How might a traditional gamer legitimize himself and his activities in the eyes of his peers?
How might a traditional gamer legitimize himself and his activities in the eyes of his peers?
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That little asian girl just became gay.
>Hey user, did you watch the big game last night?
>No, I was playing Caverna with some friends.
>Caverna? What's that?
>It's a board game, you know they make them a lot better than Monopoly these days. We're having another get together this weekend. Would you like to come?
I bet ya that little Asian girl was thinking of sticking her finger in that pooper and cooter.
OP, it's OK to be a prude, but do you have to be a faggot as well?
You got those backwards
thats not how orientations work
Could be how orientals work.
Fair enough, though I feel like someone would have noticed radically different sexual development of that sort.
Functioning as a competent member of society and not acting like a spastic about their hobby.
>not getting the joke
Fucking jesus I know its Veeky Forums, but you're already playing pretend people, is it that hard to hide your autism irl?
Just pretend to be normal when out and about.
>He UNIRONICALLY cares about the opinions of normies
You don't. Anyone that would see you any different for playing tabletop is not worth spending any time or effort on.
*C.S. Lewis quote about childishness goes here*
Is this from that one "performance art" thing that UK student did, where he gave up his anal virginity on a live stage?
That's a sculpture, user. Also a woman. Also not on a stage. Also, no bananas are being inserted into anyone's mouths.
Argue that putting themselves above you because of their preconceived notion of things they haven't tried or given you a chance to explain is about as immature as a child refusing to eat their vegetables, and significantly more childish than occasionally pretending to be a wizard?
this is one of those threads where the picture derails the topic.
but anyway, why should you care about what your peers think? It has no real bearing on you and most people will just go "well that's interesting" and never bring it up again.
>why should you care about what your peers think?
Do you realize how insane you sound?
>thinking it's genetic
female orientation likely is genetic, or at least mostly.
males are somewhat mysterious.
Evidence points to the opposite.
For both of these posts, where is this cited?
what peers are you referring to?
If you're referring to people who already don't care about traditional games you don't have much to prove, refer to traditional games as another medium.
I really have no idea what situation you're proposing or what you're trying to ask.
Is that a wax sculpture?
>mfw it's a scupture
Well done, I thought it was another "too deep for you" pretentious "art".
>tfw you don't have an ass that turns asian women gay
Who cares. Only betas care about what their peers think.
Human sexuality is variable, and a person's sexuality can change over time. The extent to which it can change varies from person to person.
Hormones have an effect - giving a dude testosterone blockers will make him gayer (to some degree) in 30% of cases. Though that's hardly a conclusive link since it's 70% unrelated.
Personally I blame Veeky Forums.
I don't need to, I only consider my gamer friends as my peers.
Step 1: Confirm that you are, in fact, not a loser.
> do you have at least a handful of friends
> do you leave your house for more than groceries
> do you have a girlfriend or have you lost your v-card
If you answered yes to at least two of these questions, proceed to step 2b. If you answered no to two or more of these questions, proceed to step 2a.
Step 2a: Make friends and get out of the house more. You should go to more social events too; anything related to things you enjoy. Begin again at Step 1 after you have stopped being a looser.
Step 2b: You do you.
Step 3: Unless they try to tell you how to do you, you let them do them.
> Warning: If they trying to do them, and you start insisting that Veeky Forums is legitimate, I swear, I'm honestly not a loser, look at how great my hobbies are, then you're either a sperglord that needs to chill the fuck out, or consider getting into different hobbies, as you clearly doubt and resent the current ones you have; they may not be for you.
Just be friendly.
People do not give a shit about what you do if they like you, or even simply don't dislike you.
The most damning thing people do is making being a "gamer" such a out, loud and proud identity. It's a fun hobby I love not who I am. Don't say normies.
Literally everywhere that isn't pushing an opinion will cite it as an area of study. There is no answer; you're both operating on conjecture.
You don't have to? Why are you asking this?
Nobody really gives a shit what you do in your free time unless you make a big screaming deal about it or that thing is kinda fucked up or weird. table top gaming hobbies aren't some strange ass thing, nobody is gonna care if you play DnD sometimes.
If someone genuinely thinks less of you solely because you play DnD/MtG/whatever then they are probably an asshole and not worth your time
I'll now reveal to you an incredible secret.
Nobody gives a fuck about your hobbies. You don't have to "legitimize" shit. All you have to do is behaving like a civil human being and not like an obnoxious ball of fat, boredom and boring tribus about an hobby nobody cares about.
Do this and you'll be respected like everyone else.
If it means I have to do that, I'll stay illegitimate.
Not being a sperg about it.
>female orientation likely is genetic, or at least mostly.
>males are somewhat mysterious.
Orientation comes from culture. Simple as that. Hence prison gay, college lesbians, increasing bisexuality and chan sexuality.
>How might a traditional gamer legitimize himself and his activities in the eyes of his peers?
You don't, some hobbies like masturbation can just be kept to yourself.
>He UNIRONICALLY uses the word "normies"
"It's fun." That's all there is to it.
If you're not a massive weirdo otherwise nobody worth knowing will give a fuck about it if you like to play D&D one night a week.
Just don't talk their ears off about it if they're not interested.
Tip: tg is a hobby, not an identity. Realizing this is the first step to normal social interaction.
modern art is cancer, op's ironic caption is working just fine.
Nobody fucking cares that you play games any more. Literally everyone knows someone or had a dad or boyfriend or brother who played magic, world of warcraft or dungeons and dragons, or at least risk or munchkin.
Unless you live in some kind of backwards shithole, in which case you're fucked any way.
Trying to put on your bigboy pants and make your happy funtime activity seem more serious than it is in the eyes of your peers always just ends up a giant cringe fest if the people you talked to lived in a cave and never heard about it in the first place.
>Itssss called animé, itsss an aaaartfooorm.
That's the best way to explain how it sounds every time someone tries too hard to defend their hobby.
The things that make fa/tg/uys social rejects is not that they play Veeky Forumsames it's that it's ALL they do, so either you don't need to explain yourself, or explaining yourself won't change anything anyway, so don't.
By not being a greasy neckbeard wearing cheetos stained sweats.
Seriously, no one cares about your hobbies. I dont even bring it up unless they ask what my hobbies are. Even then, I give em a quick summary like
"sometimes I do wargaming on the weekends. Its like risk on crack where the pieces actually work differently. You also build and paint them, as well as terrain, so its like 3 hobbies in one."
and then most importantly, instead of rambling on, you say
"so what do you like to do?"
Shows you actually know how to hold a conversation, not talk their ear off, and if they want to know more they'll ask. I've had people ask questions about it for half an hour sometimes. Apparently its a very interesting hobby to normalfags if you let them ask on their own terms. The problem is most of Veeky Forums are socially challenged and dont know how to shut up about their hobby so the other guy can get a word in edgewise. Another thing that helps is if you have pictures of painted models with something like a quarter for scale. A lot are really impressed (or will act like it) if youre decent at painting
You're a faggot.
I don't mention it unless asked specifically "What are your hobbies user? What do you do on the weekend?"
Then I say "I play RPG games, dungeons and dragons stuff" if they've heard of it. Explain a little more if they ask, if not, ask them what they get up to on the weekends. It's really not that hard.
If you need to "Legitimize" anything you do to your friends, then newsflash; they ain't your friends.
Anybody who think there's anything wrong with playing games that aren't hooked up to a monitor is a tryhard or a moron.
True, but you have to consider most people ITT are americans, so they have to legitimize whatever they do to feel comfortable with themselves. Otherwise it's all pills and mass shootings.
I'll have you know that we use plenty of passive aggressive comments and vague but oddly specific facebook posts as well thank you very much
Well passive aggressive comments and facebook posts are dangerously common down here in Europe. You know what, I don't know which is worse, maybe pills and mass shootings would help.
Why would evolution permit such flexibility?
It's an evolutionary glitch, just like being able to choose to take the pill or use a condom.
More like an evolutionary command that overrides another rules.
Like everytime its in science fiction with cyborgs and A.I. going sociopathic.
>it's an anons pretend to know shit about sociology, psychology and biology thread
There's been a lot more time to select out gays than there has been to select out condom users.
Because human evolution stopped being about genetics and started being about cultural memes 10,000+ years ago?
It can't be 100% culture either, or else there wouldn't be gays in places it wasn't socially acceptable. Like throughout most of history.
I don't. The dumb shit I do in my free time doesn't need to be legitimized.
>Why would evolution permit
because it doesn't work the way you think it does.
>Art must be hard to make to be good
what a pleb.
That quote is totally the gamer-shut in awful person equivalent of "If you can't handle me at my worst..." nonsense.
In all seriousness, if you are under 25 and you complain about the "illegitimacy" of your hobby causing you social angst, it's not the hobby. "Normies" don't give a shit about this stuff anymore. It's not them. It's that you are probably off-putting or shitty in some way,
Eh, it's only in the USA that rpg's are lame and roleplayers are nerds... At least in superior scandi land (Soon to be musling land) we don't have this problem.
I think a barrier for new players/casuals is that tabletop games are the entire reason for the gathering in most cases, whereas monopoly and other board games are just an option for entertainment when having company over. That's a pretty big jump for some people, especially if they're not sure if they'll enjoy it or not.
>It's an user thinks anyone cares about his knowledge or opinion on these topics, episode.
Why does shit /tv/ memes always leak into other boards?
Well, some animals are also gay.
One theory is that if every animal in a group gets babies, they wouldn't have enough resources to feed and protect all of their members. So the gay animals help the pack without adding to it themselves, which improves the pack's survival.
that's a really dumb theory
False premise.
Traditional games are traditional.
> I went to the toilet: someone had left a bloody tampon in the bowl. "Is this part of the performance?" I asked. The tampon had no answer. An hour and a half passed.
Somehow this is the funniest part of this article.
Oh wait, I lied. Within the context of the article, this:
>Yeah. And also – this is my answer – I will never have sex. My art is my sexuality.
is fucking hilarious.
What is wrong with you OP? Really.
I see so many threads about how to speak about traditional games to your average person.
Just talk.
Either they won't be interested, will be interested or will mock you for it. Who cares. If they wont associate with you thereafter because you're into nerd shit they're insecure/brainless fuckwits and why would you want to spend time with stupid cunts like that anyway?
I don't have to. Not only am I totally comfortable with being a huge nerd, it's a big part of who I am. As a result, even my non-gamer peers respect that I just am who I am.
Of course, I'm also generally polite, have a good work ethic, and don't sperg out even though I can be somewhat socially awkward.
So I guess the short version of the answer is "If you are a decent person, being yourself will do just fine."