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RAWtists = Ogres, as decreed by the Spheres of Power writer
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
RAWtists = Ogres, as decreed by the Spheres of Power writer
Are you an ogre?
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Anyone have a copy of the Pathfinder Alpha playtest doc?
>Adam Meyers
>6 hrs
>I hereby move that people who hold to RAW (rules-as-written) to such a degree that they destroy games and make things unfun or unusable should be called ogres. (because they RAW'r so much).
>Just like we say 'don't feed the trolls' or 'he's trolling you' when we mean being a jerk, we can say 'stop being an ogre' when we mean don't nitpick the rules, or 'that feat is ogre-bait' when we mean RAW and RAI are clearly different.
What's the ideal build for an item crafting wizard?
>Adam Meyers
>Shrek is voiced by Mike Myers
It's like poetry, it rhymes
once again; I wanna get some feedback on this (
All the item crafting feats, a Valet familiar, the Hedge Magician trait and Arcane Builder as many times as they can afford.
post archtypes you want to see happen
Guys, how do I Ursa in Pathfinder?
Coldborn skinwalker with pretty much any kind of Natural Weapon build, I guess? I admit, I don't know if the character has any other special abilities besides "is actually a bear".
Gunslinger but his bullets are magic bolts
Hes sort of like a Barbarian if that barbarian had flurry of blows, his ultimate is a rage and he kinda just fucks shit up real hard (if hes close to said thing). also generally has lots of health.
I want to play a heavily armored warrior who can also cast a little bit.Classes that support this?
What are some good excuses for a character to be mad enough to enter the Underdark?
>Ofuda casting warpriest that loses armor proficiencies, and gets similar stuff to the magus card caster archetype to go with it
>"Stealth buff to fighters/rogues" to the Vigilante. Replaces actual vigilante stuff (dual identity, appearance abilities, maybe capstone) with fighter and URogue features so we can finally straight up replace them
>A "magical girl" archetype that isn't absolute dogs but
>Something like the Magus's Kensai, but on the Investigator or Alchemist instead.
Battle Host Occultist might fit the bill
They secretly have a spider fetish
There's paladins and Steelblood bloodragers.
a fighty druid that focuses heavily on shapeshifting.
Bloodrager is perfect
Steelblood Rager is the best. Mirror Image + Haste on Rage.
How to plan for what happens next without making the players feel like they are on a railroad (although not necessarily making actually not be one a railroad)?
A psionic beguiler
Initiating Beguiler.
Simple. You want them to end up at a haunted village controlled by an evil cult? Tell them to go wherever they like, follow whatever road or path. They'll cheerfully do so, and if they invariably end up at the village you wanted them to, hey, how would they ever know?
This; however, one must carefully maintain the illusion of choice in order to keep a sense of player agency.
You can specifically build forking points too if you have the time, but use those to insert optional encounters and goodies as rewards for your players seeking them out; these can also be constructed in such a manner as to be as versatile as possible, for instance; bandits holding a hostage makes sense whether it's in a forest, town or ruined castle.
Barbarian with the Animal Totem powers, then? Or maybe a Ranger with a Natural Weapons focus?
Is there a spell that will let me conjure up pillows or something similarly comfy?
Abjuration and force spell based mystic with a focus on Iron tortoise. Make it so warder isn't the only one who uses it, and we get another tank class.
Is the user working on that initiating bloodrager around? I'd like to take a look.
Why don't we see more dwarf druids, /pfg/?
We had one in our campaign. The other dwarf in our party was really dismayed that she didn't act like a proper dwarf, in his opinion, a situation that was further compounded when I brought in a new PC in the form of the most dwarven elf to ever exist.
But Dorf could love cave, and has plenty to tell "nature is only tree" elf about the intricate ecosystems of the places that aren't tree
But Cave Druid are druid too? And Goliath Druid are mostly Dwarf right?
>"Bearddamnit, "Ellerellerilithil the Dawnflower" is Dwarfier than you are! What the aleing fuck?"
As of bestiary 5, there are 11 different races of fiend, each with lots of sub-races. Most are very niche to me and the text makes them more similar than different.
Do we really need all these divisions or could we fold some of them together?
>this much dorftism
And people wonder why no one wants to play a dwarf after faggots keep shitting about bad Scottish accents and retarded worship of beards and alcohol. Fuck off.
wow. someone can't take a joke.
It's a bad joke.
Jokes are funny, user.
The elf's name was Urist, actually.
Kytons should either be a kind of devil or Zon-Kuthon's servitor race, rather than their own race.
Divs and demodands should be demon subraces.
>The elf's name was Urist
And that is a Dwarven name... How?
Dwarf Fortress.
So his understanding of what it means to be a Dwarf revolves around video-games?
cuck detected
Fyi: Traps have a DC of 20 at first level because you *always* want to take 20 when disabling traps. The only reason you don't take 20 is when you're in combat.
Well, we can't get together every week, we don't all live in the same city anymore. So we get together for a weekend, once a month.
And we're lucky if a campaign lasts a year.
>1/3 of 32 hours is 10.67 hours per weekend, tops (probably less, because odds are well also play a bit of mtg or go out for food or something between campaigns). But let's be very generous and call it 10.67. no breaks, no movies, no variety, just solid RPG gaming the whole weekend.
>10.67 hours a month averages out to 2.67 hours a week. This is less than 4-5 hours.4.5 hours a week is 168.75% of the most generous estimate of how much time my campaign gets.
If I can cover a reasonable level range in a year, with 60% your campaign time or less (realistically probably 2/3 of that 60%, for a total of like, 40% of your 4.5h weekly session), then so can you, if you decide you want to.
>Nobody runs the campaign I want to play.
Nobody runs the campaign I want to play either. So I GM it myself, and then at least it exists.
Let me know if you find a reliable way to get a GM to run what you want to play.
Plus, if you run higher level campaigns rather than staying at one, you're seeing a precedent for your group, making it easier to justify not starting 1 next time.
Except you can't take 20 with traps because a bad enough failure would have a detrimental effect.
Pros and cons of pathfinder over other d&d
>More character options
>High power level
>Most compatible adventures or of any edition
>Good monster manuals.
>Better at than the other guys.
>Rules are legally online for free and better presented than can ever be managed with books or PDFs.
>DSPs classes are neat, and not really available in other editions.
>Lots of Trap options you want to avoid, including entire character classes and races.
>Still uses alignment.
>WBL and having the gear you want is critical to being any good for most characters, despite most GM's ignoring the WBL rule because they don't want to give people enough gear.
>Shitty GM's starting you at L1 over and over such that you never get to play a character who's actually powerful.
>GMing advice is crap in the books, what works and doesn't is something you figure out via word of mouth and trial and error. This results in lots of crappy GM's.
Oh. Youre right, I'm thinking locks. traps are just unusually difficult
Can I put firearm on Ioun Wyrd familiar via modify construct rule? What about a newly created Ioun Wyrd?
Is there an easier way to create Bit/Funnel?
Several of these points really depend on the GM.
>WBL and having the gear you want is critical to being any good for most characters, despite most GM's ignoring the WBL rule because they don't want to give people enough gear.
I can't speak for other GMs here, but my party usually ends up over the WBL because there are so many cool magic items I want to give out as loot. Not necessarily +whatever upgrades - one of my party's favourite items is a pair of gloves that allow you to use the Message cantrip at will.
>Shitty GM's starting you at L1 over and over such that you never get to play a character who's actually powerful.
Is that Pathfinder's fault? Maybe you should just find a non-shitty GM.
You can also awaken the weapon itself as a robot construct at which point you just need to program its responses/orders and give it flight
what IS the point of an Ioun Wyrd familiar, as opposed to just having the rocks around you?
Which spell is that? Awaken Construct only work on construct right? Do I need to use Permanency Animated Object on it first?
> Ioun stones have AC 24, 10 hit points, and hardness 5.
it's freaking easy to destroy Ioun stones orbiting around your head, especially if your GM is a dick.
You can also put them into way finders and graft them into yourself as implants.
Just sayin'
* Those are separate options, you're not grafting way finders into yourself.
Why not?
>Not tattooing wayfinders onto your body and grafting Ioun Stones into the pattern
Step it up
real talk, I wish there were more decent official wondrous tattoos. Also that spell tattoos weren't such hit steaming wastes of gold normally.
apparently this is a top tier bard spell, /pfg/. why is it so good? what can it be used for?
"Mommy, why does that man have a compass in her forehead? He can't even use it without laying on the ground and holding up a mirror!"
"He's an adventurer, dear."
Who says it's a top-tier bard spell? It seems shit to me.
It's useful in that you could do quite a bit of things with it for only a first level spell. You're limited by your imagination and your DM
>Still uses alignment.
But that's not a negative, it's a neutral. Faggots not understanding how it works is a problem independent of the game system.
Bard has limited spell known. This spell is very versatile and can be use in many way.
I don't actually care about Ioun Stone. I just want my damn Funnels.
I don't like that "detect alignment, and smite alignment" abilities exist. Means everyone needs non detection you want the pcs to not immediately know they're the bad guys evil.
This in addition to idiots not knowing how they work.
>Divs should be demon subraces
Why demons rather than daemons?
That's not a funnel, you dolt!
It's a crappy immovable rod, taking up a first level spell.
I'd rather buy some pitons for that.
> nondetection
> not lead-lining cloak
Because they fit the destructive tendencies of demons rather than the nihilistic tendencies of daemons.
(Also I thought they were CE.)
Always liked the holo-versions myself
Actually many classes have no such ability and those that do can't use them all the time.
I don't mean "spells per day" that's never a real limit I mean you need to glare and concentrate as, say, a paladin, in order to do this: it's obvious, it's at least rude if not outright hostile, and it can be very misleading.
Right, because the guy in a lead lined cloak and lead lined face mask doesn't seem suspicious at all.
A stand-up a few weeks ago made a damn good point about that.
We keep getting told to report anyone suspicious, as if some kids cartoon villain was laughing maniacally while tiptoeing towards some objective.
What we get is a ton of secretly-scared people suspiciously glaring and leering at everyone around them nervously.
Which looks fucking suspicious.
Misleading how?
Yes it's rude, but paladin's do it all the time.
Can we trust you? Scan for evil.
Hmm. I'm not Sure I believe you about _____. Scan for evil.
What, you don't like it? If you're not evil you have no reason to worry.
First off, after an argument I've had to the Nth degree with two different GM's, no, it isn't. It might be a glare or it might be a furrow of the brow or a vacant expression, all it really shows is that you're concentrating really hard on something. Not the best start to a diplomatic relation if you do it in someone's face, but all the same it's not something that broadcasts "I'm Detecting Evil on you", even if they know you're a Paladin and they suspect what you might be doing. Further, alignment as an absolute only exists as a game system abstraction- otherwise, why not get the local Paladins to do a routine scan and eliminate anyone who pings "too" evil? That's right, because it's a retarded thing to do.
Outside of fringe cases like figuring out the local abbot is a Cultist of Asmodeus on the side or discovering the Gilderavn masquerading as a military advisor in court, Detect (X) tells you jack and shit from a diplomatic perspective.
>If you're not evil you have no reason to worry.
Lawful Evil detected. Activating smite evil...
Why would you ever roll a strength check to break something when you can just attack it?
Just because someone's a tremendous asshole doesn't mean you cut them down in the street. Detection =/= conviction.
Good can lie just as much.
in fact, "keep to your word" has far more to do with the law/chaos axis.
Because you're too weak and cuckish to deplete its HP quickly enough?
Can you stack Brutal Slayer Stalker with any other archetypes/class templates?
Pro Wrestler, forever and always
Paladin detects as good.
But yeah. Alignment detection ranges from not commonly used, to disruptive.
Dramatic purposes, or the inevitable "we take away your gear and put you in chains" segment.
It stacks with Bushi. Meaning you can grab a falchion or nodachi, get the oversized weapon thing for tieflings, and then proceed to quickdraw it for MAXIMUM WEEB BULLSHIT.
Fuck I want to play a Brutal Bushi Stalker, but I can never find groups that will allow PoW for some ungodly reason.
Wrong. Anyone who says that is automatically evil.
Speaking of wrestlers, what archetypes is closest to it
Tetori monk?
Strangler Brawler?
It's a nice idea, but short of a page number for a published rule saying as much, I'm gonna call that a house rule.
>Because they fit the destructive tendencies of demons rather than the nihilistic tendencies of daemons
You could also argue them as demons of envy. (The alignment pidgeonholing is stupid, IMO)
Do PR for the FBI lately?
Not that they actually want to catch people about to do attacks, THOSE they need to keep grabbing power.
I'm going to be playing the DSP succubus class and I saw that, by level 8, I should have 34 Charisma. What am I even supposed to do with all of that? Just take 12 levels of Sorcerer and enjoy my massive save DCs?