Stat him, Veeky Forums.
Stat him, Veeky Forums
The Dahaka.
Use stats for Time Elemental, and add the vampire weakness where they take 1/3rd their HP in damage every round they're submerged in water, as well as vulnerability to cold and water-based attacks
Use stats for a Phane, take away flight and add water weakness like it's a literal magic circle vs evil
Based on the picture, i'm going to say level 1 tiefling magus with a half-alicorn template added on. according to his backstory, his entire family is dead and left him with nothing but a katana and black armor.
Level 20 Rapist
This fucker gave me nightmares until I finished the game. Now I feel bad for him, he was just doing his job.
Needed a better game/10
Demigod tier shadow elemental with hydrophobia
also best PoP game
>His horns form an infinity symbol
Always appreciated that touch
"akahad eht epacse t'nac uoy eid ot kciuq ,latrom kciuq era uoy"
Could this thing kill it easily?
What does it feel like to be so wrong? I would imagine it's physically uncomfortable.
My guess is you argue for TSoT?
>Feat: Advanced Foreplay
>Skills: Fapping Rank 10
>tfw there will be no next Sands of Time game
Why and how, there is no real measure of his capabilities or characteristics, other than his problems with water and his function.
Anything would be arbitrary guesswork, or worse fucking self-righteous opinions.
like this fucking asshole is doing.