Horus Heresy General /hhg/

Drop It Already Edition
Good morning, Calth! Sub-Edition
In the last bread Titan names were discussed, the requirements for plastic Spartans were mentioned, one user mentioned his times using Angron, new red books are coming out, I pray that ignorant meme spouters get their fingers broken and much more that I have forgotten due to just waking up Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
mediafire.com/download/8aqx9j3a8erqv8d/The_Horus_Heresy_Book_6_-_Retribution.pdf or
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/Horus_Heresy/Horus_Heresy_7th_Edition.pdf
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads#horusheresy
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com/download/1lprm5vd99yafa3/
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz/#!LFwTjQ7B!mF0eVOY8P1MPT0a-QSXypXo_ZfskhYynD41PrkaTbD8
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz/#F!pFgm0RKR!J06C1gVYcjzNGsF8YNLsjQ!EVh0GZZS
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr/usearch/"Forge World" heresy user:epistolary/
30k Black Library: mega.nz/#F!0RlxDZQC!qAu9BaubWa3KeihJRmOcsg

Other urls found in this thread:


Given how you take lyrics from Mozart's Requiem for Titan names I say Titans listen to classical music at Titan Daycare.

Still looking for where I can get this to hang on my wall

Shadow Crusade Part Deux when?

Above your bed.

IT IS DONE. Ave dominus nox. Prepare for terrible images.


Terminators+tactical support

Heavy support squad+dreads

Veteran squad+terror squads