Dang it Veeky Forums let's roll up a knightly order from the Warhammer Empire...

Dang it Veeky Forums let's roll up a knightly order from the Warhammer Empire. This will be our consolation until I decide to write a table for Sigmarines

What is the order’s age? (1d100)

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Rolled 12 (1d100)

>let's roll up something!
>come on guys, this will be fun
It's official now: Veeky Forums is creatively bankrupt.

>Venerable: This order was founded in or around the Time of Three Emperors, an age of political instability when the great city-states rose to prominence, the province of Solland was crushed beneath the feet of greenskin hordes, and righteous Crusades were persecuted against Araby

We're fucking old.

What is the order’s religious affiliation? (1d100)

Rolled 68 (1d100)

>Templars of Ulric: This order is a member of the cult of Ulric, warrior god of winter, wolves, and probably also the colors grey and blue

How strong is the order in terms of manpower? (1d100)

Rolled 83 (1d100)

Making lore for random shit is fun

>Major: Nearly a thousand knights

How is the order’s strength distributed throughout the Empire? (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

We're ancient, powerful and numerous!

Rolled 8 (1d100)

>Garrisoned: The fortresses maintained by the Elector Counts keep a constant vigil over the Empire’s heartlands. Here the order’s knights are stationed, alongside the more common soldiery

It looks like we're a set feature in the countryside as well.

In which province is the order based? (1d100)

Rolled 92 (1d100)



We got the dinky little forest province. At least there are a lot of fellow Ulric worshipers there.

Now onto the interesting part.

Which knightly virtue does the order hold highest? (1d100)

Rolled 69 (1d100)

Dinky? user please, we're woodsmen.

Knightly woodsmen keeping the lands safe. Kinda like Canadian Mounties.

>Piety: Quite simple: Keep the faith. Remember, you are an agent of divine will on this world, so act like it

Being pious to Ulric is basically fighting a lot.

What are the order’s favored battle tactics and military doctrines? (1d100)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

So thousands of knights populating this one corner of the Empire who are all about our rad wolf god.

>Pinpoint Strike: These knights know the value of striking where the enemy is weakest. They have mastered a range of small-unit tactics so as to better access prime targets like artillery, lone mages, and flanks which will only stay exposed for a minute or less

Nearly a thousand knights. Also, Hochland isn't the primary Ulric province, Middenland is.

Who was the order’s greatest hero? (1d100)

Rolled 27 (1d100)


>A scholarly warrior whose contributions have endeared the order to some of the Empire’s intelligentsia

Well this makes very little sense, but ok.

How far afield has the order ever traveled for war? (1d100)

Rolled 95 (1d100)

Oh boy!

Rolled 40 (1d100)

Eh, it's not that bad, it'd be better if we'd rolled the religious knight, though.

>The order has ventured to the colonies in far Lustria, and seen all the terrors it has to offer

Who is the order's most trusted ally? (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

If this thread stays alive until I finish my studying, I will sketch some stuff for you!

>The grandmaster of another knightly order

Thank you kindly.

Who is the order's most hated enemy? (1d100)

Rolled 16 (1d100)

Small-unit tactics knights who are from the woodland province famous for marksmen and woodsmen and spent time over in the jungles of Lustria?
That's pretty badass.

I'm guessing it's the White Wolves of Ulric who'd we be friendly with.
Maybe we're an offshoot order or something.

>A champion of the Dark Gods


To whom, or what, has the order’s grandmaster pledged its service? (1d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)

Oh boy, can't wait to see it done!

>A shadowy figure of whom the knights know little

How does the order appear in the eyes of others within the Empire? (1d100)

Rolled 19 (1d100)

Hope we do not turn into shitty would be traitors, I like loyalty.

>Soldier’s Grace: The knights are not particularly concerned with showing themselves off. They beat humble marches, and sing whatever tunes they feel like

How wealthy is the order? (1d100)

Rolled 65 (1d100)

We Roll how we want, bitches!

>Well-to-Do: Nearly all Empire knights are sons of the nobility. This means that most of them are going to have a respectable amount of cash or valuables at their disposal

We're coming up on the end. Since we have an artfag, we best start thinking up ideas for names and heraldry.

How prevalent are monstrous mounts (such as demigryphs) within the order? (1d100)

Rolled 42 (1d100)

It's me and you, bro.
I will be sketching for you!
I am not like a pro artist, just began, but I guess we can make something nice!

>Rare: A chosen few from the inner circle go to battle astride monstrous mounts

What is the most venerated relic in the order’s possession? (1d100)

Rolled 29 (1d100)

>A weapon or piece of armor which once belonged the order’s great hero

With which heraldic sigil does the order represent itself? (1d100)

Rolled 75 (1d100)


>The Dove is obviously a mark of peace and love, but can also be regarded as a statement of ultimate defiance to the enemy

vid related


And that's the last of the tables. Now we need a name, I guess.

We are the Black Pigeons, and we shit on everybody that crosses our path!

I am sketching some stuff, already.
If you can compile the stuff and think of nice things to put on the heraldy I will be really thankful, OP.

I just draw a shield with a big ass dove in the middle, let's be creative.

>Templars of Ulric that use doves as a device

I don't even fucking know anymore. Alright, let's make the heraldry three doves with wings outspread in a ^ formation. The name doesn't matter so much for the drawing.

As for composition, maybe the knight should be fighting lizardmen. Or since our enemy is Chaos, he could be teaming up with a lizardman against a Chaos warrior.

Okay okay.

I will finish this round of concepts, and then work on this. Can you compile the whole thing for me?

What chaos enemy are we talking about? Daemons, warriors or beastmen?

Artwork isn't mine btw

"A champion of the Dark Gods"

That means it's a human, with big spiky armor and probably some mutations.

Here is just a little suggestion for the name of the leader for this merry order of knights
>Alfred Gustaf Mistelhoch "the adventurer"

If you like the name I can write some stuff for him if you guys like? Not much, but enough to get it started.

Age: Venerable
Religion: Ulric
Size: Major
Distribution: Garrisoned
Province: Hochland
Virtue: Piety
Tactics: Pinpoint Strike
Hero: Scholar Knight
Travel: Lustria
Ally: Grandmaster
Enemy: Chaos Champion
Serve: Shadowy Figure
Perception: Soldier's Grace
Income: Well-to-do
Monstrous Mounts: Rare
Relic: Weapon/Armor of Hero
Sigil: Dove

It would be very appreciated, thank you. Also, feel free to make up the order's name.

Order of the Argent Dove, maybe?

How about Grey Dove, since Ulric and all?

Order of the Great Wolf Dove.

Should they be mounted or on foot?

Bump for writing and art!

Inb4 the shadowy figure is a master engineer with pidgeon bombs.

It's a slann we encountered in Lustria.

wolf behind, dove front, like a griffin but white and grey

OP, question for you, where are you getting the table to roll on? If it is from WFRPG, I have the books, otherwise, I am very interested in the source.

Sometimes it yields gold, my friend.


Did the artfag and the writefag just abandon us?

Wolves you say?