Ever played with your little sister?
Did she enjoy it?
Ever played with your little sister?
I recently played a game of Everyone is John with my little sisters. They loved it. They managed to get an entire space station, including John, flung out of the airlock.
I played with my daughter. She enjoys the role playing aspect more than the game. Unfortuately she wants to be an elf, so i may have to disown her.
I put my cummy on her tummy.
ground her, and remind her that this is an orc-only household
Elves are for sexual.
Congratulations, you raised a whore.
Human pride worldwide
Sad sad truth. I blame her mother.
>Unfortuately she wants to be an elf, so i may have to disown her.
Going easy on her because she's your daughter huh?
Be thankful it was only an elf, you might be able to marry her out somewhere. Imagine if you'd raised a kid that wanted to play kender, or god-forbid, some kind of OC race.
I don't like the implication that we are Dib, OP
I am the little sister. Older sister got me into tabletop hardcore.
>anything you do with your little sister is seatworthy
Calm down, man
Wincest? In my D&D? It's more likely than you think!
Also, I keep seeing phrases like this, am I missing something like that german/fit/bro molding a loli to love him I only found out about this morning?
>tfw little sister is normie scum
>tfw can never enjoy Veeky Forums things with her
Why does nobody say normalfag anymore
Normie really has a nice ring to it.
Because of the influence of normalfags.
Dub trips speaks the truth
Goddamn it I love you, Veeky Forums
Who would want to be my little sister?
Did I ever!
Did she ever!
Want deets?
My wife likes to play little girls, does that count?
Yes. Send pics.
She tends not to draw her characters though.
How about a storytime instead?
Yes please!
Newfags that go to boards like /r9k/ and don't really assimilate properly.
sure, why not?
Sounds like my fiancee but she tends to play it straight (basically being a stubborn, greedy casually sadistic little ball of whining and fear).
Normalfags don't like to be called normalfags so they come up with normie to try and fit in better.
Around orcs, watch your sorcs.
I actually heard it came from /jp/. They're all cute anime girls there so they like to make slang terms cuter, e.g., calling the janitor "jannie." "Normie" was their version of "normalfag" and it caught on elsewhere, likely because of people who preferred it to "normalfags." You could call those second people normalfags I guess but they both work.
I know I cant get my sister into this game but I'm pretty sure i'll be able to get my kids into it... once they get older... and I have them.
Yes and I still do
bump for storytime
/jp/sie here
I'm fairly sure it was an /r9k/ thing and got popular because it sounds funnier than normalfag. It's possible /jp/ invented it and my memory is just fuzzy, since I don't browse /r9k/ save for the occasional look over after the board began its descent into madness, but I'm pretty sure they're the ones who started it, around the same time as they started frogposting and associating pepe with a weirdo screaming at normalfags
It is true that /jp/ has perfected the art of the cutepost, though!
/jp/ sounds like it would be a fun place if I had any interest in idols or 2hu.
I'd still rather the /a/ mods not transplant Type-Moon threads to /jp/ when they start with VN screenshots, though.
working on it.
It's a lot to write.
Awesome! I wait with bated breath
she flaked constantly and whenever she showed up she would get obnoxiously drunk
why sis why ;_;
You might be waiting a while, I'm autistic when it comes to details and being accurate.
It was a OWoD Dark Ages game set during the Prussian Crusades so I'm double checking a lot of details atm.
She lost interest, and seemed like she wasn't really enjoying the more violent parts of the game.
I've managed to find all of our old character sheets and notes, so it's coming along.
The dude fell asleep, didn't he?
five pages and counting.
Not asleep yet.
Damn man, you could have just done a greentext story.
I'll still take the novel though!
She's one of my regular players. We share most of our hobbies.
Alright, here's the first part.
A friend of ours was running an OWoD: Dark Ages inspired game set during the Prussian Crusade. While he explained that the game would take our character all around Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, he failed to expand on what kind of characters he was looking for and what limits were in place.
Thus his surprise when two vampires, two inquisitors, a mage, a werewolf, and a fucking fae are all slapped down in front of him on game night, for his approval. After seeing how much effort had been spent connecting several of the characters together he sighed and decided to roll with it. That choice led to a series of sessions of what he could only describe as Hell.
Clio Giolla – an eleven year old Mage of the Old Faith, oath bound to the service of her family’s patron diety, Etain.
Etain – a Fae of the Summer Court and a cunt, patron of the Giolla’s. Did I mention she’s a cunt?
Livia Merula Corculum – a Ventrue embraced by her father around 12 AD when she was twelve years old. She travels with her father to avoid execution.
Aelius Caelius Corculum – a Venture who embraced his own daughter in frenzy after his embrace, draining her dry. He has sworn to preserve Livia’s unlife at all costs.
Adolphus Von Murnau – An Inquisitor and member of the House of Murnau. He has joined forces with Maria Abbadelli to pursue and destroy a great evil.
Maria Abbadelli – A member of the Oculi Dei, she regularly receives letters, notes, and word from an unknown benefactor, who has positioned her and Adolphus within the group.
Ciabhan (Andangon) – A Fenris who’s family murdered by a Teutonic Knight and an Inquisitor, he has been bound to the service of Etain and Clio.
Before Dawn
His suspicions long confirmed the young man occupied his night with tactics and prayer, reviewing everything he had learned about his companions in their year together. He would need immediate access to oil and fire, forsaking his shield for a torch. He knew that bathing in rose oil and regular prayer should delay any foul curses he might incur. Silver knives and bolts would be kept on hand to dissuade both the fiends and the beast. But what would he do about that wretched demon? Her nature was still a great mystery. Perhaps he could warp their path towards a monetary; somewhere he could uncover hints to her true nature. Or, God willing, Abbadelli might know something, a message encoded in one of her notes or letters!
A wagon wheel nicking a rock near the side of the road jarred the man awake. He rubbed his eyes and mumbled wishing’s of all manners of foul things about his companions. A headache it was to be traveling with vampires. The foul leaches cannot stand before the light of God’s sun, lest they blister and burn. This gave them only the option of travelling between dusk and dawn, by the ever shifting moonlight. A cough from the wagon bed turned the warrior around. Its source was what appeared to be a middle aged man. Oily black hair, tied back, so it could not inhibit the sight of his brown eyes. He stared sternly out into the wilderness that surrounded them.
“von Murnau, dawn approaches. We best find somewhere to rest.” The voice was tired, dry, like stale sand.
Adolphus turned back to the road with a grunt.
“I’m well aware of your requirements Lord Corculum. Have I not been completely accommodating of them this entire pilgrimage?” Adolphus responded.
The vampire shifted behind him, reaching to blanket a woman sleeping against the wagon railing.
“You have and continue to be. I owe you a great debt for what you have provided for my daughter and I.” Aelius’ voice ringed with a sincere gratitude.
The warrior grunted again, his eyes sweeping the hills ahead. A tall, square, silhouette drew his attention. As they passed the first hill, the familiar shape of a hovel slipped into his sight. Likely filled with holes, he thought, but it will do for a day. He guided the horse to a stop just off the road. Stepping down, he handed the reins to Aelius.
“Going somewhere?” Aelius inquired.
“To see if it has been abandoned.” Adolphus responded.
A panting behind him drew his ear, carried by a carefree trot of paws on dirt. Rotating to face the source, his frown deepened. The beast, massive and white, a wolf that stood taller than his waist, padded its way towards him. Out the corner of his eye he saw Aelius’ own mouth sour in a mild disgust.
“Did you find anyone, Ciabhan?” The voice was energetic and cool, its words danced like leaves in the air.
The canine snorted in response.
“Good.” The pale, freckled, woman turned to Adolphus, her long red hair draped over the wagon.
“We may stay here tonight then, Lord Sir von Murnau of the House of Murnau.” Her voice dripped with a rancid discontent for the soldier.
“That was the plan, Lady Etain.” Adolphus responded.
How he despised her. Never on Gods earth had he stumbled upon something so disturbingly foul. Alien beauty, deviating eyes, and strange happenings have produced nothing but unease in her presence. Identifying how to remove her from this world was a task that had eaten him from the inside for the past three weeks. It kept him awake for hours after dawn. It left him tired and with nothing. With a frustrated grunt Adolphus grabbed his possessions and dragged them into the hovel.
The door fell from its hinges as he pushed it open, revealing a floor of pressed dirt and straw. At least he saw fire pit centered in the room. Perhaps Abbadelli or the Gaelic girl would make some hot soup before bed. He set his items down near the door and walked back out to water the horse. He found a stream nearby, and led the brown mare to it. She drank gallons, her tired breathing sending bubbles spiraling with the current. Wet leather smacked against stone upstream, turning his tired eyes to gaze upon a small, fragile, girl. It was Clio. The young maiden busied herself filling their water skins.
That’s it, he thought. She’s the one who has my answers! That child, that witch, arrived with the beast and the monster. As their servant she must know something. Something that could destroy that maddening she-fiend! Or perhaps she herself is the answer. She’s a witch, he reasoned, it was likely her sorcery that conjured both the succubus and that hound into this world. It had to be. Yes, that was the answer.
Finished filling the skins, the child looked up at the inquisitor. Their eyes met and she smiled, waving. Adolphus forced a smile onto his own face, and waved back. The beast sleeps during daylight, and the devil leaves after dawn. His hand played with the pommel of his sword. Today, she would talk at the edge of his blade, and then die by it. Filled anew with resolve, the warrior eagerly led their horse back to the hovel, posting it and slipping inside.
>While he explained that the game would take our character all around Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, he failed to expand on what kind of characters he was looking for and what limits were in place.
>Thus his surprise when two vampires, two inquisitors, a mage, a werewolf, and a fucking fae are all slapped down in front of him on game night, for his approval.
Uh, you forgot to mention why he would be surprised by that. You didn't say what kind of characters he was looking for or what limits he stated.
No sister but have started looking into playing with my daughter. We're not that far apart in age so she can and does pass as my sister though.
He didn't say what he was looking for and mentioned no limits other than the characters having to be new.
He was fully expecting us to make a group of hunters like we always did. That's why he was surprised.
God, I love the humor of Orcs Must Die.
She's now GMing our regular group for past 7 years.
And the aforementioned wife is calling me to bed. I'll have to finish some other time and post a link to the OWoD general.
>Ever played with your little sister?
>Did she enjoy it?
Actually yes, she was our DM. She made a homebrew system for James Cameron's Avatar and we played as a team that that got crashed on the other side of Pandora before the movie events took place.
Then we had to make peace between two rivaling tribes that apparently didn't like us but left us alone, while we were trying to not get eaten by wildlife. Shit was pretty cool.
Tell you sis she might have questionable taste in movies but she certainly knows how to come up with an interesting campaign concept. Kudos to her!!
>that feel when you have three adorable little sisters
I should get a baseball bat and beat up anyone who looks at them wrong...
Wait until they are old enough, sister's boyfriends can often become best bros. Just don't meddle in their private life it's the rudest fucking thing and your parents will do that anyways.
>We're not that far apart in age
Is that a leash?
Well, the oldest of them has a boyfriend already and he and I are on friendly terms. But I still don't want my sisters to get hurt.
Since when was being retarded a joke?
when your mother started laughing
See that's a joke, it's got build up and a punchline to it. Calling someone a pedo for playing with little girls isn't a joke, it's lazy banter at best.
If they love each other and their boyfriends are any decent people, then they will want the same thing. You gotta learn to just leave them alone, unless some real serious shit happens.
Again keep in mind that your parents, most likely also think the same way as you do and they will probably be even more protective and less considerate about things. Something your sisters will probably get tied of awfully quickly. So just be be cool with their boyfriends and be bros, the better you all get along the happier will everyone be.
Checked ano-nii
My understanding is that "normie" is the term for regular people and "normalfag" is the term for shitters that think normalcy is the only way to live. So normalfags are technically wannabe normies.
You're right.
I want to be a cool brother, not the awful, creepy kind... Thank you for reminding me to be excellent user!
Yes, she likes it a lot. She also plays magic.
Checked user
Also, nice comeback, i basically just through that out because the set up was so perfect it was hard NOT to
Our father made complete fucking nerds of all his kids, I often GM for both of them
No. She'll sit and play videogames with me, and even play some on her own while keeping me nearby to help, and we'll even spend evenings watching M*A*S*H together, but ttgs are the one things she won't do
Of the wife, dork.
OMD makes me feel uncomfortable.
Sorceress is the villain but she gives me a boner.
I feel very uncomfortable because my morality is in conflict with my penis.
>OC races
>worse than Kender
The worst kind of Mary Sue is the canonical Mary Sue.
No imouto here, jut two younger brother that can't stay in one room for too long without beating the shit out of each other.
Good news, in the second game she's a protagonist!
No, it's the cable for her hair straightener. But I like the way you think.
>Playing 3.5 with me (15), older bro (16 and younger bro(10/9?)
>I'm GM because older bro can't GM for shit
>Older bro is rogue
>I let little bro use some 3rd party race and class to be able to shape shift into a animals and shit (skinwalker or something) without being a lame druid
>Sister walks in (11-12?) and says it looks fun because we are all laughing when little bro turned into a bear and had a rap battle with a magical bear
>Mom makes me let her play
>Spend the next hour and a half making her a character, have to explain everything twice and she can't decide
>Eventually settles on an Elven sorcerer
>She spends the next 45 minutes staring at spells
>I just say ignore it and give her the list of spells from one of my characters
>I introduce her character and she uses a ray spell and one shots little bro after his battle against a werebear psychic dragon
>He starts crying and getting mad because he always does when he loses and he really liked the character
>I say she explodes from magic
>Mom comes in and bans D&D in the house because sister killed little bro and made him cry
Sounds like it was due to inexperience as a DM, or atleast inexperience in DMing young kids.
I regularly run games with some kids at the local nursery (its 5ed so its actually simple enough to manage) and currently the youngest (12) is queen of Not!Narnia through a surprisingly well accomplished coup d´etat.
What I find works is to have something from outside intervene to prevent stuff liek that spoiling the fun (and thats a major part of keeping a young kid interested in playing). I would roll some dice behind a board and have someone or something interpose itself between the target and the spell by chance.
Then once its out of their system (or they run out of spells) encourage them along with reasonable, fun and attainable goals (i find young players respond well to treasure at the bottom of a mysterious caves/ruins/wells/windowless vans) and use it to teach them the basics.
best girl
I was 13 when I had her, I know people with siblings who have a larger age gap than that.
Shit, that's messed up. What happened?
My volunteer supervisor took advantage of me. Got pregnant and jetted once she had the baby, leaving my parents with the bag pretty much.
Yeah. Im sure they will end up enjoying daddies hobby.