Imagine when this epic iota rise happens to Link. We'll all be multimillionaires .
Imagine when this epic iota rise happens to Link. We'll all be multimillionaires
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Whsts sergey's favorite food?
1$ EOY get in link marines
IOTA has only gone up 9x. Big deal.
Your wallet.
Why didn't you guys just buy IOTA? You would've had your money a lot sooner.
Is there any news expected to come out soon with Link?
What rank needed to be comfy?
2nd lieutenant reporting in
>he dosen't know
Yes, but it's already priced in.
IOTA is up over 700x user
it was at 0,50 with a previous ATH of 1,20 or around that
it's now at 3,35, that's not even x7
you meant 700%?
i wonder how many IOTA the devs hold lmao
they probably dumped it all on 2$ and are now just LARPing
From ICO, it cost fuck all and was considered a scam
ooh gotcha
does this mean IOTA works with smart contracts?
I assume the ICO was held with a smart contract, in that case it's just more good news for Link
ICO was not held with a smart contract, see here, might give you linkies some comfort
Supposingly this month
>Community gatherd 1337 BTC
what's the part of that thread that is supposed to give us comfort?
That it all worked out in the end
damn a little bit later and 1337 could be the end of my roll :/
oooh feel ya
let's see what the future has for us
can't a smart contract be done with any crypto?
you just have to set the contract to work when it receives X crypto
or does the crypto need to have something coded in it?
i'm not going to answer these user, the tech doesn't matter at this point anyway but if you're actually interested then enjoy some research
It's all there is for linkies, imagination.
shut up you sergey cocksucker
>not buying IOTA when BMW partnerships were comfirmed
what partnership?
big macs