zur Doomsday lists play 30ish lands.

These are decks trying to combo off or establish a lock by t3-4. Land destruction is generally too slow for the very top t1 lists.

My biggest question is how your group ended up not playing with commander damage

>Jeleva storm
Is this for real?


Goldfish it a bit and decide for yourself.

Do you attack with Jeleva at all or she is just for colors?

Well, I updated it based on your suggestions.

Look better?


Mainly the colours, but she offers something to get gas if you start to fizzle, which makes her better than other grixis generals for the deck.

We never really played with it when we started. Also when we have been drinking and playing a 5 person FFA it is a hassle to keep track of. Really the only commander in our meta it would be a big deal for is Uril and he has no interest in playing with it. It has been generally irrelevant but since I am making Nekusar and Kalemne I was thinking of bringing it up to them again.

Fair enough, My group uses different colored spindowns dice to keep track of it, but given your case I can see why its something you haven't played with


I'm trying to make my deck competitive to try and keep up with all the combo friends in my meta anything im missing as one of the only aggro guys?

I actually made that picture, I got a good laugh seeing it used again.

Your Kami is much different than mine. I'm running most stasis effects and bounce spells. Let me know how it runs!

Honestly, my kami doesn't win with damage, so I have no idea how well this will run. If it fails, do what I did, remove all spells that do damage And add as much control as you can. Run as many stasis effects as possible (back to basics, meekstone, winter orb, static orb, porticulus, stasis, arcane lab)

Run as much bounce as you can (c. Rift), and my diamond in the rough for Kami is turbulent dreams.

Best of luck!

If you are playing control, don't cut any of them, run horn of greed, howling mine, font of mythos, anvil of bogarden, temple bell, otherworldly atlas, then run windfall effects (Jaces archivist!) And make sure you are packing library of leng.

Mind over matter +temple bell/otherworldly atlas is a win con

If you are not running control and playing more like a blue nekusar, I have no idea how you should build

>Good Tier

>Not as Good Tier
Everything else

This guy has been one of my favorite cards since he came out and I've always wanted to build an EDH around him. Anyone have any interesting ideas other than using a bunch of artifacts that tap and untap him to clear out the field? I feel like I could be missing some fun stuff.

too bad pic related is white


Damn you're right, that would be fucking sick.

Inspired was a really lame mechanic, but Macar is pretty cool. You have to find ways to use that gold token besides manaramp.

Who is the funnest tribal commander?

Mistform Ultimus

Krenko, I think.
Shame there's only like two things you can do with him. Hope he gets a new card when we return to ravnica again.

My current Kothophed list, need to throw in a Pox or Sinkhole, and have an Expedition Map to put in. Recently added a Maze of Ith, but yeah, currently the deck is working out well. Thoughts?