12 attack Dreadnoughts edition
> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
12 attack Dreadnoughts edition
> Codexes
> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)
> Space 0Din's glorious work
>Space Marines are an elite army
Starting the general off with bingo!
First for Eldar are superior.
True enough, you'd think with all of their redundant organs they'd be W2 and the scouts W1.
> Eldar are superior
> T3
> W1
Fourth for Space Marines are conceptually crippled by the need to field an entire self sufficient army on the tabletop.
>Posts an irrelevant army
>tfw sisters all have man faces and GW won't ever make them pretty
Sisters are also T3 and W1. Are you retarded?
Brother Wai reporting for duty
johnny is an unfunny meme
That's why you use the Codex: Space Marines to properly represent sisters of battle. They're supposed to just be female space marines anyway.
this. worst forced meme from /wip/'s worst member.
that's pretty good bait. have a (you).
We all know your the same blood angels fag from /wip/, which is the same guy making these threads with the johnny op, and the same guy with these bait images. Just stop man, it's sad and not funny.
Scouts have all the extra organs, they're just missing the Black Carapace. It's why they're T4 and not T3.
You seem to be confused, I'm not a blood angels player, nor do I even know anything at all about whoever that blood angels fag is.
Is it unheard of for there to be multiple people posting the same memes and making more of them?
>Except for for CSM Sub-Edition.
And so the lies being. You even talk like him. Keep perpetuating your badly painted, unfunny models/johnny and shit.
So now that we're all playing Warhammer 40K: Imperial Knights Edition, does Sisters' of Battle access to Melta make them one of the most powerful armies? After Eldar, of course.
no, what we all know is that no ones found a way to get away with breaking every bone in your hands then forcing you to commit auto-cannibalism, but there are monthly meetings, and we're getting closer.
>Death Company with Jump Pack
Makes sense.
Didn't GW sort of do away with this in 7E though? They seem to really be pushing "Armies of the Imperium" as one giant faction. It's why Space Marines have barely any LoWs and no titans, and they don't have a human unit equivalent like IG and CSM and even the old Daemonhunters GK did.
Oh fucking well. I'm raptors user anyway, wholly different person. Keep telling yourself this, you're no better than those faggots that spend every night in a cold sweat worrying about whether or not Carnac is posting in the generals today.
That user makes the WIP threads and helps out clueless anons with the basic stuff like stripping models day in day out. I'm not into Johnny at all either but they're a trooper man.
What a terrible comeback. I guess you've been waiting a long while to use that one.
>posting the inferior eldar
Dark eldar are far superior
Not really. Exorcists and melta everywhere just makes them not absolute dogshit like most Ork, Tyranid, and CSM builds.
The issue is Orks, Tyranids, and CSM can be better than SoB if they use one highly specific build. I think if more players had SoB models and were willing to play them, they could be a competitive army if you used allies and psykers. Not a top army, but it could still top a GT. Even Orks, CSM, and Tyranids can top in 7E once in a while, yet SoB never do probably because of lack of players.
i hear it's gonna be chilly tonight user and i don't think those skin tight pants or spikes will help you
>identifies himself by his chapter
>posts an image of a DA
Didn't someone point out to you that your image was a DA and not a Raptor before? I remember that.
I must now research said carapace
Also anyone else think Blood Angels should have more attractive units? They say Sanguinius' gene-seed made them all beautiful, instead of generic screamy faces it'd be kind of interesting to see angry Fabio looking motherfuckers.
I remember the issue of WD that had the "movie space marine" rules, where each marine counted as an entire unit, a regular tactical was a Troop choice and was like 100 points. Basically the idea was for them to perform the way they do in the fluff. A regular Bolter is Assault 4, Rending, S6 and AP4, 36" range. A tactical marine is WS5, BS5, S6, T6, W2, I5, A3, Ld9, Sv3+, combat knife is a rending weapon, they can all move faster, infiltrate, etc. and have a 3+ inv. save on top of the 3+ armor save.
thin your paints. looks drab and thick.
>All that effort into painting
>Purity seal is levitating
Shit, must have been horrifying when you realized what you'd done.
or he was moving and the purity seal is just following the movement.
When I started putting the models together the thread I was in suggested I use bolters. The very next thread after I had put together Brother Wai and another model, they said it was a retarded idea. I'm going to buy another DC squad in a week or so and make them more melee beasty and hopefully by then learn to magnetize. I currently have nothing capable of transport and it's basically infantry vs infantry with my friend, which imo is pretty cool. I'm pretty both of us would prefer to keep this battle on the ground so I'll be getting some drop pods after I begin painting the horde of shit I currently have.
>in commorragh
The funny part is movie marines would be shit these days. It was absolutely ridiculous back in the day, like running an army of hive tyrants or super carnifexes.
The modern equivalent would be...an army of Knights? OH SNAP
>When I started putting the models together the thread I was in suggested I use bolters. The very next thread after I had put together Brother Wai and another model, they said it was a retarded idea.
That'll teach you to listen to Veeky Forums.
Johnny is a terrible meme. He's not funny in the slightest and really forced.
On a different note, anyone wanna critique these models I just built. I'm pretty new to 40k so I don't know what's good and what's bad in terms of posing.
I already know I haven't trimmed the moldlines and I know the the pic sucks without a lightbox.
Whoa, chill man. You obviously put in a lot of work in for the pic and lighting, just trying to inform you of your model and your painting situation. That's all.
Except he's firing his pistol, not swinging his spear.
lol true. That army would just get stomped in the face by any of the newer crap.
mebbe he did both simultaneously
What I've learned from my experience is that "dynamic" poses are the easiest to get wrong, especially if you don't do any cutting or sculpting to really get them right. They look cool when you glue them but after a couple months or when you've gotten more exposure, they start to look retarded.
The guy on your left has a slightly dumb pose. It's not terrible, but it's very OOP metal Rogue Trader-esque. Like, is he offering the cup to someone?
The techpriest is fine. Isn't that monopose anyway? "Boring" poses like this tend to look the best and stand the test of time. Especially for HQs.
Third guy is fine, if a bit boring. Head could be posed better.
The last HF guy has a good pose, but that's what most of your guys are going to look like if you just turn their head towards the direction they're aiming.
> I was in suggested I use bolters
No you weren't. You got a few replies saying no and one saying it was situational.
> Complaining about johnny
> Johnny is in the background, judging you...
Nice try johnny poster. I see your johnny in the back there. Your models look like grey ass and the poses are terrible. Try AGAIN.
Ah I see. Well never take any advice you're given here. I've seen user give good and bad advice, but if you're new and cant tell the difference, just dont listen to any of it.
I was tempted to try and buy a johnny but he is really expensive
well he is out of print and at least 22 years old at this point
>having a pistol gives you another attack in close combat.
>can't move other arm while firing pistol.
>beak on a Sanguinary Priest
Come on man.
I am slightly tempted to try and do some major surgery on a marine using the reloading hand in the current space marine kit to remake him, but it wouldn't be the same
Someone post that image of the RT apothecary "dipping a tea bag".
I did this with one of my sergeants. He's the stand-in for the Johnny model and that squad will forever remain at nine men until I find the final member.
you mean marine opening a coke
>it's very OOP metal Rogue Trader-esque.
I'm actually going for that look with a lot of my guys, my scouts especially.
When I'm done all my guys are gonna go on Goblin Green bases with some Spring Green flock to really drive the effect home.
You should see my Death Company.
~30/40 of them have beakies.
There was only a scout in the background. I can understand the confusion though, the photo was a little grainy.
lol, nutsack
Same guy as Meant to quote instead of
>plays blood angels
>has a johnny
>bad poses
>is a liar
like pottery, it rhymes
I have about 12 sprues RT era plastic beakies, but I am too nervous to actually sell anything on ebay
also last I checked they were about ten dollars per sprue of 2, making them only slightly more valuable that modern day marines (40 dollars for 10)
The first thread it was bolters are good, and also bolters situational. Yesterday? It was "dude why the fuck did you use bolters?"
Lesson learned. Bolters sounded like it'd be an unorthodox yet effective method of combat. I pictured my squad skittering around the battlefield unloading with rapid fire and then charging in to combat before jumping back in to rapid fire range. My friend is going to main daemons of Nurgle and since they're mainly Slow and Purposeful I thought I could use mobility to my advantage. Next squad is 2 chainsword, 2 PF, 1 TH? I mean I guess I'll wait til I play again before I buy more shit. This saturday will be my 2nd game, first game was around 500 points using a librarian, furioso dread, and 2 tac squads vs chaos lord, aspiring champion, helbrute, chosen squad, and 2 cultist squads. This time it'll probably be around 750 using my captain, sang priest, furisoso, DC, and 2 tacs against daemons of nurgle starter and w/e else my friend might use from what was mentioned earlier.
if jump pack units could JSJ bolters would be rad
Just keep it. As Raptors, I've always wanted to have the option of giving my Assault Marines BOLTERS so that they can better contribute to shooting. They would be like Tactical Marines that can hide on top of buildings and snipe terminators with rending bolters.
A year from now you'll still have this model, and you'll occasionally chuckle about it when it becomes a talking piece with your friends.
Make an entire squad posed in a way that makes it seem like they're listening to their weapons and shit? Johnny will be the Chapter Master
>plays blood angels
I actually play Flesh Tearers, that's why I had to scratch off the Blood Angels emblem on the shoulder pad of the Beakie Priest.
>has a johnny
I don't have one, I have two.
>bad poses
>is a liar
I'll give you these two though. I suck ass at both posing and lying.
At this point my entire army is pretty derpy. Still, everything I've purchased amounts to like... $200? Not exactly hard to replace as I learn.
All those unwieldy power weapons are overkill, get a power lance or two in those squads for some at initiative high strength hits.
Power Lances are kinda shit without Hit and Run and only decently good with it.
I'd say just go 1-2 hidden axe/fist per 5 and rest either chainswords or power mauls. Or axe/sword if you're tailoring.
Give me your Johnny. I want 18 Johnny's. One for each founding legion, I say!
everybody's first army is derpy, it is like a rule of 40k
what is important is that you have fun with it
Power lances on death company are S6 AP3 at initiative 5, and they're all about the charge and not having to deal with further rounds of combat. It's one of the few units where power lances shine.
And power mauls are S6 AP4 always.
>tfw you cheated out of the derpiness by rotating out your original models with newer replacements
I only have one army so I didn't have a choice.
Unfortunately I only have access to whatever is available in the Blood Angels Battleforce and the DC squad. Haven't even looked in to FW stuff yet and as you can see with how awesome I am at putting these things together, getting a bunch of bits seems overwhelming.
Nah, fuck the First Founding chapters.
We need Johnnies in the Crimson Fists, Rainbow Warriors, and the original Dark Angels and Salamanders' schemes.
Well, they'd be s7 on DC but still, the difference between AP3 and 4 is pretty substantial.
if you search ebay you can find bit sellers who part out kits and sell individual bits
I buy from them all the time when I convert stuff
there are others? Because I've heard of this, but have honestly never seen a power lance, as a power lance, on a model in play.
you do see the problem here.
Anyone try the Killteam rules someone made up?
White Scars can pull off power lances, but only because of H&R.
White scars can make good use of them thanks to hit and run, but that's about it really. They're also the only guys that don't need to steal GK bits to use them WYSIWYG.
So what would a modern movie marine be like?
while I like these guys, be careful. Sometimes the bits plus shipping aren't saving you that much.
For example, the scourge bird wings look really cool. But the bits stores sell them for typically $4 for a pair, or $10+ for 3. And a scourge box is between $20-25 with free shipping, or in your FLGS. And includes a lot of other great bits.
I buy things from bits store, but shop around and compare first.
like masterchef except stronger and betterer xD
>tfw the scourge box comes with one of each weapon
ah cool, the only time I've used power lance bits was as other weapons. Because you get one in each scourge box, and have 4 of those boxes.
I've found use for almost every bit in those boxes except the bat wings and some of the basic guns. And I intend to use the base guns someday.
Holy Hell, with the new +2 A update for Blood Angels, this guy became even scarier.
With 5 attacks base, another for having a pair of close combat weapons, and the Rage USR, he's an absolute monster.
He's even better when you realize he gets a reroll on his To Wound rolls since he has Blood Talons, has Move Through Cover from having the Magna-Grapple, and is a character so you target him for the Quickening Blessing.
In a Baal Strike Force and under the max benefit from Quickening, he'll get 11 S10 AP2 attacks at WS4/I8, rerolling To Wound, on the charge.
And he's still a Troops Choice.
>unloading with rapid fire and then charging in to combat
but a lot of times they will combine shipping if you buy multiple bits from the same seller at once, saving you some money
I recently bought some grey knight power weapons... 5 bucks for all 5 swords and 10 falchions, plus another 3 shipped. From the same seller I also bought some other stuff for no additional shipping.
The grey knight kit alone is 50 dollars, while it does come with a lot of other bits, I just wanted some power weapons for my inquisition models
I ended up using a falchion as those swords are goofball huge.
Can someone explain the Johnny Marine meme to me please, I've seen it about on a lot of threads but i know nothing about it
it would be a problem if I was making scourges.
As is, 4 boxes made 12 swooping hawks. Heads and weapons for 8 dark reapers, weapons for 10 fire dragons, legs for 8 howling banshees and weapons for most of those.
Plus extra heads and other bits that have been used in other bashes.