Wew lads.
Eldrazi thread.
Suddenly: Eldrazi
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Not blue
Where can I see these cards at ?
They didn't show all of the cards yet ?
But there's water on the art so it has to be blue
Could this card possibly be any more literal, heavy handed, and lacking in mystery or any other engaging elements?
It's only Blind Eternities because that's literally what they are called, too.
>At Nahiri's call
>Blue card
Where can I see a list of all cards ?
they will have to ban eye of ugin on legacy
Could they not even make it White? This sort of card has been Green/White in the past. White cares a lot more about creatures than Blue. Nahiri is White so it fits.
I feel like the only reason there was a mystery at all was because some people thought there was no way Wizards was dumb enough to treat the Eldrazi reveal like a big secret.
no way
Everything is blue and blue does everything.
Deal with it nerd.
What are you talking about?
Supar tutors are a blue thing.
It wasn't in any color, to be honest. Kind of like the Planeswalker tutor.
I disagree with it as well though.
So how does this work in draft?
Can I just bring my Standard or Modern Eldrazi deck to the draft and pick one of those?
Nope. You'd have to draft it and not run it in your deck in order to tutor for it.
In any non-kitchen table format, its from your sideboard
Ah, so regular FNM drafts do count as "full-fledged" sanctioned events.
So it's basically the "whatever the one hosting the event allows" ruling for any private drafts and the likes.
Basically. Most people probably will make this card useless in draft.
I am still upset that EDH doesn't allow wishes to grab from the whole collection, despite being an incredibly casual format.
I am also sad that when we were casually drafting conspiracy, my friends didn't want to add a random janky booster when drafting Lore Seeker.
I don't think so. The good Eldrazi deck in Legacy and Vintage doesn't want to play a 2U tutor. What are you even tutoring for? Reality Smasher? TKSeer? No, that's not something you do with a tutor.
I can see this being playable in Vintage OmniOath as a replacement to Burning Wish, allowing you to run no Volcanics while having something else to pitch to Force.
Even then, considering you can't Coax for the sideboard silver-bullets that you can with Burning Wish, it's probably not worth it. If it was U or just flat 2, it would be way waaaay the fuck better.
If I were you I'd just suggest your EDH group to homerule wishes to allow the entire collection.
Though considering they didn't want to do something fun in Conspiracy either, I doubt they'd allow it.
I'm just hoping that my friends will agree on allowing the entire collection for casual drafts when using Coax.
Should have been White. it fit's the identity of the walker casting it, deals with exile, and is the color of weird tutors. Blue does nothing close to this.
This is only in blue so control decks can dedicate 1/5 of their board to an array of eldrazi answers.
As someone who buys an irresponsible amount of sealed product and has a fervent love of Innistard, I'm done buying into new sets.
I mean, this is just pandering to modern cockgobblers with the flimsy excuse of "It's part of the story!" No, the story sucks, wizards sucks, fuck off.
Wake me when the phyrexians are done skullraping Jace.
Just buy a single box like I do. If the set is good, buy two.
It's not pandering to modern players though. Most modern players are sick to death of Eldrazi after Eldrazi winter.
It's not just you. They've really gone cardboard on the flavor lately. It's driving me nuts.
This set was planned out way before EW happened though. Wiz looked at a bunch of consecutive retarded ezlrazi-themed sets and thought "yeah, that looks good. the players will love this." After EW, it's not like they could pull the plug on Spooky Moon.
So they're just riding out the fan backlash and continuing to stay juuuuust below the bar with their new shit,
>there were faggots literally dumb enough to think Emrakul was not going to show up in this set
>taking your own cards from out of exile and putting them directly back into your hand
This crosses a line.
Not only that, I really don't think Emrakul is scary like a lot of people are saying, or rather I don't think it's a type of fear that fits with Innistrad's gothic horror feel.
Shadows was the prefect Innistrad set, second only to the namesake set itself. Everything is going horribly, mind-warpingly wrong for an unknown reason, and it was great. The fact that old Uncle Istvan from down the road now has too many mouths and a tentacle where his peg leg used to be is just as scary as a Grave Crawler dragging itself inch-by-inch across the floor at you; even more so because of the inherent mystery behind it.
Now that we know it's Emrakul, it's not scary. There's no mystery to a giant spaghetti smashing up your town. It may be frightening because you could die, but it isn't horrifying. Worse, Emrakul has been reduced to an easily solvable problem. Just kill her or toss her into the moon and boom, no more problem. Uncle Istvan was just warped by an alien influence, but it's gone now. We have good old Innistrad back, except it's in tatters because the power structure is all askew and there will be swaths of Wastes everywhere for eternity.
This marks a jarring tonal shift in one of the most flavorful planes we've seen. It's dumb, unsubtle, and displays a total lack of self-awareness on Wizard's part. They'd have been better off leaving the mystery unresolved.
It's Eldrazi, ain't gonna explain shit
The simpler story is likely an attempt at going more mainstream. As much as most diehard fans hate most of the post Gatecrash sets, Hasbro stock has tripled since 2013.
It's not eldrazi, it's magic that summons the eldrazi. The person using the magic is, at most, driven mad by the eldrazi. But it's blue mana being used by a planeswalker to cast a spell and it does something that is not okay.
So much this
>But it's blue mana being used by a planeswalker to cast a spell and it does something that is not okay.
Agree with you there, but what other option would we have for it? Higher CMC, on a card that only gets something back to your hand?
>It's dumb, unsubtle, and displays a total lack of self-awareness on Wizard's part.
Is SOI Kamigawa 3.0?
Another explanation could be that she's using the plane's own mana for the summoning instead of her own since the cryptoliths are supposed to channel leylines.
>now that we know
>implying there was ever any doubt it wasn't emrakul
Two revisits back to back with the same threat seems repetitive. It feels as though Wizards lacked a bit of inspiration
Jeskai nahiri is canon m8
>cleric -forgot- he knows revivify
>cleric didn't prepare revivify
Exile effects are too powerful.
shit, ignore that post, wrong thread
Gave Wizards more than the smallest amount of credit with writing, won't happen again.
Part of it's because of the hot new three block shit they have going
BFZ was supposedly in development during the time this was being considered, and when they approved of the new system they had to butcher an entire set from BFZ's block to fit in with it. I'd imagine their initial plan was to print Coax and New'mrakul in a third set where all would inevitably be vanquished as once by simply siphoning more mana lmao but once they were told that had to change they then made the decision to simply include Emrakul in the next set, so that when she popped up again she wouldn't be some sore thumb sticking out of nowhere in a set where no relevance or possible mechanical linkage could exist.
But that's just like, my opinion.
So have we got any info on this other than it being Brunsela, be it colors or anything?
Probably a UR legendary angel horror/eldrazi that does some stuff for the eldrazi/horror tribe.
Tutoring from outside the game would be fine. Casting directly from outside the game would be fine. Tutoring from you deck or putting it into play from your hand would be fine, if lackluster. But pulling it out of the exile zone is supposed to be one of the things they never ever ever do. It's one step below putting opponent's cards into your hand or library, or searching your library without having to shuffle afterward.
Runic Repetition was also not okay, but functionally it let you cast flashback spells more times, which is the whole point of flashback anyway, so who cared? Pull from eternity was made to kill suspended cards and it stuck them in the graveyard, so you don't get back access to them. Riftsweeper shuffles the card into your library, so again you don't get back access to them.
We need the absolutely-removed-from-the-freaking-game-forever zone in black border magic.
I'll take wish spells for 500 alex
By the way guys, I dunno if I am Slowking or not but...
>Eldritch Moon spoilers start today
>Today is a full moon
>Today is also the solstice
>Making it extra supernaturally-summoningish
>SoI had a card all up in 13 shit
>New Emra-cool is 13/13 for 13CMC
>The smug fucks at Wizards did this very intentionally.
that looks like nahiri and sorin merged somehow.
Used to be unique, though:1 for each color and colorless. Now it's becoming almost as common as everything else.
Wish spells couldn't touch the "removed from game zone" which despite its misleading name was a zone within the game and not outside the game. The confusion involving the name is the main reason it was renamed to the Exile Zone in the 2010 rules change.
Oh interesting.
I remember those used to be awesome though. Slot them in your deck, and your sideboard becomes silver bullets.
>But pulling it out of the exile zone is supposed to be one of the things they never ever ever do.
You do realize most cards used to use "removed from the game" instead of exile, right?
This was back when exiling a card was known as taking it out of the game entirely, in an era when exile wasn't a zone nor an interacted mechanic. Things changed, words got changed, and there weren't really any cards printed past M10 that used "outside the game" in the way Coax did.
Now that exiling is a zone and a card is being printed that interacts with cards outside the game, they have to slap on that "and in exile" clause purely so they don't confuse new players (despite how "outside the game" is already going to be pretty confusing on it's own, thanks to it's essential non-existence in anything printed in the last few years).
No, "from outside the game" is your sideboard
"Or in exile" is an additional place from where one may coax eldrazi
As far as I know, "exile" and "outside of the game" count as the same thing unless a card specifies. You can't activate Processors by bringing in things from an opponent's sideboard because they say:"from exile" but you can wish in cards that have been exiled.
When you removed a card from the game, you didn't remove it from the game. You moved it into a different zone inside the game called the "removed-from-game" zone. I think I have my terminology right. It's hard to find pre M2010 versions of the rules to check. Example - AWOL, printed way back in 2004, specifically refers to the removed-from-the-game zone and is a parody of the fact that cards that are removed from the game can still be affected by some things, hence the creation of silver border's ARFFGF Zone.
Hey does anyone know where one can find old versions of the comprehensive rules? The best I can find are old forum posts citing them, but the rules they cite are now different.
It gets worse when you notice the left head has fangs in its facial orifice
I bet Geralf is having the weirdest boner over this.
You don't get to bitch about magic's exile zone not being sacred until there's multiple decks and archetypes that play around with it like how they do in ygo.
That would be a great argument IF the phrase "or in exile" didn't greatly affect gameplay
But the main Standard answers for Eldrazi are to exile them through Transgress the Mind and Infinite Obliteration. Now, those are not answers. For all Wizards does, they spend a lot of time trying to not break Standard, and they wouldn't just tack on "or in exile" to this card just for new players, because it completely alters the format.
I'm extremely intrigued by the eldrazification of Innistrad. More so than the story. Will they all be flippers a la Werewolves? Will they have devoid? Will they keep the eldrazi subtype?
Wow, thanks Wizards.
Tell that to the phyrexiafags or marit lage autists
I wanted it to be Phyrexia so much
Should have been Bolas.
>Should have been the Stormkirk god
I knew it was going to be Eldrazi, and they still managed to disappoint me.
Shame they let eldrazishit kill another plane.
When the Wish cycle was first printed, they could in fact get cards that were exiled (or cards from your sideboard). When they renamed the exile zone they didn't issue errata to the Wishes, changing their functionality, and today you can't get exiled cards with them.
Note that back in the day, cards that were "removed from the game" (exiled) in a subgame from Shahrazad were not shuffled back into the original game's library after the subgame ended.
Well there's Food Chain + Misthollow Griffin. And the entire imprint and suspend mechanics.
It's like they got halfway through reprinting Huntmaster of the Fells, up to commissioning new art, and then stopped to ask "But wait, aren't Werewolves supposed to be shit?"
He's even got the 2/2 Wolf buddy in the background of his human side art.
They would never let go, never. They had seen the light, felt the power. The truth had embraced them. It had made them.
Bruna was gone.
Gisela was finished.
Instead, they had become. Her. One. One'mrakul.
Emrakul's angel parted four wings, reached out with two arms, and cried with a single voice that sprang from two mouths, "We are Emrakul!"
Actually that's just flesh dripping off of the bottom jaw, if you take a closer look.
>Rest of the goatwatch shows up at the end of the story
I swear to Jesus if we get another Gideon, Chandra, or Nissa I'm going to flip shit.
im sad
Honestly I was cool with more eldrazi, its just the fucking Jacetice league I'm sick of. I miss the oldwalkers.
I don't. Most of their personalities were awful too
Well me'mrakuld my friend
Can't i counter the New emrakul with just a counterspell? The protection against instants only is in effect, when's emrakul enters the battlefield.
Well I certainly do
Yeah, but at least they weren't campy/edgy superhero stand ins.
He forgot the other bits.
>They were in Her image, the image of the everlasting truth, and their voice was Hers. "We are Emrakul!"
>Their call drew others. "We are'mrakul!" Voices rose up from the world below, melding into one sound, one truth. "One'mrakul, be'mrakul, we'mrakul!"
>It was glorious. It was everything. It was Her.
>Emrakul's angel led all below in following Her radiant form. What once was dark was now bathed in Her light, true light that was spreading farther and farther, a blossoming sunrise that would soon touch every corner of the world. "All are Emrakul! We are Emrakul!"
Lord Windgrace was cool.
Colorless non-artifact non-land cards come first in a set. For example, Bane of Bala Ged was 001 for Battle For Zendikar and Deceiver of Form was 001 for Oath of the Gatewatch.
Emrakul, the Promised End, is 006 for Eldritch Moon. This means there at least 5 other non-artifact non-land colorless cards. And consider that E is the fifth letter of the alphabet, except a hell of a lot more - probably as many as thirty in the worst case scenario.
It's not just Emrakul. Get ready for more Eldrazi.
You know, if it wasn't for the fact that they are unbelievably unfun to play against, I'd be 100% on board with an eldritch horror as the BBEG of magic.
However, these fuckers as a tribe are absurdly powerful and undercosted for what they are, and as a player who was playing back in the Mirrodin/Kamigawa/Ravnica days, magic has become a steaming pile of garbage.
I returned to the game to play with my little brother, and wasted $100 on draft tourneys recently just to bond with the guy. I was just about to get back into the game with Shadows being a solid set.
But fuck this shit, wizards. Fuck you, I'm out and going back to Infinity.
To be honest family, I don't really mind what they've done as long as Innistrad isn't fucked at the end of it and Emrakul can fuck off in a way that isn't completely fucking stupid, ie, the way Kozilek and Ulamog did. Also vague hype for , because the art is nice and the concept, while predictable and 3edgy5me, is pretty neat. Here's hoping the other Eldrazi in the set are original and interesting and not just poorly art-directed boring pieces of garbage. Also reminder to bring out your bingo sheets, set release season is upon us.
PS I'm not a shill even though I like MaRo and am optimistic for this set.
>Get ready for more Eldrazi
Let's hope they're not as big a disappointment as Newrakul.