>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Game Finder Thread
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Question, how do I link myself on Discord, so people can add me as a friend?
Is there anyone on Veeky Forums that is from Tucson? Whats the best LGS in town?
Why not? People do it with Skype and such all the time.
Invite to the Veeky Forums discord server
>GM or Player
Exalted, 40k RPGs, WHFRP, Shadowrun
>Time availability
GMT+ 2, all evening when there is an arrangement.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: spyros.kotteas
Mail : [email protected]
>GM or Player
Really want to try exalted
>Time availability
EST -5 prefer later nights. daytime games suck
>Text or Voice
Voice or text. but really prefer Voice.
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
>GM or Player
The Mutant Epoch
>Additional Information
Im currently GMing a game on this system, but i would like to also learn to play it as a player.
Im trying to get a group together, but obviously the hard part is the GM.
I have the core book, and some supplements, and im willing to share them with anyone that needs them. Im aslo willing to help any players and GM to learn the system.
The exact times and dates can be discused once the GM is aboard.
>post erryday
>404 erry night
And im usually the one to post them too. we just need a pinned mega thread or some shit.
>GM or Player
Song of Swords
>Time availability
Wednesdays, 11am-5pm
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
[email protected] email or skype
>Additional Information
We and another user are planning to give this a whirl. We're new to the system and will be sort of learning as we go so mastery isn't required/expected. Going to run a small group so we'll likely only add in 1-2 others.
>No timezone.
>GM or Player
I've played Pathfinder, some 3.5/4, but want to learn some more.
>Time availability
Currently available every evening past 1800 GMT. After the next two weeks, can extend that to pretty much every time, with some fore-warning.
>Text or Voice
I'm good with both. Don't have my good mic with me though.
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
Again, in the UK, and for the next two weeks I'm pretty busy, but after that I'm good.
pardon me, I'm retarded. 11am-5pm EST
No, it's quite alright, that's all of us here.
>GM or Player
I'll play anything, but the only system I know is D&D. I'm really in the mood to play something that's not fantasy, whatever it is. Thou I gotta say I'd love to play something about giant robots
>Time availability
GMT-3, can play pretty much any day for the next 30 days, but would prefer weekend nights either way.
>Text or Voice
Either (fair warning in that I'm not a native English speaker)
>Contact Information
Skype: racdi_as
Steam: /kpopmaster
just how non-native a speaker are you?
Well, I can read and understand just fine, but my sentences might be a tad awkward from time to time.
Regarding voice chat, well, I can't really measure it, but most people say they can understand me just fine.
>GM or Player
Shadowrun, Mage The Awakeing, Reign, Degenesi, Broken World
>Time availability
Saturday/Sunday evenings, 7pm ~ 12pmEST
>Text or Voice
Text preff, but voice is fine. Voice for OOC, Text for IC is ideal.
>Contact Information
Skye: Krunkle Stan
>Additional Information
I'd rather get in on a new game than jump into an already running game, but I'd happily do the later.
desu a lot of anons probs think me a shrewd, but joining a group where "humor" is defined as perpetual bigotry and references to movies from the early 90s, because everything made after 25, Dec, 1999 sucks by default(unless it's the Matrix or the Lord of the Rings obviously apparently), is getting really old.
Wow, user you are such a faggot nigger, even more so than Morpheus.
Where are you from?
Somebody make a gamefinder thread picture with this pic.
it gets old man
Of the, maybe dozen-ish groups, at most, that I've ultimately been invited to, like 2~3 of them were really cool, 3~4 were like, either I couldn't make the time work or I opted-out of the game as politely as possible just because it didn't sound like it was for me, and I didn't want to fake it only to give up later.
The ohter 4~5? Fucking, super spurglord central.
-and when I had to leave the ones that didn't time right or were cool dudes but I just wasn't into the game I felt really bad because tehy were nice enough to invite me in the first place.
Those other fuckers though?
They'll seem really cool, what 1 or 2 you get to talk to ahead of time, and then it just devolves into grade school l humor and try-hard college kid politics, and look at how niche I am I've seen this one movie nobody else in the group has but instead of mentioning it once and telling you to check it out, which would totally be cool, I'm going to run it into the ground and make the same three references, that nobody else at the "table" has context for, over and over again, because I thrive on attention and tears.
-and before someone tells me to just be happy I'm being invited at all (which I'm usually fucking giddy about desu), that's over the course of like four years.