What does Veeky Forums think of SALT? Overpriced shitcoin or something solid?
What does Veeky Forums think of SALT? Overpriced shitcoin or something solid?
"Overpriced shitcoin" you are killing me
definitely overpriced shitcoin, stay away. No product EVER. It's a scam. Team is made up of pajeets...
wasnt the early ico price like 5-20 cents or something?
Ok guys seriously when are these fags releasing the platform? Its almost fucking christmas and i want another x2
why salt will be huge, not going to type this in every salt thread so read, learn and buy.
1. money laundering
people will use the salt platform for laundering money. its obvious how and its super easy.
2. high risk trading
>borrow against btc to get fiat
>use fiat to get more btc
>borrow against that btc to get fiat
>use that fiat to buy more btc
over and over and over. the risk is insanity but people WILL do it.
3. tax avoidance
self explanatory.
4. actually for its intended use.
>have 40 btc
>dont want to lose gainz/btc
>need money bad
>take loan out against that btc.
I'm 90% sure they will announce when it's releasing within the next 7 days. They are smart enough to realize that announcing shit during the holidays is dumb.
Most likely before Christmas because im sure they want their holiday, also pffffft, I am expecting at least a 3x
Fuck sake it's bleeding slowly I don't wanna baghold this shit
ugh no, read the fucking white paper. They collect all your info "know your customer" etc.
UNLESS you are talking about ratholes in which case you don't need SALT to do that.
>he thinks KYC isnt beatable
are you fucking retarded? Do you know how to read a chart?
dumbass read the last part of my post of course it's beatable.
Just sell, you don’t deserve the gains if you can’t hold a coin for a week.
sorry let me fix it.
>he thinks ratholes are the only way to beat KYC
Clear head and shoulders forming, get in!
>"overpriced shitcoin"
>revolutionizes crypto as we know it by removing capital gains tax and people ever cashing out crypto
>removing capital gains tax
How does it do that? Isn’t Mr. IRS still going to come knocking when you suddenly have 100k in your bank account?
Also you still have to put more value than you get so your basically paying a tax.
>put of 20k BTC as collateral
>get 16k USD
just read the white paper
How big can SALT get in USD? Since they sell the token directly at $25, can they run out of their own token meaning they have to buy from the market?
If so I guess there's a fantasy scenario where this token could go for more than $25 each.
your math is wrong. its actually more like 10% LTV ratio.
>10k BTC
>get 9k USD
as opposed to
>10k BTC
>pay 30% capital gains
>get 7k USD
This shit will be 50 dollars end of 2018
its $25 or a token, if the demand goes up, so does the price. Meaning it could theoretically be $50 or a token, then the price of the tokens would go up to match it, say $45 or something.
They will also be accepting ETH as collateral near the launch. Just thinking about all the ICOs trying to avoid tax by using SALT makes me hard as fuck.
Okay brainlet here, I still don’t understand how you avoid paying tax on that money when you transfer it to a bank account.
because loans arent taxable events.
sales are.
you sell btc. you pay 30% tax.
you take a loan out against your btc, pay 10% fee and dont owe the taxes.
welcome to amerikkkan tax avoidance.
If what you say is true and legal, then SALT is going to be huge.
Its already partnered with Mauritius bank. This isnt just any bank, its a State bank.
Yeah I dont see why it wouldn't be legal, a loan is just a liability to be abused with SALT
brainlets get out REEEEEEEE
Also think about all that crypto locked up in loans that can't be panic sold on exchanges. SALT will make all crypto into a staked coin system. Crypto will skyrocket at that point, look at what happens to staked coins like Dash, they don't dip hard when the market dips and they just keep going up. SALT is good for crypto itself.
dunno guys seems like a scam shitcoin to me
Deposit 1 BTC
Get loan for .9 BTC
Deposit .9 BTC
Get loan for .8 BTC
Deposit .8 BTC
Get... Where does this mania pay off? If BTC doubles?
it is don't buy
This is first coin i don't wanna shill i don't care about retards anymore.
Go buy IOTA at 4.5$ or something.
1. Maybe quicker but not better than other methods
2.Yes and it's retaded risky.
3.Not legally. Might be more expensive tax wise than just selling if they sell your collateral after its value rises.
4.This is a bet that BTC will be the same price or cheaper at a time you can afford it. Better to sell for fiat directly.
SALT is shit
You are only allowed one salt loan so that this situation is avoided.
Will it really work like that? sounds too good to be true
Yes it really works like that. I swear guys, have you even watched the intro video on saltlending.com? Why do you even attempt to discuss it, or worse, fud it, if you don't even understand how it works. A simple youtube video on the saltlending.com website covers most of these questions.
Yes some of the pros of saltlending sound too good to be true, but they are all legal and all going to happen, that is why investing in SALT is a good idea. The board chairman is Erik Voorhees, who made Shapeshift, this isn't some fly by night scam.
I've stopped trying to drag these faggots to the moon. Fuck em
my main issue with this coin is that a bunch of people picked it up for $0.25 during the ICO...
yup and it dumped hard as you can see from the graph. That is over now if they wanted to dump it they already have
In February 2017...
and the coin got to an ath of 7$ and they all dumped as you can see
God I hope they aren't dumb enough to announce the release a day before or some shit. It'll need a couple days to build up to 25 but considering how bad they fucked up the ico and the marketing is doing nothing I'm getting concerned