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Large Armies Edition
Has anyone had experience with mass combat rules?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Large Armies Edition
Has anyone had experience with mass combat rules?
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Anyone who spells it "San Fran" should be raped to death by cacti and barbed wire.
Half-elf Lore Warden.
>inb4 lel martial
A wand of explosive runes is definitely on my to buy list.
We'll never get proper info on these boys, right?
If you had an ability or interaction that said 'X functions as if it were two levels higher' and an ability that said 'X lasts for a number of rounds equal to your level, these rounds do not need to be consecutive.'
So if you used all of your rounds and then exposed yourself to the aura, item, ability, etc that gave that ability two more rounds, you could then use it for two more rounds, yes?
But what then if you deprived yourself of it. And then reintroduced it?
How about we just be excellent to each other and party on instead.
Go grab sleeves of many garments, dust of dryness, feather tokens and dust of illusion.
if you have the gold, there's a wondrous item I think is called Magician's cheating gloves that grants prestidigitation and mage hand at-will.
Mesmerist Devilbane Gaze, Devilbane Binding. Is there any way for a Mesmerist to nab planar binding and make use of it without resorting to fellow party members or scrolls?
>'Large Armies'
>nary a pole, pike, half nor lance in sight
>bereft of chain, of gorget, of doublet and plate, of tassets and faulds
>nor formation held, of brotherhood strong, the shining helms and banners a flutter before their enemy
Anime is gay.
How about we start with that half of them have their thighs/shoulders exposed?
And no one decided to bring a helmet. A volley of arrows will doubtless show them the error of the quartermastery.
Well, if you're gonna be such a cocksucking faggit about it.
It will be a stern lesson to impress upon the lands of Wei A'bou, but it must be done.
Alright, so I am not at all familiar with the occultist, but a friend has been utterly obsessed with it and wound up making an archetype for it. They heard I post here, so they wanted me to link it here. Made them open it up for comments.
According to them: "The Occult Detective is an Occultist that chooses to focus on Divination; their focus is on information gathering."
Fuck it up friends.
Seen it before,most of the mecha are dumpy shitbots and the back sheathed swords with huge cloaks an't doing them any favors. Central mecha looks decent-ish if you put on a different head and scrapped the double sword nonsense.
Also lol those belts on her coat jfc
Flour for invisible enemies, salt to fuck with Oozes' osmotic pressure if your GM is into that sort of logic like mine is, a crowbar to force doors open, a mirror to check around corners, under doors, and to target creatures with Gaze attacks as long as you have a one handed weapon (the aforementioned crowbar makes a good club if you ordinarily use THF), flasks of acid, bottled lightning, liquid ice and/or alchemical fire when you need to AoE a swarm, masterwork tools for every skill you have ranks in plus Perception if for some reason you don't have that, a set of weighted dice and a set of non-weighted dice to pass time with commoners in the tavern, a Heavy Pick in case you need to break through a stone wall, and I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting.
First time playing a fighter, and first time not being a caster.
Do I just take my sword, get power attack and start hitting shit for 20 levels?
>your party will never color-coordinate their attire or adopt a kickass uniform.
Pretty much.
still no Polish citizen, Esox lucius or chain in sight.
If you want to mix things up, pick Lore Warden or Martial Master. Those two archetypes give you a lot more flexibility. You can even merge them.
my entire current party is naked, does that count?
several of us may or may not have genitals
I suggest you Google search some builds and guides. 1pp or 3pp? If 1pp check out Lore Warden or the Mutagenic archetype.
But yes, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, etc etc. Consider using an Elven Curve Blade or a Falchion, get those boots of Speed asap or suck your Wizard's dick for Haste.
Fuck no. You beg the DM and suck his dick to let you play PoW.
I'm creating one for a partymember's many many followers (he has Leadership)...
I'm sure he'll approve.
>that one girl breaks theme to show off her crotch and shoulders
C'mon now
only decent ones have helmets and even then its pushing it
die young, leave a pretty scantily clad corpse
You have the option to go TWF instead, but yeah. There's a reason Fighter is low tier. It's not because it doesn't do anything, it's because it only does one thing - break face. Lore Warden, which is one way out of that.
I got a lot of those by picking up the Handy Haversack Pack (and I'm shilling that every chance I get), but I'm going to be throwing in some of that stuff as well.
>Piercing Thunder with Spear
>Mithral Current with Katana
>Iron Tortoise with Sword and Board
>Primal Fury with Zweihander Glaive
>E.Flux with Longsword
Looked into lore warden, wasn't too sure on it. I'll go give it another look.
Break face*
Severe restrictions may apply, face breaking relegated to melee and ranged categories.
Melee: Pray your opponent can't fly
Ranged: Pray your opponent doesn't have wind wall
I looked at a few builds. But they all pretty much do what I was looking at doing anyway.
>implying we don't
We're not all unfortunate enough to have plebeian players who do not understand the basics of having good fashion sense.
It's got good CMB/CMD bonuses, Knowledge skills, and Know Thy Enemy, which is pretty decent. If you take it with Martial Master it allows you to swap feats out on the fly for any sort of CMB feats you need, so you always have the feat(s) you need at the cost of a move action.
I believe the gentleman in the bottom left is unarmed. Unless you include swirly kickass shoulder capes.
I don't know where the longsword you reference is, unless it's in the hands of the sword and board gentleman at 6 o'clock
> Ranges
> not having cyclonic bow/arrow or silvef nocking point
We need to go even more Weeb!
And that's when you sit in the corner while your caster buddies laugh.
Of course, if they do that too often you respond by fighting something else while they get grappled.
Maybe Fool's Errand?
What is a good gestalt combination to make the best archer that's ever held a bow?
I was going to go with just baseline broken blade, but sure, that works too.
We're a party of Mahou Shoujos with our own motiffs. Does that count?
Nah, bottom left's left hand is consistent with holding a weapon.
Ninja(or UC Rogue) / Inquisitor
Bane + Sneak Attack is painful as fuck.
Remember how we brainstormed the other day about a setting where the traditional D&D races were hybridized with weebish animalpeople races into a new setting?
We didn't get far last time before some kind of shitstorm interrupted, but how's this:
Elves + foxgirls = Kitselves
Halflings + catboys = Catlings
Dwarves + dogboys = Dwogs
Orcs + wolfmen = Warcs
Tieflings + batgirls = Tieflaps
Aasimar + bunnywomen = Bunnimar (Assbuns colloquially)
Humans + humans = humans
>ranged sneak attack
kys and reroll as a paladin
Maybe he's just trying to cop a feel of the girl's ass
Goblins + Lizards = Gobliz
>We're a party of Mahou Shoujos
Tell me more
??? + ratpeople = ???
Gnomes + molepeople = ???
??? + Birdpeople = ???
>not hybridizing them with pigs and making Porcs
Aren't they already sometimes portrayed as just pigfolk? It's like doing Tengu + Crow = Tengu.
>Aasimar + rabbit girls = assbuns
You cheeky fucker.
NG Sleepy Sylph Witch who specializes in the slumber hex and her motiff is the Sandman
CN Lustful Lizardfolk(fluffed as a Lamia) Bard with performance dance and specializes in fire. Her motiff is the Snake Charmer
LG Aasimar Soulknife who beamspams arrows of love and peace (beaming nonlethal 4d6 weapon enhancements) Her motiff is the Cherub
TN Human Oracle who and specializes in balance in all things. Her motiff is the scales
Upon further reflection, I agree with your conclusion, but not with the reasons for it.
1) The swirl of his cloak indicates he is spinning counter-clockwise, pivoting on his left foot, indicating that is his primary foot.
1 a) People naturally pivot on the foot that is their dominant arm's side.
2) His stance has his right leg thrust outwards, characteristic of a southpaw, or lefthander's stance
3) His shoulder plate has a besagew, a plate to protect the inner arm/armpit, usually located on the weapon side, as that arm is lifted. it is located on his left side
4) Lastly and more assuredly, there is a blood spray, a broken blade tip in the upper left. Indicating someone struck there, in line with his spin, and too far from anyone else, the spearman is at rest here.
4a) The completion of this spray is located in the very bottom left. It is too high to end with the shieldman's sword, but would continue where our gentleman's sword is at rest behind the shieldman.
>Lizardfolk as lamia
>Not Vishkanya
Well who would be good for being the werewolf-looking people that the girls at your table want to play? Truthfully I'm not fond of pig-orcs, they're like strictly made to be unlikable mook enemies if done that way. I don't think many PCs would want to play that.
motif has one f
ffuck. thanks user.
so does 'fuck you'
Alright, here's what I'm noticing from a cursory run-through:
Two things here; first, why bring up the extra spells per day from having a high Intelligence? Occultists do that normally, and the archetype doesn't change that. Second, the wording is unclear on "must choose Divination at 1st level". Does it mean that the Occult Detective can only choose Divination at 1st level, or that any pair of implements can be chosen so long as Divination is one of them? The wording needs tightening.
>Superior Object Reading
This isn't actually superior. It's much, much worse. As it's currently worded, this is basically taking an at-will ability and severely restricting the number of times per day you can use it, only to speed up a process that under most circumstances can be done at a relatively leisurely pace. If this were in addition to the normal version of Object Reading, or didn't require the Occultist to be handling the object (something like "Hey, what's that crazy relic our enemy's waving around" or something) would make this ability actually playable. Without something like that, this is a massive downgrade.
A few issues here; where is it pulling from? Can you pull focus from any of your implements? Only from generic focus? Make sure that's clear. Secondly, as written, this needs to be buffed. Once again, you're trading a safety net, at-will ability for an extremely limited use ability that doesn't really give enough to justify it in the first place. Maybe look into the Investigator's Inspiration, and model it similarly to that.
>Greater Magical Reading
Again, trading out an at-will ability to replicate a 3rd level spell that's not on your spell list, in order to get a limited use ability to partially replicate a lower level spell that is on your spell list. This is not a good trade. Even if it were at-will, you would still be worse off simply for being unable to use half of the spell.
>Has anyone had experience with mass combat rules?
I'd really like to know the answer to this.
Our campaign might actually involve us players gaining an army as we recapture several cities lost to an encroaching evil.
Use another system and add appropriate buffs, PF's system is a steaming pile of dookie from what I heard.
Was that a pun?
Fuck real mass combat simulation of any kind. Whichever army proves to have better heroes has the 'morale' to triumph in the skirmish. Achieve objectives, kill the enemy's best dudes, your irrelevant NPC pals automatically succeed with you. Then let plot dictate the rest. Some friend NPCs can have a chance to die or not by RNG, the rest don't need rolls.
>This is my Anti-Paladin for your campaign, DM
That looks awful.
...It was not intended to be.
I think I need to go lie down.
cool, this is mine
how does he take a shit?
Good, you can go sit beside jim, he's playing a necromancer
Oh my, you too an antipaladin?
>Aasimar + bunnywomen = Bunnimar (Assbuns colloquially)
I'm okay with this.
Someone post more bunnybutts and rabbitrumps
nice this is mine.
>That guy goes full edge for his antipali
>These fucktards ruining it for him by making their evil characters comically evil
>This is my monk, DM
This is my lady knight, DM.
What? I just got it off the internet, now are we gonna play your Orc-slaying campaign or not?
>Detective Circles
I like the idea of this, but the initial version needs to be tightened up. Start by defining "nearby area". Is it a mile wide/caster level burst from the circle? Can it be placed at a specific point elsewhere, so long as the entire area is within the burst? Does the radius grow each time the Occultist gains a level, or do they have to redraw the circle each time? After that, what does "Other Divination spells, such as Locate Object and Detect Magic, will show their results in a nearby area if they are cast by the Occult Detective or a member of his party." actually mean? Does it allow you to cast these spells on the map and show the results of the location, or does it ping on the map when someone at the location uses the spell? Also, you need to find a way to deal with the fact that these circles are stationary, and don't really help unless the party has reliable means of speaking at long ranges. Maybe reword this to create detective circles specifically, and replace the actual Magic Circles ability to give them some form of mobility?
This ability is mostly fine, just remove "The Occult Detective gains Prescience" from the first sentence. It's unnecessary at best, and misleading at worst, since it could be interpreted as "gains Prescience (an outside ability of the same name)."
There's a lot of flaws and work to be done, but the project shows a lot of potential. Tell your friend to keep at it. The Occultist is a personal favorite class of mine, so it's always good to see it get some love.
>This is my Soulknife, DM
I know monks are suited to fighting without armor, but I wasn't aware that included pants.
>now are we gonna play your Orc-slaying campaign or not?
I think you might have misheard the DM, user...
They're still celestial-blooded puritans though.
She's a furry, she's allowed to not wear pants.
Wait doesn't that just imply that celestials are literally just bunnies, and fiends are literally just bats?
Inside his armor, because he is EVIL !
Sure, user. You'll be joining these two in the campaign.
This is that friend of the OP of that archetype. Thanks for the input. I'm modifying the document now.
>I shit where I am, because I'm Chaotic, and being Chaotic is literally my code!
excuse me stop appropriating my pronoun
Knights actually did piss and shit in their armor.
The squires' jobs were to clean that up.
I'm more wondering where that tail is going, the middle of her back?
Fuck you mark we aren't being simulationist today. The bathroom is JUST down the hall.
...I really need to reread that doujin.
It could curve back down to join up at the proper place.
Tell me more.
You're the one who kept telling us we needed to roleplay better, Dave!