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I thought musicians used mycelium?
I swear to go btc better not fucking crash again because Weezer is going to make me rich.
everything i buy moons
>“As cryptocurrencies become more popular, it’s important that my fans have choices when it comes to how they buy my songs and merchandise,” said rap star G-Eazy in a statement. “Given Monero is one of the safest, most secure and most private cryptocurrencies, it’s one of the best options for my fans this holiday season — and just in time for my new album.”
250$ this week, then correction to 200$, then moon
Fuckin normies
I'd gladly take normies pumping into moonero to buy shitty popstar tshirts than pumping btc.
I sold at 1800000 and seriously feel like killing myself right now. I don't want to FOMO back in at -9%...
its happening
Well now we know who big names in the music industry that are Pedophiles.
It'll drop again right.
Pizzacoin will moon?
even degenerate non white rappers can see Monero has better tech than the most legacy of all shitcoins
why ride in a horse drawn carriage when you can drive a lambo.
is there any place to read about this sort of thing BEFORE it happens? anyone?
whatever happens you'll only hear about it when it's too late to do anything about it anyways
I have a hopeful buy order at 1780000, going to have to sleep soon, if I wake up to 0.022 I'll kill myself.
>sold some stellar to get some extra monero
>stellar shoots up
The cryptoverse hates me.
so is it now too late to jump in?
buy the rumour, sell the news. it's news now, is it too late?
Why would you sell, mate? They haven't even announced mobile wallets or Ledger integration yet. Also, this is only stage 1 of Globee.
thanks op i bought in when i saw your post and made easy 2k $ profit in 10 mins
We already knew about this for a couple months.
It's an awful excuse but I saw that XMR was way up but Bitcoin hadn't risen yet so figured it would be a safe bet BTC would catch up. What I didn't realize is Bittrex's pages eventually sort of freeze after not being looked at for a while (say, while I was sleeping), and Bitcoin very much had caught up already.
When I realized I'd Justed myself I considered getting out immediately at a -1% loss but the damage control mindset dude...
If I have to I'll rebuy at 0.019 (probably will hit at LEAST that in the next few days again) but I really don't want to...
tl;dr really dumb mistake
It was known a week back but forbes breaking is what will pump this coin.
buy verge instead
where did you find out about it? i've been here a month and everytime i hear about something happening its already too late to jump in.
it's like looking for a party all night but everytime i get to a party advertised as open it's already shutting down before i get there so it's off to the next hyped party thats just shutting down.
so now i hear about this monero party. and how some dude just made 2k in 10 minutes. is it shilling? maybe. but when i get to the monero party i bet the keg is going to be empty and they'll be turning the music off.
it's hard to shift through all the shilling to find legit rumours and intel
>it was known
where? here? cause i just read a thread saying dogecoin is about to moon, these threads happen every few minutes. i probably saw a thread saying monero was mooning and assumed it was just monero holders trying to hype up some profit.
now i got to go through all the shill threads for cryptos "about to moon" and sort fact from fiction and doublecheck everything. is that what you do?
this verge shill in fucking monero news LOL
>Is that what you do?
No I just keep up with Monero since it's the only coin worth knowing about. Anyone paying attention knew this was coming for months.
You need to pay more attention, lurk on plebbit and slack