MTG Spoilers Thread

Legendary Werewolf Edition.


So 5 mana huntmaster. Flipping into "murder a 5/5 or smaller" is kind of nuts.

Does it transforming back into human side count as ETB for the purpose of the pump? Or is it just on ETB and transform to wolf side?

The card specifically says "or transforms into the frontside". So it'll get the +4/+4 when it transforms back, yes.

Read it again

It doesn't count as an Enter the Battlefield trigger, but it does count as a "or transforms into Ulrich of the Krallenhorde" trigger.

So yes, you can flip back and forth and generate value with each flip. Like Huntmaster of the Fells.

Good to see they are still at it with lowering the power level of standard. I can't wait for dragons and Origins to rotate

>vildin-pack alpha on board
>cast Ulrich
>ETB trigger + vildin pack alpha trigger
>gets +4/+4 then transforms
>Literally a 10/10 brick flying at whatever the opponent has going for them

>More Eldrazi
I thought we went over it, but apparently no.

Oh boy... another werewolf card...

>summoning sickness

Last line implies a fight, not attack

Too bad the art for his werewolf form looks retarded as fuck.

I have a boner thinking about throwing this in my gitrog deck. I really fucking like the madness and delirium mechanics with reanimation shenanigans. I'm sad to see madness gone once we move on, it's easily one of my favorite effects

not as good as Huntmaster but I guess it will be a fine commander for the werewolf deck

>Emrakul, the Promised Shit

I like the creature but god have I always hated the werewolf flip condition. It's just so incredibly boring.

I think literally every other flip condition has been good, except for werewolves.

> set about the moon in a gothic horror inspired set when in lore werewolves will most likely replace angels as protectors of innistrad
> being upset about there being more
Get out.

It looks terrible for EDH, plenty of better options in RG

How is this mythic....

Oh, I expected werewolves. I'm just saying most of them are shit and nobody plays them unless you only play standard. For everyone else, I feel like they're pieces of poop. Literally every draft I play, 90% of the time, the last card to get picked is a werewolf.

I really love the concept of werewolves, and I'm a large fan of Gruul, but good god do I think playing them is the most boring shit ever.

Here's how you flip them: do nothing.
Here's how they're un-flipped: do something.

That's real fun, isn't it?

What kind of players are you playing with? Every werewolf is insane for draft since they're almost universally above or on curve creatures that become insane if they flip.

muh limited

Which is hilarious since EDH players were the ones screaming for a legendary werewolf.

why would they give the opponent an extra turn? the card would've been perfectly fine without that line of text.

>put all my resources into casting Emrakul
>finally cast it and mess up my opponent as much as possible
>I'd still like to give them a chance to fix it because that woudn't be fun!

new Emrakul is disappointing. someone convince me otherwise.

Yeah the flip mechanic is pretty garbo. I just don't like the color combo in this set honestly.

Because otherwise it'd be

>You win the game

This. Even without flip they usually pass the vanilla test as is.

But they are by and large boring

Literally the cancer that is helping destroy mtg.

>why would they give the opponent an extra turn?
Because it's CRAZY! XD

Probably to keep it from being an auto win condition and taking over formats. Could also be that there is another card that interacts with taking an extra turn in the set.

>>You win the game
Sounds a lot like someone I used to know.

It's a chance at a turn seven thirteen that at the worst just makes your opponent draw a card to completely fucking his entire plan up.

Finally found some use for this shit. Not sure if anyone would actually play this though. Keep in mind, that you can reduce Emrakuls' costs by quite a bit.

To make you buy the original if you don't have it.


whats wrong friendo? can't netdeck in draft? lol

Uh, just because you take ONE turn to control your opponent, doesn't mean you win. How long have you been playing? Fuck you people and your "Wah! Powerful cards are too scary and ruin the game!" So let's let MaRo shit out more and more cards that won't ever be used beyond standard. Not even in Commander.

>implying this guy isn't much better

Just another bitter constructed player who's mad wizards realized limited was much better

t. someone who has never actually used Mindslaver

I do great in draft. The problem is that I actually want to have fun [\spoiler] while playing.

Splashy and legendary.

I can't believe people like you actually exist. Like... "TAKE MY MONEY SO I CAN BUY CARDS THAT I'LL USE FOR THREE MONTHS AND THEN NEVER PICK UP AGAIN"

And you can't think of anything to stop Mindlsaver? Nothing? Then I recommend you play a different game.

You control your Opponent for one turn and then you get your own Turn. It'd be a strictly better Time Walk effect, except you get also get a 13/13 Creature. You win.

Our society is sick.

I don't see how this prevents you from having fun. You are probably autistic.

Nobody will since it can't be used in Standard which will be the only format the new Emrakul will ever see play unless they add more cards like that one.

>Side board against Emrakul
>Use in a deck along with Emrakul
There are few greater examples of "winning more." Completely unneeded.

If you resolve Mindslaver, you win.

You can always build cubes

Guys, stop fighting! Every format is shit.

>Legendary werewolf
>Still no Legendary bear

At CMC 13, it might as well say that and still wouldn't be playable outside limited & EDH.

you are wrong. after you control their turn they get another turn right after. it would've been great if it was like you said but it isn't.

The only thing I play is sealed and casual and/or commander.

Standard has always seemed like a really bad idea to play casually.

In competitions and shit sure, though.

We're arguing about why it gives the extra turn. Pay attention, context matters.

I want a legendary bearwolf.

>here's some food. It's good.
>we could give you some better tasting food, but we won't. That food is fine, right?

So what you're saying is that you're willing to eat any kind of shit that falls out of Wizards' ass?

You can't post in a single thread without someone pointing an autism gun in your direction. It's like the Salem witch trials, but with children.

It will cost ~8/9 on average in decks that use it.

Here's the full art if anyone cares and hasn't seen it.

There are actually plenty

Have we considered Tron?

>It'd be

i'm sorry, my bad.

Nice! The art for this set is looking really good.

that looks okay.

That's the whole point he's making you dense mongoloid. If it didn't have the extra turn clause it would be "8-13 mana, you win the game." Wizards doesn't want to print that card for obvious reasons.

No worries.


it actually looks pretty cool

Who put Dead Weight on Emrakul?

I wish newmrakul had more to do with clues and less to do with delirium

Do people actually like the old art? Some of them are ok but most of them are shit like this.

Well, there's always moonmist. Not in standard, but still.

The best art was objectively whatever set you started with

Agree. Mirrodin ftw

I dunno, those are funny.

Do tell me how a pseudo-Mindslaver stapled on to a 13/13 flying trample pro instants for ~10 mana feels more like a rare than mythic.

I started with Khans of Takhir and old lands look a lot better.

>The best art was objectively whatever set you started with

I hated new phyrexia art so I'm the abnormality

I say old art is better as in older art, not the oldest. my favorite was from Odyssey. check it out

Nah, Gatecrash was only okay.

With this effect in the next set, I almost expect a reprint or something similiar to transform your humans.

I don't have any real feelings towards Dragon's Maze art.

You just settling on one artists

He's just a good example of bad old art, which there is a lot of.

Like, some of these are ok, but then there's shit like Arcades.

>tfw I love Urza's Saga art

The battles pretty awesome, a shame it's cut off on the card.

>implying this is bad art

Looking at this, I can only assume that we'll have some flip cards of people turning into eldrazi. I'm ok with this.

But user, Lorwyn/Shadowmoor wasn't the block I started with

Though Invasion has some boss ass art, some of it is kinda shit

>we'll never get flip cards where one side is normal and the other side is compleated

That's all descent art. Remember that magic didn't have a huge budget back then

I didn't say it was bad art.

Pretty Meh actually.

I just went to a mostly random section of Legends' card list.

Holy shit that photobashing.
Emry itself is fine, but the rest of the picture is a graphic mess.

well this goes directly to my Rakdos, Lord of Riots EDH deck

You. You've got good taste.