Is this a good game? Is it worth its price of almost 50$ canadian dollars?
Is this a good game? Is it worth its price of almost 50$ canadian dollars?
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I bought it but I have nobody to play to
Netrunner is a great game. A really interesting asymmetrical card game with a lot of replay value even in the core box. The thing about LCG's though is that if you buy it and get into it, you're going to want all the cards, which quickly ramps up into a pretty significant cost. Still, a fucktonne less than a game like MtG.
That is one of the things that worries me a little, I'm not sure if I'll find someone to play this game with or not.
To get very interested in a game you just bought seems like one of the best outcomes you could be hoping for.
If you can, I'd recommend trying it online first. There are good clients like OCTGN you can use. Get a friend on voicechat and load up the starter decks, it's a good way to learn the game and get a feel for if you enjoy the mechanics.
>What is Android: Netrunner?
>Android Netrunner Official FFG News & Spoilers:
>Official FAQ (post-MWL), Compendium on rulings, and common mistakes
>Netrunner Card List and Data Pack Details:
>Deckbuilding Resources:
>Articles and Blogs:
Literally nobody plays on OCTGN anymore, is the way to play.
Yes. Yes.
Yeah, it's pretty great - try reading the rules ( has a ton of good stuff) and give it a go on Jinteki before you buy, put "New player"/"core set only"/"first time", something like that
It's a really solid, but not my cup of tea. The LCG card game is really cool, and Netrunner is one of the better ones.
I just don't like it because I am not a fan of Cyberpunk or asymmetrical games. Your mileage may vary.
>I am not a fan of Cyberpunk or asymmetrical games
Yeah, Netrunner would not be the game for you then
it is REALLY damn good
Is this a new general? Finally.
Well, we can make it one. All it takes is people talking.
>Articles and Blogs:
I like that we got a handful of good links compared to the 3 links we had before with almost no content.
My local FLGS atleast has plenty of people playing and it seems to have quite active community. I've enjoyed it tremendously with friends.
I also bough second core game so I could have multiple decks handy at all times.
If you already have a group nearby that plays it, sure. If not, buy into MTG since literally every single LGS have some players.
Maybe in America.
Yes. In America that's true since I live here.
Okay, this isn't based on anything but I have feeling that that Neutral Operation from Bloody Money will remove money from Runner's installed cards.
That sounds pretty useless when you can just trash it.
Out of all games I tried, the Netrunner community is the one with the least salt and bile.
Definitely worth it for that alone.
Interesting idea. Pretty narrow though.
Recurring credits do not care (or barely so), so what does that leave us with?
Armitage, Kati, Liberated Account, Bank Job, Daily Casts, Zona Sul Shipping, Technical Writer... am I forgetting any?
Ghost Runner - not for the value, but more because those credits allow runners to deal with things they don't expect
That could be cool
My LGS does regular event for Netrunner, I've been in working when they're on and had someone explain the basics in between rounds. The game seems pretty interesting mechanically and thematically but as far as I'm aware the playerbase is either non-existent or really well hidden. Either way, if you have people to play it with and money to spend it's worth a shot
Oh yes, Ghost Runner would definitely be a good target for that.
Maybe after rotation hits, right now we have Foxfire!
Netrunner has great rules and mechanics, and most of the cards are well designed.
Then there's the shit that's running around and ruining the meta.
With the caveat that none of us can generally agree on which is which.
Last I saw, Faustcakes and Faustcakes accessories were pretty universally regarded as a cancerously OP suite. The main variance I see is whether people blame Faustcakes itself, or LALA for enabling Faustcakes to keep running longer.
Yeah, I'd agree there - particularly when the worst of it comes from cards all working together, not a single source of shit
Pancakes should have been a Shaper card.
It really should - even thematically it feels like Synthetic Blood and Adjusted Chronotype got assigned wrong and it's very clear now that it should have been handled like Cache
2 inf? Or 3 to keep it real?
2 would be fine I think - you still need more than one if you want to actually get it to work
Really though, both the Genetics and Cybernetics were cool ideas, but not especially well executed
Definitely something really weird about the numbers and flavor on some of them.
I've played a R&D deep dig anarch deck in which I actually like the effect from Skulljack. The cost for it still seems too prohibitive.
Since we're ton the issues of Faust and Cybernetics, see, if you like your jank/theme, decks, Faust enable so many things for Anarch.
The opportunity cost for a full Cybernetic deck with three Chrome Parlor is so high, but Faust makes it perfectly workable.
I really wished I liked it. I enjoy card games but I can't afford TCGs anymore and Netrunner is the only LCG anyone cares about.
I'll just need to wait for FFG to do something with L5R.
AGOT 2e and Conquest have reasonable amounts of players.
Not in my area unfortunately :( I have the base set of Conquest, but can't convince anyone to get into it.
I like the card. It still defends itself without stealth credits while being very economical in a multisub barrier meta. Breaking Spiderwebs for 1 stealth credit and Hives for 2. Problem is it needs additional deckspace, just like any stealth rig, when it's easier to just Knife the ICE.
I dig it in Quetzal. Neuters the low str/high subroutines ICE while Quetzal can deal with most of the High str stuff.
And it's not as if Knifing AND using a breaker were mutually exclusive propositions.
It's not mutually exclusive, but deckspace takes a toll if I try to include everything.
I agree with it in Quetzal. Plus D4v1d is always handy anyway.
Threadly reminder that Snares win games.
In Canada?
Pfffff... My righteous indignation laughs at your Snares!
I'm unlikely to see that card played much, but it's making me want to play DRT so damn badly.
Also, Whirlpool -> Checkpoint works, right?
Yes. Only problem is keeping the trace relevant.
Hmmm... having played a couple of games against a deck attempting it, I don't know how I feel about that Liberated Chela/Notoriety deck.
Can't say it's *totally* non interactive... but... yeah...
It's one of the game that have made Magic: The Gathering obsolete. One of them.
which are the other ones that you imply?
If that's true then why Magic still kicking and alive?
Is there an LGS in Newhall/ Santa Clairita / Valencia CA that plays this? I bought it a a little while ago but i don't actually have anyone to help me learn the ropes.
I'm not that user, but Magic is still a good game. This is more about the LCG business model.
>M:tG, like other big name products such as YGO and D&D (and WoW in the vidya sphere), has a massive installed userbase and surfs on a tidal wave of brand recognition. It would take a massive chain of continuous fuckups to demolish it. That, or a weird decision by some idiot in a suit at Hasbro.
You're not one of those guys who thinks free market action is instantaneous and infallible, are you?
>accidental green text
Just fucking kill me.
>Claims to be a LCG
>Base game doesn't have everything you need
>You need to buy 2 if not 3 copies of the base game to get everything you need
>Then you need all of the expansions which also don't have everything you need so multiples can be required
I'd rather just play Magic; it's probably cheaper.
Okay, so I want to use this guy - he's quite clearly saying "you're going down" in the art, and ideally I'd like that to be followed with " flames"
But there's 2 problems here - the first, is getting a tag to stick - I see more and more avoidance these days, and against Weyland and NBN runners get very cautious.
The other question is how to protect the guy - like a fair few Weyland cards, his trash cost is damn low (I'm wondering if/kinda hoping that Weyland will get an "if the runner trashed your shit, shoot/tag them" card, but I digress), so how do I go about protecting Judge Doom over here?
>which also don't have everything you need
Everyone agrees that the core box 1 and 2 ofs is a dick move, but the rest of your post (Magic; cheaper, kek) makes it far too obvious you're just pic related.
Everything but the Core set and Data and Destiny have the maximum playable amount of copies included.
>and Data and Destiny
3 instead of 4 Directives?
Technically correct, though extremely unlikely to matter.
Anyone got thoughts on ?
He's meh. Good for when you manage to land a single tag but don't have the kill in hand yet.
Kinda saddened the art doesn't match, would so love to use Lawyer Up while shouting "Objection".
>so how do I go about protecting Judge Doom over here?
The trash and rez cost make me think World Plaza, too bad the effect doesn't.
I'd guess some tagging options as protection could be nice - you give yourself a tagging window, and if the runner comes to trash the Judge then all the tags cannot be removed in one turn... Would Data Raven enable this?
I don't think WP has a preference to any types of assets, though I'm not sure - can the runner still access the hosted cards?
Yeah, that would be funny, though Gabe blowing a kiss to the judge is kind of funny
Data raven (and possibly bandwidth, especially if you use Crisium) seems like it'd be great
One thing about a WP deck, it obviously supports going glacier... would that be doable while setting up the kill and all the assets? Seems like you'd struggle to fit it all in
Councilmen and Political Operative shuts down the zealous judge pretty hard. Very fitting I might say.
Yes, I'd say Data Raven would do a good job. The Runner would need to run first click, get tagged and zealous judge rezzed, and then spend the other 3 clicks removing tags and trashing the judge.
Yeah, cards are installed, the runner can access all the cards hosted in WP.
>I don't think WP has a preference to any types of assets, though I'm not sure - can the runner still access the hosted cards?
You'll forgive me quoting my post on the card from a previous thread, feeling too lazy to make the point again right now:
>The prototypical asset World Plaza wants to play is Elizabeth Mills. Effect on rez means you can treat her like an operation with potential added benefit later - which will trash her upon use, she's transient. Low trash cost means even if World Plaza is trashed to get at her, you're not caring too much, and more importantly, the runner isn't gaining on the exchange forcing his/her hand in trashing the Plaza anyway
>There's complete lack of such Assets.
The judge is almost there in a way.
>One thing about a WP deck, it obviously supports going glacier.
But then you need to protect WP too.
Huh, just noticed the "if able" clause on WP prevents rezzing the Judge unless the runner is tagged
Pic related is another card I'd think about hosting on WP
>But then you need to protect WP too
That was kind of what I meant - it's not a card that's good for rushing or wide builds, but its utility is a double edged sword
What about Contract Killer and GRNDL for operation-type assets? I know they don't fire on rez, but otherwise it seems like they'd fit the bill
I'll quote the rest of the post:
>World Plaza is counterproductive if your goal happens to be smothering the runner's econ via asset spam. Not only does it come not built-in with the trash cost-raising clause of Full Immersion RecStudio, more importantly, from the get go, it kills one of the most meaningful cost-sink you can impact the runner with, by allowing all your assets to be picked off in one click.
>Lilly Lockwell, looks interesting, but at 4 influence a pop far too expensive. The add campaigns (Adonis and Eve are jut too big and calling for immediate trash).
>Capital Investors is actually decent on there. Contract Killer is a bit of a mixed bag, given half its purpose is to force a run. Exposé is barely worth it given the influence sink. Server Diagnostics... interesting besides, well, being Server Diagnostics.
In the "barely worth because influence sink" category, I'll add Allele Repression (had a friend who ran that crazy advance-able ICE deck using it with Space Camp).
>Allele Repression (had a friend who ran that crazy advance-able ICE deck using it with Space Camp)
Sounds hilarious.
I've seen Diagnostics used (ice-free gagarin), it was amusing but not good
>Sounds hilarious.
It was and reached that "almost workable" spot.
As much as we complain about advance-able ICE (and I do), when having to play against a corp deck filled with them with a runner deck that isn't Anarch board destruction - where you have to pay repeatedly for your runs - it can become fairly suffocating.
I play BWBI, because apparently I am Dorn - a wall-building masochist - and when it works, it's fun, and when set up I can genuinely have servers that are incredibly hard to run, but it's still missing pieces
How is BWBI with space ICE?
Well it's nice, but the single-sub nature of it isn't great.
Also, kind of a shame Constellation Protocol isn't worth it - I got bored one day and thought about what sort of space ice would warrant using it, and started playing with the GRNDL custom card creator. Might be one too many subs or strength, but I quite like this one
It would probably be pretty good if it wasn't so dead and would have an active community around it.
top kek
So, giving the judge some thoughts...
- Weyland still mostly has to import tools to tag the runner in the first place
- It doesn't mesh well with tagging solutions that tags the runner on the corp's turn, given the runner always has more clicks than the corp.
- I'm not convinced of the corp ever really winning the economical trade off with the runner in the long run, so I'm not convinced of it as an econ attrition tool. Though it could work for creating, or profiting of select windows.
- That being said, it's a *must run* for the runner once rezzed.
- Seems to me like, even if only for that reason, it benefits more from being rezzed from tags dished on the runner's turn. If the runner runs click one and gets tagged, then has to run the judge, then has to remove tags it basically means a full turn loss. Especially if you add Argus to the mix I guess.
Click/econ loss. I wonder about bioroids. I'm one of the few who seem to like the card, but Hourglass? Or more obviously Turing to protect the judge.
You disagree? When was the last time a major event not hosted by FFG took place?
ANR Players Circuit, Stimhack Leagues.
And a lack of non FFG events don't mean that he community is small, those events have a lot of people participating.
>it's nothing
I mean, even competitive MTG is fairly dead at certain areas so how is Netrunner with maybe a fraction of a percentage of the player base not?
I'm not much of a fan because of the one credit per turn limit. You want your space ICE to be operational as fast as possible. BWBI kinda helps with that for sure, but - and here it's purely psychological impact more than data point - I find it tends to slow things too because you want to maximize your credit gain, so you (well I, but something I've noticed from other players do too) often postpone advancing the Space ICE when it would be needed because you want to get that free credit next turn.
>Well it's nice, but the single-sub nature of it isn't great.
High Str though. I would hope that, apart from Bioroids, there would generally have to be a choice between one or the other.
>certain areas
Certain areas do not prove anything about the total. Both Magic and Netrunner is dead in Antarctica. If your area has no Magic or Netrunner players, that's too bad.
Does the local club jank tournament count?
Yeah, you either have to pay a lot or go slow with Space Ice, and that's not great - it also really doesn't help that going slower allows the runner to build a rig that can break your space.
Also, I find I have difficulty getting the runner to run - it's all very well my ice being expensive, but if they're not bankrupting themselves going through it it's not that great; I fully acknowledge that this may be my deck/playstyle
I dig it.
I was feeling unsubtle, given that it was supposed to be used with Constellation Protocol
Less happy with the other "2nd generation space ice" I did, bearing in mind that I wanted to fit it in the card creator (which can't always fit the full text of the wordier cards), and I also wanted something that was like Flare, because of the lengthy flavour text on LLDS regulator and because I really like Flare
The card creator is a great way to waste time though
I know what you mean. I have notebooks full of card ideas, just need to dig out art.
Speaking of custom cards, I have an idea for an ID but I have a wording problem. The idea is that it can install an asset or agenda in the root of each central server. The problem is I don't want Employee Strike to be able to trash those assets or agendas when its played, since that's too much. My current wording is this:
[click]: Install an agenda or non-ambush asset in the root of a central server without an agenda or asset.
So employee strike stops new installs, which is bad, but does not trash already installed agendas or assets. I think the idea is good, but it would be unplayable if Employee strike could stop you mid score. Even CI gets a turn to play a current.
How is that card an ambush?
And yeah, making stuff up is always fun. I often wonder what would happen for a game like netrunner if the the card creation was a collective community process with cards being created by anyone and then refined or discarded over time by the general community, until they are validated by the community itself for competitive play.
That would be such an interesting process, if we could work out a working structure. And it would unite - even if in a conflict of sort - all parts of the community.
As for you ID idea... makes me wonder how are hosted cards dealt with when using Doctor Lovegood? That's a case I've never met, but say, you Lovegood a program hosting a Personal Touch, what happens to it?