So I really want to get back into this. What would be a good starter deck or package or whatever to get me started?
So I really want to get back into this. What would be a good starter deck or package or whatever to get me started?
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Nobody knows anything about yu gi oh here, so i recommend you to go to your LGS
>So I really want to get back into this
no you dont the game is worse than ever
>A magic player
i played yugioh for like 2 years i know how bad it is
havent played magic in a long time
What's so bad about it?
You could buy a starter deck, or any structure deck. They all come with rulebooks.
Or you could just play it free online for practice, but that doesn't come with a rulebook.
t. retard
Not the poster but the power Creep is INCREDIBLY noticeable. Also the format is pretty much whatever gazillion dollar deck is winning and typically the cards you need to even be slightly competitive will end up running you a few 100. Don't even get me started and the ban list that is basically whatever Konami deems to threatening to new archetypes
So it's MTG but anime.
wow, almosts sounds like a collectible cardgame.
The only thing "powercreeped" is the general power level of vanilla creatures. Non-creature spells keep getting worse and worse, and effect creatures keep getting more safe and safe. Also Yugioh players can spend way under 100 USD for stuff like Monarchs and play competitively.
Don't. The meta will leave you behind after one month of playing.
Don't be surprised when you vomit when you see meta-pendulum plays.
YGO literally doesn't have a comprehensive ruleset you can look up, and calling a judge and being ruled against is an instant disqualification
think about that
mtg is stuck in a cycle of everything getting DE-powercreeped, because releasing anything good would enable people to play modern and legacy and Rosewater wouldn't make money :'(
>Any gazillion deck
Much more cheaper than mtg
MTG ban each collection that is older than 2 years for standard
No tier 1 deck uses pendulum
MTG crying over yu gi oh in a nutshell
Last I checked buying three of the monarch structure decks will give you an extremely solid foundation for a deck that isn't T1, but will certainly be more than viable for a local tournament. It's comparable to when the Dark World structure deck came out and all you had to do was buy three and win locals.
>all the nostalgiafags ITT
>Fags spend 1000 dollars on their fancy new meta decks
>Spend 30 bucks on three starter monarch decks
>Completely destroy them
This is how Yugioh is meant to be played.
Try playing on Ygopro or Dueling Network. Ygopro is automatic and Dueling Network is manual. Links for both
This topic is a repost of the same topic a couple days ago with a MtG card back. Move on folks. Tomorrow is probably InuYasha.
Where do you get data from? I'm getting data from and it says that performapal (which appears to be a pendulum deck) is at a high level in every category.
Performapal is like high tier 2/low tier 1. Tier 1.5 at best. BA, Kozmo and Monarch are Tier 1.
Delusional Kozmofag detected. Performapal is still the 3rd best deck, Kozmofags dragging dead last behind them all.
Don't. Trust me.
If you really want to, go on somewhere like Dueling Network, where it's free and your wallet will thank you.
Out of curiosity, what are the top five or so decks in Yugioh right now? What archetypes are they? And when did most of the cards for those archetypes come out?
I still love Lightsworns.
But performapals are putting up better numbers than Kozmo? And they're both putting up better numbers than Burning Abyss.
I guess it also has to do with what people like to play, but you can't deny that if a deck is winning as much as performapals is, it's tier 1.
Why, tho? Do you hate both Fun AND Money?
That's an old build, it's too hard to pull off multiple searches on the current list.
Competitive CCGs and TCGs are cancer in general, but honestly I think Yugioh would be more fun to play kitchen table than Magic.
Speaking as someone who left back when GX was the new anime everyone hated instead of 5Ds or Zexal, what the hell happened in that and why can't it happen anymore?
But Konami doesn't want that because it cuts into their booster sales, their main way of selling product and getting shit into the third market (because there's no other purpose for boosters, thanks to Konami's fuck-tarded modern card designs).
Don't. They turn commons into super mega ultra rares if they turn out to be good to milk people for even more money.
>I think Yugioh would be more fun to play kitchen table than Magic
There's a whole world of tier 2-3 decks, funny mishmashes and revived strategies you can play on, that's true.
Ariadne is the yellow-ish penbdulum, when she's destroyed you search a Counter Trap basically. All the other cards used on that combo are limited like Skullcrobat Joker ou the Dracosomething something, so you can pull off like one search, two maybe if you open crazy like on the webm turn 1. Though a single Solemn Warning or Strike is enough to rain on the opp's parade.
Who cares what Konami wants, this is exactly what happened.
Metalphos is coming and it is happening again, very soon.
B-but Goy- I mean duelist! We printed some cool new cards you really need to buy to compete in our latest booster set! It's only at the Secret rarity, user! Just buy some packs, w-won't you? We promise we won't ban them a year or so after their release!