

Here OP


Pow, gangsta shit.

Yes I definitely have thoughts

I forgot all about Falling Sad Man and whatever fucking point that guy was trying to get across.

Is this that game with the multicolored plastic pyramids? And you can stack them or something? I saw an ad for that fucking forever ago and it looked so cool to kid-me.

Man people were fucking idiots before Yang invented semi-circles.

There is now approximately a bazillion different games written for that set and I think that's beautiful.

If white has a single female in their force, then they'll win automatically.

Yes. They're called Icehouse pyramids, and made by Looney Labs.

Icehouse isn't my favorite game to play with them (I prefer Icetowers for the real-time genre) but there are some great other games. Homeworlds is the best one (in my opinion), Zendo is excellent even for non-gamers, and I like Pikemen for a more traditional 'pieces on a chessboard' game.



is this naruto?

Did you just make a Flatland reference?


What is that, the fucking Doomguy field manual?

Pretty sure its from Big Bang Theory

What does the Wolf have against Sponges? And how the hell is it beating Dragon?

Some slight adjustments, OP!

Seems good to me...?
