So what happens when she shows up in Ravnica?
How will Niv-Mizzet save the day?
So what happens when she shows up in Ravnica?
>So what happens when she shows up in Ravnica?
Turns Ravnica into the hippest night club in the Multiverse
simic futa-girls porn skyrockets in Internet searches 800%
Given that Ravnica has fairly advanced technology, several standing armies, and multiple magical equivalents of weapons of mass destruction, something tells me Emmy wouldn't have a very easy time of things. Not to mention the critical mass of planeswalkers that seem to live there.
Who would have the better shot of fucking Ravnica up, Emrakul or Phyrexia?
Don't kid yourself, you know she's going to die in Eldritch Moon. She'll take Innistrad with her, but hey, no more Eldrazi. Which is good.
If this were pre-Gatewatch, when Wizards neutered the Eldrazi's power through superfriends bullshit, I'd have set Eldrazi, but now they just feel a whole lot less threatening.
Make "way out" back into "jets" then its perfect.
I'd say Phyrexia. They're more well equipped to handle the resistance that Ravnica as a plane presents. Even pre-gatewatch, look at what the Eldrazi were attacking: Zendikar, the backwater, Podunk shithole comprised of adventurers and small settlements. Innistrad isn't much better, either.
New Phyrexian forces, tech, and weaponry are all on par with Ravnican forces, Emrakul alone is not.
Plus a larger population means better use of Plague bombs and more people to Compleat
Pretty good
need a version with the battle below where the creatures are all wearing hipster shit
All of that don't matter when Em just mindcontrols the entire plane anyways. The only thing I could think of is some madman Izzet invented a device to keep the brainwashing out and broadcasted it over the plane.
This happens
and you know it
>Izzet notices Emra's brain washing thanks to his own brand of lightening-induced madness
>Fights the signal with his own brain washing signal
>Saves the day, shuts off the Thought Improvement Giga-Radiator
>Everyone now has a million half-built devices that they don't know how to finish, start, stop, or what they even do
All of my yes. I've been waiting for this
>Oh no, the EVIL NEO-NAZI eldredgazi are invading!!!!
>We must call the Tolerant Anti-Nazi Anti-fa league!!!
>And then the anti-dredge league of tolerance and #refugeeswelcome #naziesout won with a biiiiiiig fireball!
>also we're reprinting colorless rip at zero mana.
Written by MaRo age (4)9
Emrakul will never show up in Ravnica.
Neither will the Phyrexians or any other major force other than maybe Bolas.
The guilds, by themselves, take so much of the set to represent them that there's literally no space for anything else in a Ravnica set for any other factions.
Bolas only works because he's a singular entity and doesn't cause anything weird to happen like the other two do. And even then, I'm iffy about them putting Bolas in a Ravnica block.
Niv got whupped by inbred hillbilly monsters that were of no real consequence on the grand scale of things and then cried about it for a hundred years.
Or however long the time gap between CoG and RtR is.
He wouldn't be able to do anything.
Didn't he kill 3 by himself?
He did, he also ate one of those 3 for the lulz. Then he got suckerpunched by the Simic's Project Vag and correctly decided to make an strategic retreat
>doing anything ever
Best girl would save the day
>hit up a creep with a bad trip the next time 'round
Grinning like an idiot at this
I think I'll make a proper edit at release.
bump so more people see this.
by calling his pimp, Nicol Bolas
Emrakul San will come to Kamigawa and the collorless spirits will wreck the shit out of modern
>Implying she'll go to Ravnica
Next up is New Phyrexia. Then the combined forces of both will invade Ravnica.
It, not "she," will never get there because the Jacetice League is going to defeat it in EMN
When the fuck are we going to start getting actual spoilers and not a card and a half?
she will get eaten by a passing worldspine wurm
especially since she is now a 13/13
Teysa is best girl
I know, right, not using "Xe" for Xer Glorious Radiance Emeria
Phyrexians understand the concept of society and how to infiltrate it.
And ravnicans are so intolerant they could see obliterators walking down the street and would be blaming each other's guild for their creation instead of investigating what they fuck that is and wether or not it's dangerous.