Holy shit LINK will work even for NEO

>We think adapters are the future of the ecosystem, and we want to make it easy for developers to write third party adapters that are easy to plug into each other to create all kinds of combinations. We’ve done it in the past for bitcoin and Ethereum, but there’s nothing stopping you from writing one for your favorite blockchain.
>Someone is already building an adapter for the NEO blockchain

Seriously how the fuck do you guys not see the potential? They can literally be the oracle whore of all of crypto.


Other urls found in this thread:


Heres the NEO enthusiast dev trying to create a LINK adaptor for the NEO blockchain

Shut the fuck up. Everyone knows the potential. This is a $100 token. Everyone on biz holds this. There is NO NEED to shill this here. Go to another forum and post.

>There is NO NEED to shill this here
Am i talking about the price you dumb cunt? Im talking about the tech. You faggots keep saying its only for Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Hyperledger when anyone could write an adapter right now.

they said that from the beginning, possible on all blockchains...

or you guys just got in or you know nothing?

Guys. I had a dream last night that LINK hit $.80. May KEK bless us all.

We do see the potential. Stop preaching to the choir and go shill the normies.

Of course you are talking about the price. Just wait for the news.

>they said that from the beginning, possible on all blockchains...
I think what most of us thought is that each blockchain had to be supported by the CORE chainlink devs to work with LINK.

Now its becoming more clear that its literally plug and play for any blockchain.

Easy 10$ by Q1 2018

99% of crypto will be used with LINK. Low balling when I say this, $60+ by 2019.

agreed, we need them to pump the LINK cult

This geek talk is full of WINNING!

i had that dream a few weeks ago user


Am i tripping or is this link new?

o really.

Seems new to me i remember clicking that link just this day and it had error 404 before


>Kek is here


So is this an official announcement that they're partnering with swift?

>mfw LINK hits $10

This. If anyone on Veeky Forums is not balls deep into LlNK yet he's a retarded redditor and needs to fuck off.

Link has stagnated, it needs a breakout

Is it too late to accumulate? I've already lost a few thousand cause I bought a lot at 5000sats

My dude, we are living in the best timeline

That was already in the whitepaper if you read it you nonce.


Help me understand something.

LINK is just an oracle. All it really does is facilitate communication between smart contracts and external data. That's the "oracle problem," a lack of oracles. LINK solves the oracle problem by being an oracle. That's great.

What I'm trying to figure out is why do all these shitcoins exist that lack in such a crucial feature as the ability to communicate? Why does LINK even need to exist? Why are all these devs so incompetent that they couldn't foresee the need for built-in oracles?

I am not FUDing LINK, it's a great project. But why do these other shitcoins even exist if the can't actually do anything?

They mention the fact that you can write adapter for any blockchain in the whitepaper.

I am getting confused here.. I though oracles were the data sources.. anyway
Link is more like a mediator for data sources.
When you create a contract link will provide you with list of data sources which it can guarantee the reputation of. You can pick and choose.

Seriously tho, im getting a large lump sum this week, im going to put 10kusd into link, good idea?

The oracle problem is not a lack of oracles, it’s figuring out the solution to having an application running on a decentralized vm to be able to get data from outside the vm. It’s not a trivial thing.

If you want to invest in the best project in crypto now, then yes.

terrible idea lmao

>a fool and his money will soon be parted

Old news

if you think investing into your future into the most promising coin of all time then yeah it's worth it
or would you rather put it into a 2% bank savings account or spend it on toys and liquor?

Depends on your net worth. I'd say put your whole crypto budget in it, but your crypto budget should be a relatively small portion of your portfolio.

I've got 3k (principle) of .13-.15 cent LINK and a 111k portfolio of stocks and shit. I feel pretty comfy with that ratio.

You're not exactly right.
LINK is just a token. Link by itself doesn't have an use. However, Link will be the token necessary for payment for services of a network of nodes that people will be running. Those nodes will be able to deliver real world data into the blockchain thus making smart contracts actually possible to be used for something else than shitcoin to shitcoin trading.

Im more than likely going to win 200k from a trucking accident, im going to invest all of it, i have a job to pay for basic bills etc, but im seriously going to buy btc eth link salt iota fun link with all of it and hodl for a couple years

I have a question I haven't seen addressed here yet. What happens once the 350 million link for node operators runs out? How do node operators get paid then?

The 350 millions is for customers, not for nodes. Once the customers run out of LINK their products won't function anymore. They will then have to start buying them from us or the node operators.

This is when the fun really starts.

kek, chainlink is just a json parser at best. its fucking made with ruby. get it into ur head faggots.

sweet Sergey Jesus

What is json

Dear god

It's also for nodes iirc.

Wew lad