Ready for Dawn of Eldar 3 Veeky Forums?
Ready for Dawn of Eldar 3 Veeky Forums?
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It looks like from 2010
Because this is not DoW3, but DoW1. Which came in 2000's.
Joke's on you, since this is first Dawn of War from 2004.
Most of the models do look like they came from DoW1, except for the Avatar. I recall a flaming(red) head, not this silver deal.
Because it is a mod.
Could be one of the mods like Fire over Kronus or Armageddon or something
Is it turn and point based yet?
>Wraith KNIGHT is bigger than Wraith LORD
justify this you Xeno loving scum.
why'd you have to remind me dow1 exists?
god that game was so shit
inb4 "but that would compete with the tabletop game"
>tfw closer look
Are those damn war walkers?
2 of them as well as 2 Phantoms in the rear
DOW 1 was miles better than DOW 2 though.
To each their own.
>god that game was so shit
How does it feel to wake up everyday knowing you have such a shit taste, user?
>hey Frank, do you know all that shitposting about DoW I's basebuilding and massed blobs versus DoW II's small squads constantly retreating?
>yeah, what about them?
>well, let's ignore all the good things from both games and just combine the mechanics from both games that people hated the most. And then make them even worse
>brilliant John! And you know what would make the game sell even more? To ape MOBAs, they are the most played PC games and that means it would be perfect for a modern DoW
>yes. Let's also hire people that make those great, over the top animations for eastern games to help us, even though they don't know much about 40k lore
>we're fucking geniuses Frank. And let's make the game in a modern and colorful art style with low graphics so people will be able to recognize the units on the field, because obviously their different silhouettes and unit markings aren't enough
>yeah and then let's add really big, colorful particle effects that are all over the place and triggered by literally anything while making the battlefield harder to recognize, so that it will look even more prettier
1 and 2 had their own problems, but 3 looks like complete shit. I know it's pre-alpha, but there is no way they will change anything. Not to mention that in their reveals the frames dropped in a few scenes, so they'll be working on optimizing the engine mostly.
That's a shot from DOW1 you dolt.
Please, do not even reply to a post like this. Baiters gonna bait.
>play Ultimate Apocalypse mod
>try Inquisition
>get my ass handed by AI Chaos all day everyday since I lack heavy weapon support and vehicles are meh
How do I fucking survive to get GKs?
No, and fuck that. You have Rites of War anyway.
Am I the only one that liked the RPG/RTS hybrid game play in DOW 2? There were serious balance problems, like the way Cyrus could straight up just do every mission himself after a while..
But I liked the snipping of jokes and lore in item descriptions and the RPG-lite customization.
Why do you want DOW 3 to be turn based? It's disgusting.
Are those... Wraithknights in the background?
Both were as good as each other, just different genres.
No, DoWIII looks like shit.
I'm with you user. I loved DoW2, especially the multiplayer. I'm getting apprehensive about DoW3.
Then why the hell they share the same name? Same problem's with Fallout 2 and 3
You would probably would have a stroke from autistic anger if you'd ever taken a look on SWAT series.
"Good game" and "bad game" are not genres.
Luckily that user was born after Dune series, too.
As far as I've seen the hero units don't seem to be customizable and their skills seem to consist of only AoE damage.
The mooks are obviously rock-paper-scissors with no cuatomization or adaptibility
>plasma gun squad
>flamer squad
>bolter squad
>lascannon squads fire continious beams that slowly get stronger and will wreck vehicles when massed, but deal very little damage to infantry
As I've said, they took the worst parts of both games and made the more shallow and MOBA like
You use another AI or two (or another playyer if you're one of thse weirdos with friends to playy games with you) as meatshields.
Those are Imperial appellations for them. The Eldar probably call them "Enghdhwodjehwk" or something. "Knight" because it's the size of a Knight Titan. Easy stuff.
>"lets ape mobas!!"
>goes on to not say how it apes mobas because it doesn't
Flashy cartoonish effects and animations.
Honestly, DoW2 looked way more gritty than that. Early footage and whatnot, but I doubt that we will have different animation/colorscheme on release.
it's still in pre-alpha so, trying to say it's shit too soon is /v/-tier silliness. All we've shown so far are just a footage of the campaign which is basically blobbing your squads till you go from A to B while staying alive. Much like its predecessors sans DC and SS.
until there's any skirmish/multiplayer shown with the UI, the info they're giving out so far is absolutely limited.
I just want my walking flashlights.
But it will stay the same until they rework a lot of stuff from scratch. Remember how people said Diablo 3 was becomming way too colorful, and then others were saying "its early footage, so it might change"? Same here.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to look like a cynical shitter who wants to whine for the sake of whine. I just dislike current style approach of the game and I wish best for DoW series.
hey, just saying i wouldn't drink want to drink the kool aid just yet. And the colourful Diablo 3 people complained was really Blizzard North's when it was pre-alpha, which was pretty much the same as always before the rework which was quite shit compared to its predecessor. for now, we have to just wait and see
I preferred the campaign of DoW 2 over DoW 1's because it felt more fluffy to me; Space Marine forces don't often deploy in massive numbers, nor do they base build. I also enjoyed the RPG elements of it.
However, I felt it was a slog playing the campaign single-player, especially if you were trying to get the time bonuses; there was just too much micro management. The co-op for the campaign was very fun, though.
And I am looking forward to Baronness Waifu.
First of all, the devs said it themselves. They took inspirations from DoTA and LoL. And skirmish works like a MOBA
>have 3 hero units that do the most damage but are really expensive, so retreating will always be preferrable
>all the other units are shit, except if they are a hard counter to the other unit and even then only in numbers, they also need little control
>there are no builder units, very few buildings and no turrets and listening posts
>animations and graphics objectively look like MOBAs
You're describing Warcraft 3. And WC3 is not a Moba.
>animations and graphics objectively look like MOBAs
What the fuck does that even mean?
>>all the other units are shit, except if they are a hard counter to the other unit and even then only in numbers, they also need little control
>>there are no builder units, very few buildings and no turrets and listening posts
>Warcraft 3
That sounds utterly shit. Your opinion is wrong.
Who let the /v/ memeposter out?
>no turrets
>what is Sacrifice?
>what is WC3?
just admit you're grasping at straws trying to hate it when they said they took inspirations from MOBAs for elite units. how the fuck do attack animations supposed to look like a MOBA anyway
All I ask
The IG expansion has either this fuck OR Castor/Merrick making a return
It means he wants to hate the game and is trying desperately to justify it.
>C.S. Goto tier Terminator armor
Cautiously optimistic.
The Imperial Knight's animations are pure sex. It looks and moves as badass as in fluff.
Everything else is a mixture between "meh" and "what the fuck were they thinking?"
I honestly hope they go the XCOM 2 route and let us mod the fuck out of it
it's the best thing I've ever seen in the sneak peek but yeah, had that feeling. I'm still salty they never had the IG in the base game. The Punisher variants of the Leman Russ would've been pure sex if the guns the Imperial Knight had says anything
>Stubbs, Castor or Merrick in a setting where Sturnn exists
>yfw they are all in the IG DLC
You do realize looking like a MOBA really just means looking like a modern game? MOBAs came from blizzard RTSs and DOTA2 deliberately apes war3's mechanics. It's the fact that there aren't many modern RTSs for whatever reason that makes people associate high def cluttered iso games with MOBAs.
And as a long time Dow and tabletop player I can say I welcome a splash of colour. The tabletop is colourful as hell and it helps differentiate units easier, which is kinda important in an RTS. Telling slugga boyz and shoota boyz apart is nigh on impossible in DOW1, and I have accidentally attached my warboss to shootas more than once as a result.
On your other points, no builder units is a bit different, but could be interesting. Could help speed up the early game. I miss listening posts and turrets, but they just don't want a very defensive game this time, the existence of hero units doesn't negate all others, please see war 3 for reference and retreating from a losing battle is always the best idea. Are you honestly implying that attack moving all your units from one side of the map to the other and ignoring them was the best course of action in DOW1?
Reminder that NO DoW game will ever surpass Soulstorm + Ultimate Apocalypse + Daemon/Nid/GK mods
Soultstorm + Purgation of Kaurava exists, dude
For serious, though, I just never really liked the feel of UA. Too much focus on god-units. It is fun as hell to watch replays, I'll give it that
Stubbs planning his next conquest
forgot the pick
Will they get another mention?
>Nids fucking
Such intelligence on display! I mean, since when has 40k been colorful?
Metal boxes?
What would be the IG super unit though?
As far as I know the Baneblade variants is the largest units the IG fields and those are already in the first and second game.
A small Ordinatus?
I just want Harlequins in the new game
I figured we'd get a Knight variant, though maybe not the same one the SM get.
As a full separate race, like they are in canon.
I don't care.
I hope it's good for the health of the franchise, but I really don't care.
There is so much good mod content for DOW 1 that adds so much variety to the game that I couldn't stand going into a new game with only 3 races.
I think the original game looks fine, plays fine, and has an asston of replayability and variety thanks to mods.
So yeah, I hope it's good, but I'm not getting it because it can't hold a candle to what I've already got.
they're revenant titans
it's some kind of mod, I think
I honestly hope we get some C&C Generals idea for IG
You can choose a certain IG commander Catachans,Elysians,Kreigers etc. letting get access to special units and armor
Eldar weren't OP in 2 so why do you think you even know anything?
>Dawn of Eldar.
>When they get their bums kicked in all games except Winter Assault.
>Basic infantry have 1 second grenade timers
>Wraithguard have kill everything aeo and terminator toughness.
>Snipers one shot marines
>he doesn't move his units the moment he sees the energy bar on guardians cut in half without them moving.
>what is force melee, also closer to the or four shots
>seriously standing there and letting them shoot you
>an entire army of infantry armor units get an energy costed ability that sacrifices half DPS for brief movement
>snipers can one shot shitty support Marines like decretals but not tacs
Huh, I remenber some complains about the multiplayer. I am more of a single player guy.
Show me a pastel 40k.
M8 WC3 is in no way like what I described. And again, the devs themselves said that they took many inspirations from DoTA and LoL because they are the biggest Steam games. They even took out the squad animations and positioning, the thing that made DoW and CoH special, and made them completely static in an attempt to "modernize" the gameplay.
Got a source for that?
Except that's not the complaint. Even DoW I and II had many bright or gaudy colors. Eldar, Tau and some Marines (EC and BA for instance) had all sorts of brighter colors, but they looked great. DoW III colors look way too gay, for a lack of a better term.
I saw all the presentations. Devs specifically mentioned WC3 as a source, but never DotA or LoL. I call bullshit.