All my shit is long term, i’m not touching any of these until at least April 2018. Im gonna continue to put fiat into some other coins, what you goyim think?
REQ is a good choice, DYOR.
I feel like at least one of these shitcoins is gonna burn me and REQ is gonna dump soon but whatever.
no btc
no eth
no req
no lsk
no iota.
fuck man what are you doing
drop xrp, drop ark, drop ebtc, drop dnt and coupe.
also I hope you are staking odn instead of letting it rot on an exchange
>1 OMG
You've got a little bit of everything that gets shilled on Veeky Forums. You're gonna get JUSTd in the next 6 months.
solid, but there isnt much gain from holding ETH/LTC/BCH over straight up BTC, especially in those low amounts. id probably go for some shitcoins and try to make some gains from that
i feel like i’m a little bit late on iota. i remember seeing it for less than a dollar so i don’t wanna get shat on.
i was going through random exchanges and i found that i had 1, not sure why or how but yeah. i forgot about it i guess
Oh yeah I'd get byteballs but binance doesn't have them and I don't feel like making a bittrex account just for that. Don't think that's gonna moon anytime soon anyway.
>dropping ARK
>when 2018 will be the year of Ark
He wants to gain money, user.
what the hell is an "ebtc" ??? seems completely fake and gay
some shitcoin. it was clearly a scam but i thought normies and retards would like i so i threw 30 bucks in it. paid off but i’m just hodling and seeing what happens
Finally passed 20k
is IOP a legitametely good coin or is it just a pajeet poopcoin? just the name of it screams pump and dump
wew jelly of your xmr user.
It's in the green. Good for you.
You've noticed the research on the some of the others, XRP and know when to hold. Good for you.
>April 2018
>long term
Maybe I'm crazy but this is it
thats why he should go with lisk instead of ark obviously.
I actually don't own it anymore but it's legit, you missed a huge pump though
> April 2018
> """"long term""""
$FOR force coin and $IFT missing... hmm user you no hath moonz
pretty much came here to say same thing. I get that 5 months is "long" for crypto but come on.... are you that ADHD you cant hold for more than half a year?
Nice leading cryptos.
You're gonna make it bro
>Long Term
>4 months
Pick one brainlet
please someone rate my shitcoin purchases
I sold all of my LINK and XML and ZEN and LTC and NEO for what I think at the time were surely coins of the month: SALT and VTC.
Rate my investment.
Only some day trading NEET would call April 2018 long term. A lot can happen in an extra half year, for example if I sold all my caterpillar and Polaris stock last April I wouldn't have gotten the amazing growth that followed. Long-term is relative and I get that, but I usually don't count 1 year long term, maybe 3 to 5 years, but not 1.
>not hodling bitcoin
6/10 still need to realize link sucks. Ripple isn't great either. Check out zen protocol and tell me that doesn't make you want to sell link.
7.5/10 Not bad, really safe, props on high monero allocation
4/10 pick better coins and diversify a bit more.
7/10 Not horrible, IOP is a weird pick, but it could work out for you.
3/10 basically just gambling at this point
5/10 find better bags to fill up on. Monero will save you when link shitdumps again.
5/10 why?
can i suck your dick dear sir?
80 Waves
80 Stratis
1.5 Monero
0.6 Ethereum
2.3k PesetaCoin
rate me
Dude first you have way too little invested to even have XRP in your portfolio, those gains are too slow to make the kind of money you need. Where the fuck is VTC? That's 60% of my portfolio right now. Also get Syscoin, there updates will moon the shit out of that coin!
R8 please
None of you faggots ever rate anyways.
7/10 safe again but not bad. Swapping out ripple for xlm doesn't impress me.
8/10 solid, too bad you're poor. Don't love waves as a top bag.
7/10 most interesting one yet. You have way too much IOTA though. Don't sell it all but you actually have some decent coins that could use more of those funds.
OMG 5/10, really?
How much are you larping that you know this shit.
SDK wallet release in a few months
So? Crypto is too volatile to be going all in on stuff, even if it's "good". If anything that you put your money in makes it, it'll be a x100-1000 from here. No need to be greedy, diversify.
Rip salt I bought at 6.60
Sold all my ethereum and btc for Mona and salt.
8/10 my nigga buying ETN cant wait to buy a shit ton of it once the wallets come out and the price wil drop to 0.01 USD
Rate others you faggots
yeah my etn is ico
Only have kyber and omise myself and i plan to hold 3+ years. Still wondering what third coin should i buy for long term.
Not shown - Monero, REX and SAFEX
3+ year hold? Factom
ODN - very good and you got it for cheap. easy x10 in 2018 or even x100 by 2019
ARK - good, prolly x10 in 2018
Link - not sure; might be amazing or it might turn to shit; worth the gamble maybe
sell the rest of the shitcoins and buy more cheap OMG at 10$. x30-x70 in the next 3 years.
We're going to make it to 10 right? I am tried of holding this coin.
>not even 6 months
>long term
this board is riddled with adhd cancer
it just hit 10 lil nigga
Good choice... We'll bank HARD on POSW once it rebrands
6/10 risky AF, but mirin bravery and not a bad pick for a yolo move
7/10 GJ on your IOTA gains, spread them throughout the rest of the coins before it's too late.
Wouldnt trust ODN, was in it a week ago and got out before dip. ARK and Link are just memes. Get some iota or req my man
Long on req and eth, not much time for research anything else atm.
ODN will make you rich. Gather as much as you can.
to many investments. your never gonna make it.
go harder into something.
>r8 m8 cause I can buy an r8
5 months is not long-term investment you faggit
Mиcля cя дa кyпя мaлкo линк, кaквo мoжeш дa мe пocaвeтвaш, кoй yoлeт ee пoдхoдящ зa тaзи мoнeтa, блaгoдapя и ycпeх, eкcтpa cпpaвяш, мoжe ли някoй път дa ти пишa.
>Wouldnt trust ODN
yeah, really shady shit. Just bought another 1k during the dip on top of the ones I bought at ICO.
where do you guys trade?
>he didn't buy IOTA before the moon
do you realize that with that amount of ARK, if it moons even x2 you could basically go live in any 2nd world country without having to work a day in your life?
Started a month ago and spent £1000 on this. Thoughts?
When will I make it anons?
I'm having a FUN time
It was Monero that brought you that far, wasn't it?
>4/10 pick better coins and diversify a bit more.
What better coins? All the "safe" ones are at ATH and I feel like a pink wojak waiting to happen if I buy in there.
for long term isn't it better to go full eth/btc?
(changed device)
No. I bought £500 of REQ when it was really cheap and now it is worth about £1350
Had Monero for a bit but sold it for Iota last week. Feel like I should have another coin
$100 in IOTA
$50 in REQ
$850 in BTC
dumb to move my BTC to IOTA?
All or nothing
>Selling Monero ever
where do you buy xmr?
Rate plz
It was bux I put into iota, I wouldn't have any iota otherwise
gains have been worth it in the few days i've held imo
cmon guys, i need some redpilling.
Only 1 mention of xlm in this entire thread. It's like u all want to be poor
Plz no bully
But Monero has been a steady gainer for almost a month now. It went from $89 to $225 and it was slow and steady, not a sudden pump.
whos the snap from
Started about three weeks ago.
Still learning and lurking, but going in for long term hodling.
I can’t invest any more until February because of my living situation, but Which coin under $1 should I be aiming to put $100 in and why?
I’m thinking HST, req, and link.
yeah and I held it before that. I do want some more, just putting off transferring btc to do it with
poor but comfy
i'm in canada and i want to track the markets in USD but also be able to see my position in CAD - is there some sort of way to switch quickly other than hitting up the settings menu?
Dont agree with eth, i trippled my holdings by just holding for 3+ months. Everything else other then BTC is garbadge though
Make sure you're staking the ark
Sell bat or add fiat and get omg and req and link
Why is everyone such a newfag?
>not using night mode
>not sorting holdings from highest to lowest
>broadly diversifying with like $325
>holding any btc at all
I like those holdings.
I’ve got similar percentages in investments, except highest in XMR and only $28k total
When did you start?
like feb 2016. I'm just a miner tho.