What are Veeky Forums's sacred cows?
What are Veeky Forums's sacred cows?
Nothing is sacred.
Generally, people here get mad when you shit on Tolkien. I feel that's the one thing most people leave alone. Bring up basically anything else, and it's guaranteed you'll get some people talking about how much they hate it.
Everywhan eez hereteek
There's people here who don't like Tolkien. That's the beauty of Veeky Forums. Everyone hates everything and everyone and the system runs on hate. Yet it's still capable of producing ingenious content, more because of the strife than in spite of it.
You can shit on Tolkien if you find his prose a little dry and his world-building a bit masturbatory. There's plenty to complain about, even if he's a great author.
Like said, nothing's really sacred, not even works like Berserk.
>how can I get guaranteed replies?
nice try shitposter-kun
Is there such a thing as an anti-sacred un-cow? In which case, that would be FATAL.
>Is there such a thing as an anti-sacred un-cow?
A Profane Horse?
What one does with elvish slaves.
FATAL is for sure our profane horse, if that is the right word.
OC is always good
What? No. That's a sacred cow that's slaughtered rather regularly. Not all OC is created the same.
Casters in 3.PF, apparently
OP is and always will be a faggot
Tell that to the faggots that defend shit like Harem Knights or Towergirls.
But MTG is awful and anyone who has played it long enough becomes an awful person.
define "masturbatory?" his world building is impeccable. that's why lotr is such a classic
i can understand if you don't like the constant incessant descriptions of terrain though, or his prose top notch. i myself also found some arcs of the story near the last to be repetitive
The lore, the community, and the competitive metagame are awful; the game itself is fun
Bad horse.
He is bad.
Nothing. Veeky Forums is about roleplay, and that means a lot of putting yourself in different shoes. Different viewpoints have different ideas about what's sacred.
Veeky Forums holds nothing sacred, and holds nothing as worth completely disregarding. It's the most neutral board because most people here are willing to entertain any setting or idea at least a little bit.
>Some people like thing
>Thing must be sacred cow
That really isn't how it works, user.
I'm on Veeky Forums pretty often but I haven't even heard of either of these, maybe I just instinctively ignore it (or I have the tripfags filtered).
So, like every other popular game? People seem to think you can't enjoy a game because "t-toxic community".
Don't talk shit about Pratchett or Mouse Guard.
My implication was that there are many faggots on this board that will defend all OC no matter how shitty it is. Another example would be questfags.
Your newness is showing. Both were fairly big things a year or so ago, Harem Knights especially got fairly large.
No it didn't.
>shitty OC born of bait threads and /b/ tier "roll for waifu" crap
The only thing "fairly large" here is your ego.
It's rude to call her a cow.
People shit on Tolkien because they expect to much, it was prose for children, for his children, he build a world purely because it appealed to him. He created language because he loved the written and spoken word, that is it, publishing and becoming an author were afterthoughts for him and his estate.
When people bad mouth Tolkien it angers us because it is like saying the Model T Ford is shit because it does not have fuel injection, shitty BHP and can't do 0-60 like even the most basic of modern cars. It was often the first world we found, the first books we read and because of such the one that can always be imrpoved on because it is the basic level.
That and it is mainstream and popular now. Also fuck Moorcocks Epic Pooh essay, despite my love of Moorplots work, his argument that it is escapism and cliche and all these other things is true, it was literally escapism and a balm for the world he say around him.
>When people bad mouth Tolkien it angers us
The one thing we all should make sure to do, is to try to not ever speak for more than one person.
this will be a short thread then
I have to admit, as a young reader the terrain descriptions did sort of take me out of the story. I still appreciate what he did for fantasy literature and inspiration for tabletop in general, even if he isn't my favorite author.
This user understands.
This joke was never funny, and what's amazing is that it's now even less funny.
It's negative funny.
Coasters. Everyone agrees you should always use a coaster.
This seriously is one of the lamest jokes idiots like you try to press.
Would you rather I ask if you take your shoes off when you go into someone else's house?
I follow the rules of the home. How hard is that?
Is it alright to shit on JMS, who wanks off too hard to Tolkien?
This is Veeky Forums. Nothing is sacred.
OC games and quests have their own containment threads/boards so that people with less than absolutely patrician tastes/the hive-mind mentality can have fun and share interests within a community.
The fact that you feel the need to be salty about OC shows that either:
1.You are baiting because your bandwidth is powered by (you)s
2.You have a particularly nasty case of autism where anything that isnt "normal" or "to your tastes" is automatically shit and needs to be ranted/argued about for hours on end on anonymous forums and the youtube comment section.
Creating /qst/ was a terrible move for Veeky Forums. While Quests are thriving in /qst/, the gap a good bunch of them have left is being occupied by shitty troll threads. Like this one.
Pariah bull? Unholy ass? Leper camel?
While pariah bull is fun to say, I think leper camel works better in print.
Almost everyone here at least likes Tolkien,
but there's a general dislike for cookie cutter faux Tolkien.
>it was prose for children
But if that pile of overwritten, rambling, boring tripe is intended for kids, it's even worse. The world building is excellent, but the storytelling is awful.
I think LotR's prose is WAY too dry. I've never been able to slog through more than Fellowship.
But I loved the Hobbit.
>Yet it's still capable of producing ingenious content, more because of the strife than in spite of it.
This is Veeky Forums's sacred cow. The concept that somehow dysfunctional fuckery is better than having adult conversations. The illusion that calling people SJWs and faggots is somehow healthy for the community.
Don't EVER try to suggest this isn't true. If you doubt it, watch the replies to this comment.
The Hobbit, as a story, is much better than LotR, but the writing is still less than stellar. I've tried to make it through LotR on three separate occasions, and every time it's the Two Towers that does me in. The first time I got about 1/3 of the way through it, the second time 1/2 the way, and the third time 2/3 of the way. Two Towers is where I start really disliking aspects of the story rather than just the prose. It's just a weak book.
But Babylon 5, despite its flaws (and some of them are rather egregious ones), is arguably still the best science fiction television series ever made. Arguably. It's not the only contender, but it's on a short list.
Fun fact: any non-literal usage of "sacred cow" can be replaced with "badwrongfun" and it won't change the meaning of the sentence at all.
Adult conversations are dysfunctional fuckery. This isn't a debate team.
That's not true. Badwrongfun is lacking the legacy aspect. Sacred cows are the accepted way of doing things and are so ingrained that people object vehemently to changing them on that basis alone.
As someone who loves it, Warhammer 40k.
The fans can be fanatical, they make excuses for it and believe that this site revolves around it above everything else.
Fucking hell, it made it this far without someone calling it and I am outright saying I am a fan.
If you insult Pratchett you will get your shit pushed in, everything else is fair game on Veeky Forums.
Not quite a sacred cow, but a lot of people seem to get triggered hard if you tell them that narrative games actually do have rules and suit many needs that people have out of RPGs.
Anything that isn't a railroad must be a sandbox.
True sandboxes are a perfectly functional way of playing TTRPGs and if it isn't working it's something wrong with your group.
Every RPG thread someone has to say "we're not just here to discuss D&D" especially when it's obvious that the only actual RPG we're here is to discuss is D&D.
The fact that casters are the best in the game provided you let them have their pick of any spell in any book at any time during a single encounter workday is vastly more important than how classes actually play in OTB games.
"If you don't like it, just change it" and "if it's not fun just leave it out" are automatically the solution to every rules problem and any game imbalances this creates are the designer's fault, not the players.
Whipping boy?
fucking this.
Doubt most people on Veeky Forums has ever been in a fight, especially true for Pratchett fans.
if you must shit post you must spend the same amount of time in thinking it through as you do for character creation
denial and addiction
Jokes on you I play 5e. I can roll up a character by tripping on a random job-related item causing me to drop a bag of spare d6s on a class description.
Play Reign instead, not only can you roll up a complete character including backstory (other than name and gender) using 11d10, but the character you end up with is guaranteed to be mostly viable.
You seriously underestimate how much shit I talk IRL.
Now, if we're talking about WINNING fights that's a whole 'nother issue.
1. Stat/skill system.
2. Dice as a resolution mechanic, in particular, "roll over DC"/"count amount of successes" resolution mechanics.
3. Non-abstract approach to wealth.
4. Abstract approach to relationships.
5. Margin of success/failure.
6. Only one track of hitpoints.
Veeky Forums, I've found, is strongly against:
Optimisation / Powergaming / Minmaxing
Rules lawyering, unambiguous systems, and avoiding DM fiat
Child sexuality
Sexual fetishes in general
Disrespecting the feelings of women
And Veeky Forums is really bigoted about it, thinking that anyone with a different playstyle is objectively playing the game wrong and objectively a blight on the hobby, and clearly not a true scotsman.
You'd think so, but lately the "We should ban what hurts my feelings" crowd has been leaking into Veeky Forums and unironically using the word "creepy" to mean "objectively bad" rather than "this hurts my feelings, though my feelings might be incorrect or oversensitive or out of sync with reality."
found the /pol/ack
phenomenal bait, comrade
Oh please. /pol/ has sacred cows of its own and I'm happy to troll /pol/ with them as well.
... Though I suppose that does still make me a /pol/ack.
Ollanius Pius
the point of Epic Pooh was the Tolkien represented irresponsible and toxic escapism. i shit on Tolkien because he was a lazy writer and had a fucked up sense of upper-crust Christian morality, but i also appreciate Tolkien because of his contributions to modern fantasy and his dense worldbuilding.
that being said i am fucking exhausted of all the LOTR cargo cult'ing that goes on in our hobby.
What about Myfarog and the Gorean setting?
Sell to kingdom you don't like.
Encourage racemixing to destroy said kingdom.
Replace elves with human loli slaves.
Build glorious human empire by breeding said loli slaves.
Optionally use dwarf loli slaves if you are a dwarf, and build glorious dwarven empire.
I always take off my shoes. Isn't it basic ettiquette?
"The Hobbit" was written for children. I don't think you can say LOTR is a kids book.
About what?
The guy who made Myfarog is an ass, but the game itself, as I understand it, is just a chart-filled 90s-esque fantasy heartbreaker.
The most awful thing about it is the pricing and the way people waste their money on it.
The way I do it is I just have everyone bring their own damn food and rotate who houses the game.
>The illusion that calling people SJWs and faggots is somehow healthy for the community.
Not directly, but it's more of a lesser evil, since it's an immunising factor against the people who want to ban calling SJWs faggots.
I completely agree user.
I have replied to your comment.
How edgy and contrarian of me!
I'd play games made by an ass.
I'd play games with an ass.
Games where everyone is an ass and trying to out-ass each-other are incredibly hilarious.
... I just described the entire ASSFAG (((MOBA))) genre didn't I.
Dorfs (especially dorf fort), Elf Slaves, Commissar jokes (HERESY!), 4e = WoW
The trees were flowing in the wind like magnificent blades of grass, the ground they walked upon was littered with fallen leaves, the trees had a unique bark color, one they have never seen before. Orcs attacked and died ring is safe. The river was a pale blue, the color of desperate maidens' eyes, the water was flowing over the rocks, and a peculiar pattern of white foam formed over in the distance. The sky was still bright, even though it was raining, and the droplets had a golden shine to them, causing minute rainbows to appear and disappear in a matter of seconds. They were attacked by a nazgul but they killed it, ring is safe. Frodo noticed some rocks of a slight gray color with a reddish persuasion which reminded him of the shire and how he enjoyed his adventures as a young lad, blah blah blah.
That is what he means as masturbatory, and I'm terrible at this.
If 4e was WoW then instead of having combat encounters, your characters would sit around solo and isolated while feats and equipment automatically flowed into them.
4e is more like WoW pre-MoP
Ah, you mean how I write my college papers, yeah, I understand what you're going for.
I am going to print out your post and masturbate to it, the part about the river being a pale blue and the color of a desperate maiden's eyes.
This Snaggletoothed Gobshite/Daughterfu
Your mother.
Succubi always have to be secretly good. We cannot imagine that anyone who wants to fuck us could be evil.
there was a thread on myfarog a few weeks back and most of the thread's discussion was the same old "did varg do it" (who cares) and about the political themes of the setting
but can someone please just tell me WHAT the setting of myfarog is
FATAL without rolls for anal circumcision.
I've never played FATAL but I'm like 99% sure you meant "circumference."
bitch, if you wanna pay for refurbishing my table you're welcome.