How would one make a super natural campaign during Vietnam?
How would one make a super natural campaign during Vietnam?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Take players
>Put then in Vietnam
>Suddenly supernatural shit starts going down
>It Ain't Me starts playing
>inb4 there was no supernatural shit going on
>It was all in the player's heads
If I recall correctly, there was a D&D module that had a section that was focused around the PCs being teleported straight into the middle of the Vietnam war by a soldier with super PTSD. If someone has that bit you could probably crib from it wholesale.
Delta Green, most likely
Here is some missions you could do.
>Immortal Mongolian warlord trying to resurrect his army
>Looking into both U.S. and Soviet experimental facilities
>Amazon warrior causing trouble up to you to either make peace or erradicate the threat
>Aliens becasue why not
Vietnamese use blood magic and sacrifice American captains to summon the macguffin
>The punji spike traps are not traps but summoning pits for the creation of a demon that requires blood and pain.
That'd actually be a really cool plot twist for a one shot campaign, especially if the aliens/monsters/whatever were actually your own troops and you're only now realizing you've gone completely bonkers.
>The soundtrack of that decade, that was played from helicopters, contained a binary/morse code pattern to disrupt the summoning of the bigbad.
>Rolling Stones, Beatles, Janis Joplin, Cream, Led Zeppelin and The Who are all Templars/Freemasons trying to prevent the summoning of the Chinky-Chonky-Diety.
Don't tell them this is Nam with 2spooky. Just send them in country and start adding the supernatural shit. And intercut it with the horrible Nam shit.
So like they've bested the vampire or whatever, get back to base and start talking over the threat. Like normal decompression so they can grok what's going on. Then mortars hit the base. Or Charlie is in the wire.
The old man who was helping them gets murdered as a collaborator.
The local police don't believe someone and torture them.
The full on randomness of war can really screw over PCs.
>Hendrix was the Templar Prime and was able to resonate directly with the demon and cause horrible damage to its summoming
>A Vietnam Hit Squad infiltrated London and assassinated him for fear his next album would shatter the demons very essence.
>Pic related, his roadie at the time fought off dozens of Vienam Death Squads while tripping off his box on acid, mushrooms and speed
>Lemmy was actually Hendrix's roadie.
One of my friends dads was a Vietnam vet and he used to tell stories of a haunted building in one of the towns he used to be in where in the 50's the Vietnamese would hobble French POW's by cutting their achillles tendons then torture them for information. Was pretty creepy the way he told it and some of the experiences.
>the reason every motorhead song sounds exactly the same is because its the only frequency for pushing back the demon that hendrix taught him before the end
I think you mean Fortunate Son
>Amazon warriors causing trouble up to you to either make peace or erradicate the threat
This sounds kinda interesting the question is would the Amazons agree with the U.S.,Soviets or fuck both sides and try to get a piece of nam for themselves
>Every Motorhead song sounds the same
>Sound the same
I will hunt you down and kill you for saying that unless you change it to the harmonics of Lemmys bass line being tuned specifically to damage demons.
Lemmy is the Oversoul of rock and roll, he is to it what the God-Emperor is to the Imperium, the gestalt conciousness of all who came before. Right now he is reborn to a young family in Wales.
just give them packs full of heavy kit and assault rifles that jam on a roll of 1-3, and then drop them right into Kent State
>US team on a psyops mission
>playing ghostly wails over loudspeakers to demoralize the vietnamese
>get called back to base
>turn off loudspeakers
>the wails don't stop
I suppose it depends a bit on what you mean by "supernatural." You could have USA grunts stumbling across Lovecraftian horrors in the depths of jungle ruins. Or you could have the PCs all be D&D races, in a fantasy alternate Earth ala Shadowrun where all that shit is real. Or you could do a more urban fantasy thing, incorporating real-world Vietnamese mythology which is a crazy melting pot of Daoist, Hindu, and Buddhist mythologies.
Depends all on the tone you want to go for.
sorry, mate. Every song is Ace of Spades with the lyrics changed.
>Run into a bunch of hippies
>said hippies are all druids who are following a nature goddess
>unleash animals and plant life against the G.I.s
>being in a warzone
Did the Vietnam war get moved to Canada?
Green peace? Maybe not hippies but atleast have a nature cult
You could ask some actual people in the actual Vietnam about the local folklore.
It is a real place, you know.
'tis a meme fellow user.
One where America won
Literally mgsIII
>Players airdrop in to field
>Ahead Agent Orange is being used
>Defoiliaged everywhere
>Paint It Black starts playing.
Fuck off, cheap nigger.
3 was infiltrating Russia and shooting The Boss
Fucking tear jerker
So....the Predator, but with ghost?
Make the players all classic Universal Studios monsters assembled to fight in the Nam. And, uhh, throw in Satan as the villain. Or a lesser hell entity.
Very simple actually. Add in some supernatural elements to explain why the Vietcong fought so well during the nights.
Then, pull the twist, have the players go AWOL and find out why the Americans did so well in the day.
Not all the dead land out here was defoliated, nor were all the tunnels dug by hand.
Wait fir Fall of Delta Green to come out and do it for you.
>Watch Apocalypse Now while dropping acid
>Run result in Delta Green
Didnt the Americans try to use speakers playing ghostly voices to draw the vietcong out?
Read into some of the PSYOP shit that was done during the war.
One thing they were known to do was play ghostly wails and shit like pointed out.
And as every other user has said, use the horrors of war in itself to help accentuate the supernatural shit
Operation Wandering Soul is probably the PSYOPs most well known thing.
>car battery backpack
>for massive IR scope
>on an M1 carbine
>in a daylight op
Supernat VN? OP confirmed for right bastard. That pic is itself an eldritch abomination!
Run Tour of Darkness for Savage Worlds.
DG or UA, CoC7 would work as well, or Nemesis, even Dread.
Charlie Don't Surf
Apocalypse Now
I play that game on Thursdays using Delta green.
>in an alternative history version of Vietnam US loses the war
I thought the Night vision one was called an M3?
>Apocalypse now, only Colonel Kurtz found aliens/elder gods/got possesed by ghosts
For the first portion of the campaign they fight the VC but as they get further up the river supply bases become fewer and further between and they eventually come to deserted villages, unexplained battlegrounds and empty ships floating downriver along with other spooky stuff
The Divine is a pretty great comic to base something like this off, even if was inspired by two Thai kids instead of Vietnamese kids.
Nigger fuck off, even the A1 didn't jam that much. I bet you think the AK47 was immune to stoppages as well, you fucking Mac Brooks shill. I hate your kind. Quit spreading lies.
No. The sequel to the video game Shellshock 'Nam 67, where suddenly zombies and shit showed up in the middle of the Vietnam War to fuck up both sides. Really weird departure from the first game, unless I'm remembering wrong.
I'd probably look toward the Shellshock series, which took a distinctly supernatural turn. That'd probably be up your alley, and probably use Savage Worlds with the Horror Companion. Exploding dice are perfect for seeing your friends die face down in the muck.
>This outdated, old ass rifle is the best for zombies, also this somewhat heavy and massively overpowered round is exactly what you need to pop zombies in the head.
I suppose it's too much to hope anybody here knows much about Vietnamese folklore?
It's a lot of ancestor worship. The oldest of a family is the leader and should be consulted and heeded. Graves must be elaborately cared for, with rituals spread throughout the year.
This was a major issue for US forces attempting to resettle locals away from hot zones. People couldn't leave. It would mean leaving their ancestors.
Semt in to clean up the aftermath of unethical CIA experiments dealing with spookystuff
>experimental chemical weapons
>people which seem completely charred walk towards the players in a zombie-like fashion while hissing like snakes
>they are using farming equipment covered in weird dust to attack players
>players who get in contact suffer severe burns and nerve damage
spoopy enough?
>were actually your own troops
Make more sense to have them as random villagers and shit, since they're less likely to have guns and vehicles. Better for the hallucinatory demons to be clawing at you from the undergrowth.
Oh fuck, I forgot, lemme dust off this goddamn address book full of Vietnamese people I know.
One thing I do know is that the predominant religion in Vietnam is folk religion, which is a Confucianist/Taoist/Animist mix. Proper sects of Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism all exist in the country, but they're in the minority.
Which means there isn't really a nationalized mythology. There are legendary stories and some myths that are common, but not centralized corpus of myth like you have in China. Everything's super localized instead, all about the local dragons and other nature spirits, or about your personal ancestor spirits, or about specific localized immortals.
In a lot of ways it's very similar to Chinese mythology. You have the Xian (immortals) who have gotten somewhat fused with the concept of Bodhisattvas. You have ghosts, dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, or rather their Eastern equivalents. You have heaven as the vaguely defined realm of the immortals. But it lacks unifying concepts like the Jade Emperor and his Celestial Bureaucracy, or other centralized god-figures like Huangdi that everybody knows abut.
In a way, this is a little freeing for a DM. So long as you can nail the tone and feel of these folk beliefs you can feel free to innovate under that aegis, creating fictional towns and provinces with their own localized legends, spirits, and traditions.
Do you not remember the Invasion of Canada?
zombies are always an option
>pic related
Charlie's not just in the trees.
They *are* the trees.
Magic chinks, literal fishheads, and traps, traps, traps. Oh, and the bard must play a song from that era
Quickest plot that comes to mind, take Apocalypse Now and turn Kurtz into a Malkavian, and an old powerful one at that.
This gun, the M3 was nicknamed "the abomination", as it weighted something like 6 times the original lightweight humble M1, so you are not that far off. Also the nightscope was efficient only up to 100 meters, that's why it was put on a carbine and not on a garand or a springfield...
>he actually sees "super natural campaign during Vietnam" and thinks "D&D"
Thinking over this some more. You might not want to let the players nail down the setting. Like toss a folktale at them but next time steal something from Lovecraft. So like they're never quite sure what to think of this mess.
Like add to it with NPCs giving their own ideas. The walking trees are magic according to the monk but the totally not a CIA guy thinks it's a Soviet plot.
Also like patrolling wasn't everything. You can run shit at their base. Also you could intercut it with R&R and trips to Saigon. If you do multiple characters? You can send the wounded to hospitals and rip some China Beach stuff. Or have someone go home for a bit due to a family emergency and run a one off session with pregens. The freaky shit is at home too.
Also there's the whole different cultures to play up.
>Bard are exclusive to d&d
>Who is the defiinitive article of such term
Oh please then, tell me what thought process allowed you to connect "super natural campaign during Vietnam" to "bard". Go on, I'll wait.
I see bard as anyone who plays an instrument to lift spirits
Drummers in armies, people who sing in the down time,
Bard is just my general term for non healing support class
Did you have problems with my other suggestions?
>I see bard as anyone who plays an instrument to lift spirits
And you think you'd see that in the Vietnamese war?
At major compounds, on helicopters, anywhere that wasn't deep in enemy territory.
So you think there's going to be some asshole there, strumming his guitar, trying to magically raise everyone's spirits?
Canada Never Happened
Yes, it is war after all
I would intend to have an eternally optimistic NPC who is just trying to get home in one peice, and wants everyone to do the same.
I would pay real money to see this movie actually made.
Also, I I think I read an old Marvel comic I think where at some point during some interplanar fuckery, some American soldier loses his shit as his entire platoon is killed and uses the souls of his friends to summon a horde of demons that tear the Vietnamese apart until the whole place is wiped out by B52 bombing carpet bombing. Or something like that, I don't exactly remember.
>The CIA experimented with tactical dispersal of radiation in the jungle, and mutated the shit out of the place.
Basically the zone but in a jungle.
Literally do twenty minutes of research into psyops experiments in Vietnam
Rolled for inspiration, how did I do?
>Veeky Forums is not capable of considering a campaign where the players... are the Vietcong.
Feels bad man. They could be shamans of local ancient cults, using their gook magic to stave off the invaders while trying not to scare too much of their own and catch the ire of Communist government.
Critical failure.
M80, this is the stupidest idea I've read all day.
So of course I'm gonna steal it.
What sort of hijinks could a squad consisting of Dracula, The Invisible Man, Wolfman, and the Bride of Frankenstein get up to in 'Nam?
So, Earl Harbinger's backstory?
Looks you're the only person here who read the series.
Apocalypse Now style assassination mission but the Angkor Wat style ruins that the target secluded himself in have given him the powers to commune with and possibly summon eldritch horrors.
This 100%.
Use the Mobile Riverine Force.
All sorts of random places in the delta. You can use land or water monsters. All sorts of mad max level of shit on the US forces side. They made flamethrower boats, artillery boats and all sorts of random ass stuff.
Just like my Chinese cartoons.
Make them fight man eating plants
>Vietnam setting
"It Ain't Me" starts playing
Read this, shamelessly rip it off.
I was actually planning a campaign like this, where the party is a small band of SOG being sent to investigate reports of unusual enemy activity on a section of the Cambodian border, starting the game as a straight up military adventure, slowly shifting into the spooky as the jungle begins working against them and begins defying nature in that purpose. I was planning on ending the campaign with the source of the corruption being a corpse tree, fed by blood and with an actual beating human heart in a hollow. I wouldn't tell the players about the spookyness before hand, or ever give a straight explanation for what happened and I would aim to keep the players guessing.
Start by showing all the horrific shit that was day to day for them.
>You find where Charlie has been dragging wounded GIs
>The trese's roots are covered in dog-tags, skulls sunken in the mud
>When you put the flamethrowers to it, it starts lashing back with barbed vines
>Buddy got a cut
>Goes all feverish, they think it's a parasite from bad water
>Three days later, he killed the doc and ran off into the jungle
>You find the damn plant growing out of him, bones twisted by searching roots
>He pleads for life, says he can help you
>You haven't got the clearance to call in Agent Orange
>GIs and COs start showing the same symptoms after visiting the working girls
>You gonna let it take root?
>>You gonna let it take root?
I always wondered was Lorenzo considered the 1st Catachan commissar or 2nd?
Then you would be playing Weird Wars Tour of Darkness
We remember Yank. We remember. The Moose will rise again!
Also, didn't the US army experiment with troops on acid? Why not let them start of with one or two normal sessions, and don't announce it's spoopy. Then on a lighter note, announce they're going to take acid and it's going to be a bit of a lighter mission, a bit more laid back than the others. Then, at the end of trip it's a little weird. No matter how much they blink the colours do finally go back to normal but the skies still seem different. Charred foliage, etc. etc. the scary monsters they were shooting in their drug fuelled rage don't disappear. Make it feel like a bad trip gone wild, and it's all real. But now with lots of guns and operators operating.
I believe they tried LSD on prisoners as well to help with interrogations, but I could be wrong. I do know, that the CIA did try to make super soldiers with PCP and other cocktails.
Someone call /co/. there's a hellboy story that's perfect for this. technically its Bolivia but godforsaken jungle is godforsaken jungle.