Warhammer 40k General

Tank Killer edition (also updated reference sheet to V9)

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>White Dwarves

>Novels (Working link as of 02/02/2016)

First for Nagash.

posted right before the new thread like an idiot. Suggestions?

Dust Devils
Dust Scrubs
Rusty fist of Emperor

Unless youre doing Skitarii regiment, skip Mars on their fluff and state its mars-like.

Labou Djinns

kind of like 's dust devils, but replacing dust with the french word for mars

That's some poor reading comprehension.

Hey folks, I'm new to the hobby. I don't even know if I want to play the tabletop game but I'm interested in assembling and painting miniatures as a way to relax.

Are there any particularly good UK-based sites for buying all the essentials (brushes, paints, pliers etc.) that isn't from GW themselves? I'm not a poorfag but I won't pass up a good deal.

Element games and wayland games offer 15-20% off most models and have alot of alternatives for brushes, bases, magnets etc

ebay also a mention for hand drills, magnets and cheap prebuilt stuff

Pretty new to the game, how come my longfangs can get dope heavy weapons, but the longfang ancient has to sit there like a bitch with a bolter pistol? I'm reading the rules correctly right?

Why would a Knight House be friends with the Telephatica?

Is there any reason to use the skyfire formation for tau?

It says:
Can fire any number of remaining seekers whenever they want
get 5+ cover save vs flyers

I thought skyrays could fire as many seekers as they wanted anyway if they still had any left? I would essentially be buying a devilfish just to get jink without snapshots (which isnt overly bad but you can do so much better)

Red Riders
The Faithful tankers
Dust Clouds
Red Aquilas
Dust Stalkers
Praying Men
The Dirty Eleven
Men of Dust
Rusty Rifles / Dusty Rifles

If you want high gothic /Latin names, google translate can do latin. The results might give a roman headaches, but so do GWs strange incantations

1st [Planet Name Adjective] Desert Hunter Regiment
If you like being edgy, use the word the Germans used for their Rifle/light infantry/skirmish/specialist regiments and call them
1st [Planet Name Adjective] Desert Jaeger Regiment

Because they want to be able to talk to people outside their system?

But does anyone like the Telephatica personally?

Does anyone like anyone personally in 40k?

Take one thing from a non GW game and add it to 40k

Someone is bound to un a universe of a million worlds

are there any australians here? if so where do you guys get your brushes and tools and shit and what would you recommend

Updates of all codexes at once along with the main rulebook.

something along the lines of the covenant from halo and add it to the tau so they get more than 2 fucking alien races

Marines with the same Primarch do. They're all family. Maybe not the Mortificators though. They kind of caused some trouble over Guilliman's combat knife.
Eh good point.

The Zerg

Skyrays are fucking awesome, and no, you can only fire "as many seekers as you want" if you have markerlights to do so, and then it is at BS, requires LoS and doesn't ignore cover.

that would be sick, but lets be reasonable is never going to happen

neither is this, tau are mecha suit faction now user you are lucky that kroot and vespid still exist

What did the Mortificators want with Guilliman's letter opener?

Do Legions of Daemons have names?

Groups of Daemons have their own colours and their Leaders, but do they give themselves a common name?

Why did they remove Kasrkin from IG? Literally my favourite unit from DoW


In seriousness, Warmachine's warjacks always struck me as very 40k. You've got a powerful, well, war machine, fueled by the psychic energy of a nearby infantry unit. You can snipe that person instead of dealing with the machine, which in 40k terms might make it shut down, go berserk, or whatever.

Sort of like how Kastellans work, except if their techpriest was an independent character, and also if losing him was a bigger penalty than being stuck on one mode.

you can only fire "as many seekers as you want" if you have markerlights to do so, and then it is at BS, requires LoS and doesn't ignore cover.


If you use markerlights then its resolved at BS5 and ignores cover

I had a quick look in the book and cant find anything about skyrays firing all of them without markerlights though, but still why would you take this formation over 2 skyrays and a VX1-0 markerlight formation

They had it and the other Ultra successors had a fit about it. Papa Smurf tried to ease tension by taking it for the Ultramarines, but the Mortificators sent the knife to the Deathwatch for future Deathwatch Mortificafors to use.

You can use all Grenadiers with the Scions rules. They are basically the same.

A referee.

You never said it had to be a wargame.


You think a referee would help?

The only advantage I see to a referee is helping with LoS issues, which would be easier fixed by just ditching TLoS.

whos FUCKING idea was tlos

It actually was a thing in early 40k. They were trying to ease people out of RPGs (which is how GW started) by keeping core elements from them like GMs in their tabletop games.

a good man and a saint

if people get pissy over TLOS they are either blind, retarded, or cheating

It was Alessio's idea.

Someone who was probably a business man and not a player of the game, who walked in on a game during a moment when they were determining if a model could see another model.

He then said "what? Obviously he should be able to see it, it's right there! We seriously ship rules like this to children? Change it."

That's my headcanon and I'm sticking to it

Yes, old LoS was "old school" in many ways. But it's still superior to TLoS for many, many reasons.

Names are earned

Newfag again, TLoS? I get it must be the current line of sight rules but care to elaborate on the T?

If we have to suffer TLOS we should also have TTWA (true template wound assignment)

OK I have not played 40k in over a decade but christ on a stick, true line of sight is fucking retarded, the fuck would they put that in for?

I would honestly like to see a planetary governor who's a weeb.
Like, collects DaoT tech and came across some insignificant samurai sketch and set about building a collection around it.
Then I would like for him to interact with a glorious cqc chapter and have them comment on the inadequacy of his equipment.
Tho I do plan on doing a commissar model with a katana as soon as I get the time to order the bits.

I liked how that book did nothing but drive home the fact that Ahriman is utterly ruthless and constantly one-step ahead in his schemes.

Did he know ahead of time that Astraeos was going to be the damnation of his chapter, or was that particular bit of warp fuckery beyond even Ahriman's foresight?

True line of sight

it is widely hated for good reason, a good example is if a unit is in a forest

LoS: he is in a forest area, therefore he is in cover
TLoS: I can directly see the unit im firing at as there are no trees between me and him, even though he is in a forest he doesnt get cover


In older editions, you had special rules for how far models could see at night, how far they could see into forests, etc. It may sound complicated, but it was better for many reasons.

Just got Lost Patrol and,

Good fucking god, the scouts are the worst sculpt I've ever had the misfortune of assembling. What absolute moron designed this kit? Nothing aligns properly in the slightest, and I ended up with glue stains all down one of the Heavy Bolter guy's arms trying to get them to even a rough approximation of a passable pose.

True is the T. It means if a model can see a model, they have LoS.

Woods and jungles especially have to have some abstraction because there's only so many trees or whatever you can actually play with, so in earlier editions you straight up couldn't shoot units that were deep into terrain like that (nor could they shoot out unless they were catachans). It made the game work better and terrain more important.

You can get stuff for half price or less from ebay, new in box, shrinkwrap still on. Picked up a knight for £45 the other day. Came exactly as promised.

Pickings are best in january, just after christmas when the eldar players are selling the imperial stuff their grandparents bought them.

Did you purposefully ignore the "worst GW product ever" warning on nearly all warhammer and boardgame forums?

Even sculpts aside its a game of "roll 6 not to die"



Ive been trawling it for years I lucky i can sometimes find suff thst matches Retail price once shipping is done.

Never had any real savings there.

Might just be that the .uk is picked clean

welp, time to make a deepstriking kungfu dreadparty


I like FAQhappy GW.

Really? I'm UK and I got a stormhawk for a third off GW's listed site price just yesterday. Luck of the draw I suppose.

I've never found anything good either, at least not NiB. US.

I get most of my army from .uk, you have to be watching constantly to find the good shit

notable purchases this month:
£14 for 2 remora drones
£28 for 3 metal broadsides with the shoulder mounted railguns
DV rulebook and templates for £10
10 fire warriors for £4

Which faction would be into ragtime? Imperials?

MYbe its just Ork players scavenging excessively then.

Only savings are on slugga boys and kans/trukks assembled so bad theres no hope of salvaging anything.

Slanesh cultists

I've gotten good deals on assembled or primed stuff, but I have never seen a new/unassembled kit go for anything below standard 20% off retail.

Fuck FAQhappy GW, sincerely Dark Eldar, meltabombs and relic-laden pimp HQs.


I found your issue, not many people play orks because of the absurd prices for boyz and how weak the faction is right now

Grenade abuse and relic abuse both deserved to be neutered. Grenades just need a patch to not cost so many points now that only one can be used per phase.

Deldar were an accidental casualty caused by the fact that most people forget your faction exists, but maybe someday you'll get a new codex.

I just wanted a cheap 40k boardgame to share my hobby with my family a little without needing to try to get them to play the bloated, overcomplex tabletop.


Those are still draft, so they're not official yet and will probably get changed since the negtive feedback.

This dread errata is not a draft.

I don't mind not having multiple relics HQ anymore. That was a good change

Wargames used to have referees.

prince of pleasure, maybe some cultists would find ragtime pleasurable compared to the shit the noise marines make

Well my HQs could always only carry one Relic, so nothing changed.

When are we getting FAQs for a faction that matters? So far it's been C:SM, and then a bunch of piddly shit.

I wanna see Orks or Eldar or Tau.

Can I get some critique on my fluff?
Also few questions -
Would there be any circumstances a Space Marine chapter would be able to control a forge world?
How much is space marine command of guardsmen regulated? Could I get away with an under strength chapter having a regiment permanently attached that they do combined arms tactics with?
Also, what's a good name for a Dark Angels successor chapter? I was going with Knights of Caliban as a placeholder
Other ideas are like the Chevaliers or Paladins? What were some other holy warriors?

Now for the fluffy bit -
The Chapter was founded at the behest of the Dark Angels Grand Master, with the intent of being a fleet-based crusading chapter. They considered themselves unforgiven and hunted the fallen. A few centuries into their crusades, however, they began to fester doubts, climaxing in a campaign with their parent chapter, the Captains almost came to blows, the Dark Angels wanting to capture the fallen, while the Successors believed he should simply be executed as was a traitors just due. The Chapter masters each backed their own captains, and when three more Fallen were executed during the Chapter's campaigns, they were declared to be "no true sons of the lion" by their lieges. Soon after, under orders from the Angels, almost all of their interrogator chaplains and a full half of their first company veterens returned to their parent chapter to be quietly redispersed, leaving the chapter with 3 remaining interrogator chaplains, one recently interred within a dreadnought.
The chapter gathered its remaining forces and pledged itself to a new crusade, refusing to recruit or resupply. They made their way to the edges of the ghoul stars, where they brought the Saarval system back under imperial sway and rediscovering a great crusade-era shipyard, they were granted the primary world of Saarval as their new homeworld, and the dangerously under strength chapter has slowly replenished in the years following


>grenade abuse
Except it wasn't a problem, fuck off and run more Ironclads Dreadnoughtfag. All it did was nerf squad-wide grenade purchases into the fucking ground (see especially: IG Veterans, FWs, Wyches, Corsairs) and Eldar can STILL spam Haywire grenades with Hawks.

>Relic abuse
I would wholeheartedly agree with you, except the bullshit HQ builds like Smashfucker don't rely on multiple relics, and the one faction that does enjoy stacking them, Tau, is STILL allowed to do so due to shitty wording. Relicspam was an overcosted gimmick at worst and a fluff tool at its best.

>accidentally killing dead the most viable strategy of an already shitty faction
How many other open-topped jinking transports do you know? That Scout Landspeeder? I wouldn't be surprised if some faglord decided mechDE was too overpowered and needed a nerf.

Yeah it's a draft, but everyone that knows about it is pushing it as >official, so I can't get a game that doesn't use it. Besides it will probably be published as a proper FAQ sooner or later if it isn't absorbed into the next rulebook first. I can only hope GW actually listens to the complaints and changes some things about in the final draft, which they've actually done for once with this Dread ruling.

With this stuff they are goin' close to Astral Claws

>Firewarriors killing a Knight in melee wasn't a problem

What´s the standard equipment of an leman russ battle tank? Lascannon, Multi-Melta and Battle Cannon? Want to build the cheapest leman russ I can. Can´t find my codex for reference.

Theres the Warkopta.
Not that it needed a nerf either

Fuck off.

The Deldar nerf is the only thing you have any ground to stand on. Drop the other two complaints while you're ahead.

There's a resin brick with some rotor blades hanging off it without any valid rules, you mean.

>I can only hope GW actually listens
This is the proof they are listening.
Last week it was an "Official Homerule", and afterpeople complained about what the fuck is an Official Homerule, we got a real Errata.

There is hope.

That's supposed to be a big part of the story, they're constantly placing themselves under scrutiny and might have an above average encounter rate with the inquisition's Ordo hereticus

>anti-tank grenades shouldn't be able to kill tanks
>implying you don't deserve to lose your Knight if you actually allow EMP FWs to get into combat with it

I'll fight you on grenades, but if push comes to shove I could care less about relicspam. The thing that irks me most is that Tau are specifically still allowed to do it while all other factions are told no. Why?

>The thing that irks me most is that Tau are specifically still allowed to do it while all other factions are told no. Why?

It's RAI, its fluffy, and it was written in a way that doesn't make it broken because of what those relics do. Does the Buffmander really cost you games, or are you just on the Tau hate bandwagon?

>why would you want to be friendly with the only mean of long-range communication?

That's sort of how 30k mechanicum work. You should take a look at them.

Knights of Caliban is a good name, but I don't think it's one that the DA would ever use for a successor chapter as it's pretty much a direct reference to the ravenwing/the order of Caliban.

They did a faq stating that mdeld wit outdates rule ms were sill use able, so untill they redo ia8 imdredd mob and the other stuffis still viable.

Are you okay?

I mean their whole schtick was going to be sword & board assault troops and space marines commanding guard squads, with the only 5 suits of termie armor the chapter had left being sword and board as well.

As it happens I'm actually ex-Tau myself. Fluff isn't exactly a fallback when the likes of Marines, for example, can spam relic vehicles of the Heresy out the ass as long as a Techmarine is chilling with them. For what reason can my Chapter Master not have a relic jump pack and lightning claws when in the same list I can feasibly have a Deredeo, Leviathan, Fire Raptor and Javelins zooming around?

Anyway, since you bought up Buffmander, he's a potent build any way you look at him, and probably the best usage of stacked relics in the game, period. So again, why do Tau get to do this and no other faction can? From a rules standpoint Tau are already a strong enough codex, and in fluff terms some of those relics are pretty rare, like the Onager Gauntlet.

was rattling it off at breakneck speed, needed to take a piss so bad my vision was turning yellow.

>Does the Buffmander really cost you games, or are you just on the Tau hate bandwagon?

not him but i play tau, its not really going to cause you to auto win a game but its seriously powerful for its price, for the cost of a devilfish with some subsystems you can just give yourself a squad of 5+ crisis suits essentially 2 extra hardpoints worth of twinlinkage, granting you a sub system for each suit if you want to skyfire or something

They had a bit in the FAQ stating that models with outdated rule were still usable, so until they redo ia8 Dredd mob and the other stuff is still viable.

The FAQ covered models or formations that are OOP, not rules.

Updated my spreadsheet.