What's the minimum acceptable height for a human adventurer? 6'1"? Thankfully my DM just lets me make my PCs the same height as me automatically, but I think I'd have to quit the game instantly if I randomly rolled a manlet adventurer who was under 6'.
What's the minimum acceptable height for a human adventurer? 6'1"...
>playing a game with "adventurer" PCs
You got something against short Adventurers?
This must be the most pathetic post in tg so far.
Instead of putting down specific heights and weights, I just say Average or Above/Below Average. Odds are you don't really care about precision, just how you compare to the people around you.
>random character rolling
People should learn already that while RPing different characters is certainly a mark of skill, even most skilled RPer wil RP character he feels better and can identify with stronger on a completely different level than random rolled shit. Leave showing off with ability to play "anything" to the DM, that is his job
And I know height is actually minor shit, but generally, randomp-rolling is stupid.
Based Veeky Forumsizen
This actually just makes me sad.
I disagree to an extent. Really character depth and their purpose cones down to the player. Some people like to basically play themselves, like OP who is a 6 ft + Veeky Forumsizen, snd enjoys playing essentially himself.
Other people like an escape, for instance I enjoy Halflings, dwarves and the occasional human cleric.
Some of my favorite and best developed characters have been randomly rolled, partially because I had to build off what I was given and think outside my normal comfort zone with characters.
Of course we all have our own tastes in characters
The fuck does height have to do with anything?
Wrestled in high school, one guy on our team was a 5'4" brick of muscle, built like an oversize dwarf barbarian. Heavyweight of course, past point of the little 5 lb divisions for lower weight classes.
Team goes to a meet, other team has a "heavyweight" of their own. Fucker is 7' tall but gangly, even if he did have some muscle.
Our guy dominates the match, can whip tall-boy around like a ragdoll.
Height means jack other than hitting your head on things.
Do you have some sort of complex about yout low height?
Most things you fight reach all the way to the ground so it's not an issue.
Sounds like you have a need to defend manlets.
Make a Wisdom (Perception) check.
>not playing short female PCs who get mistaken for girls
>What's the minimum acceptable height for a human adventurer?
Well, I'd say that assuming an adult male human somewhere between 4'8" and 6'2" would be a good range considering that the average height depending on which century and what time ranged from 5'2" - 5'6" and a 8" variance on the averages seems reasonable enough to me.
>6'1"? Thankfully my DM just lets me make my PCs the same height as me automatically, but I think I'd have to quit the game instantly if I randomly rolled a manlet adventurer who was under 6'.
Oh, you're one of those faggots.
Seriously, who is so pathetic that they base their self worth on height? Like how sad do you have to be to do this? Legitimately curious.
Excuse me, does the snake woman miss arms.
I'm like 6'3" and skinny but I usually like my asshole characters to be my height and body type
My "good" characters are all usually like 5'10" and kinda squatty, don't know why I have a mental connection between shortness and goodness, and evilness and tallness
Her name isn't Miss Arms, user. That would be sick.
Most of the strongest guys I know are below 6 foot in height.
Some variations of Naga (not Lamia) do not have arms.
Estimates for the height of Alexander the Great fall anywhere between 5' at the low end to 5' 8" at the high end. You WISH you were as bad-ass as Alexander.
Manlet detected.
>using metric for height
Fucking cancer.
America, go.
What does history have to do with fantasy?
Why don't you come back when you are allowed into all the rides?
Caveman reprobate pls go.
I'm playing in an Only War campaign with rolled up characters, but that's mostly it's a campaign inspired by the All Guardsman Party, where our characters are expected to die fairly frequently.
>using imperial at all
>What does history have to do with fantasy?
Aside from the fact that most fantasy games are inspired by pre-modern European and Mediterranean (with maybe a little Middle Eastern) civilization? What else are we to judge by? Modern heights in an industrialized society? Nothing at all? (In which case, 12' might be short; who can say?)
You heard me.
Wait the snake lady has no arms.
Snakes don't have arms, user.
But ladies do!
>my personal views are universally held by everyone
Sorry, champ. Not true.
The user at shows the merits of random characters: " I had to build off what I was given and think outside my normal comfort zone with characters." I won't say it's a superior method, but it can produce interesting, immersible characters as well as any other method can. There's also a lot of creativity involved in tying together the disparate random elements you rolled, filling in the all-important details, and interpreting them in game. At least as much creativity (if not more) as it takes to come up with "yeah I'm a calm and stealthy Elven ranger from Tol Tandire, I come from Clan Ailorn and worship the Moon goddess and blah blah blah" which seems to be the creative standard for 90% of PCs that players make.
But lady snakes don't.
I have occasionally rolled up height and weight, if I'm unsure of a few of the details. For example, I rolled up a rogue once that was average height and pretty heavy, so I converted him to a con-man. You know, loves to get others to do the hard work for him and just enjoy the fruit of their labours?
Other times, I've got an idea already on the go and build to suit. Had a plan for a polearm fighter, on account of a Dwarven Cleric that had more soak and better AC. Tall and lean was as far as it started, but once the DM started introducing regional characteristics (ie the land to the west was dark-skinned and dark haired, fair skinned to the south, etc) that I had to pick which nation my character was from and went with it.
As a side note, I think either the forgotten realms or faerun had a thing about dwarves with different colour hair coming from different mountain ranges. I've come to the point now that it's more important for your character's physical appearance to match the campaign than to make me feel like a snowflake, but on occasion I want a bizarre looking amazon that sticks out like a sore thumb to prove a point and create roleplaying tension.
>just playing yourself
>I can't really get into the character's head otherwise
>It's so far outside the range of my abilities I assume it is impossible for everyone
Now that's just sad. That's two-legged dog trying to bury a bone sad.
That race is fairly androgynous, IIRC, so that may actually be a dude
>his characters aren't 8' minimum
Get the fuck out you fucking manlet.
Manlet here, I have never seen someone so insecure with their own height.
When I list a character's height, I usually leave numbers out of it
>really short, short, average, tall, really tall.
This is a legitimately depressing post.
>Thankfully my DM just lets me make my PCs the same height as me automatically
So you can only play halflings?