Hello man-things I'm trying to understand what the fuck fuck is this ''love'' you speak of?
Hello man-things I'm trying to understand what the fuck fuck is this ''love'' you speak of?
Very stupid people get a very strong desire to breed and some call it love. In actuality it's an overhyped concept written about in books a lot because people want what they can't have.
Like giant metal golem literature, for example. People will never have it, but they still want it.
he's probably confused because skaven females aren't sapient. That throws things off.
>because people want what they can't have.
Just like you
It's like hate, kinda. You know that sublime satisfaction you get from kill-stabbing a rival? Well, it's that same feeling, except from helping the one you love, or being with them and acknowledged by them.
love is, when you don't stab-kill someone because you feel-think you might need him later
Sounds like mental illness to me.
It's an extreme form of group bonding.
A swarm can overcome many challenges, yes? There is power in numbers. But if you're a member of a swarm, you are at the mercy of more powerful members. At the level of individuals, you are at a disadvantage. But what if you were always part of a two-person team? Your enemy might be stronger than you alone, but with a friend to slink behind and cut his heel-tendons, you can win! But how to trust your partner?
This is what love is for. It is a strange mental state where two individuals care for each others goals as much as their own! They revel in their shared successes, and when insulted they plan their vengeance jointly. Always, they are a team of two! This makes them powerful and dangerous.
Female skaven are just as intelligent as female humans.
That's pretty much what he said.
No, even if you don't need them for something, just because you like them.
Like, you know how you have a favorite spot in the skaven sleeping heap and a sword that smells just right? Like that, but with another person.
>confusing intelligence and sapience.
You know ho when you skaven are alone you get anxious and depressed, and then you join back up with the pack? Love is that feeling you get when you find the pack, only it's for one person at a time.
I don't follow-get you, man-thing
Love is a quality unique to the human male.
Okay, let me pose a hypothetical.
If you knew a powerful clawleader thought you were smart and feared to cross you, who looked to you in all important affairs, how would you feel?
Like I am the next clawleader soon-soon after his fast-cruel demise
You clever git
You know, skaven females are slug-like breeding machines sequestered away from the general populace. That leaves only other males to bond with for the vast majority of the species. Makes you think.
Bend over and I'll show you.
Reminds me of Celts a little except celtic women were fucking whores and rejected men were forced to well
fuck other men
It really does. Male friendship is stronger than Female love.
Okay...huh. Let's try this again...
Right, you know how you're always feeling disrespected, unappreciated, surrounded by fools who don't recognize your genius or even care?
Imagine there was a skaven who did care, who wanted to listen and praised your brilliance, and never even tried to snitch secrets to your clawleader. How would that make you feel.
Skavens reimagined as Spartan society? 300 stormvermins forming a shield wall, ready to defend their battle-battle brother?
I mean sure, that's a cool idea. I was just airing my /r9k/ tendencies.
Ancient greek held male friendship to be stronger bond than romantic love between male and female, it's not a big stretch. Then again, the idea of Skaven jocks broing it up with their bros is hilarious. That keeps them successful, above the regular beta backstabby Skaven peons.
(that and the popped collars)
Sketchy, why he not sneak-sneak secret to clawleader, must be deep-cunning plotter.
Well yes, of course, and you are wise to catch him, but that came later. How did the PRAISE ITSELF feel? Knowing it was accurate and true?
Don't hurt me
No more
I'm so glad this thread didn't devolve into rat ass.
Now that you've said that someone is bound to post Ink-Eyes lewds.