Why haven't you gotten a real job and moved out of your mom's basement yet, Veeky Forums? I only work 50 hours a week with plenty of breaks in between work hours and earn $45k a year to top it off and all you pathetic losers are sitting in front of your monitor and shaking like like an autistic child with ADHD on coke every time your shitcoin values rise or drop even the slightest. Do your parents a favor and get a real job.
Why haven't you gotten a real job and moved out of your mom's basement yet, Veeky Forums...
>he works 50 hours a week
>only makes $45k
>he's proud of this
First off, 40 hours a week is too much, but you work 50! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wagecucks delude themselves into thinking they're enjoying life when they don't ever have any free time hahahahaha I am laughing
>only 50 hours a week
Fuck off, wagekek.
tfw this is actually the truth.
i shit out 30k this month op, autistic cryptoneet
how does that make you feel
>I ONLY work 10 hours a day
>earns only 45k
The absolute state of wagecucks
Top boomer posting. Do you watch sportsball with your co-workers on ShekelTV too?
Be nice, he’s retarded. I earn nearly double that plus benefits working an entry level corporate engineering job that I’m watching YouTube videos and researching crypto half the time.
10 hours might seem a lot to you because you haven't gone out in half a decade, your entire body reeks of ball sweat and you have the stamina of a dead horse but it's nothing to me. I come back home to a loving wife and we're expecting our first child soon. That's something you autistic NEETs will never understand or experience as your brains have been so deep-fried by the monitor that the only thing that can get a reaction out of you is watching your kiddy currency rise once in a blue moon.
if you are so happy then why are you so salty?
I bet you're the same stupid fuck that does the same stupid threads on the week end on how your life sucks and how you'd like to kill yourself because you're going back to work on Monday.
Veeky Forums you are like a special needs class and I'm your retard wrangler here to tell you to open the window because your room smells like shit and face reality while you still can. Yet all you do is fling and eat each other's shit because you can't accept a person holds different views than yours. The absolute amount of manchildren on this board is ridiculous. There are no more threads about actual jobs anymore, just slightly above underaged children with stretch marks all over their bodies thinking they're doing business by gambling on things they know nothing about and then crying when it all comes crashing down. This is why you're the laughing stock of every other board.
I used to work ~30 hours a week for 53k but quit to go travel, now I just trade crypto and make enough money. airbnbs in Prague are cheaper than what I used to pay for rent
The King of Cucks
On Dec 4th 2017 a woman filed a complaint to her boss at the local Amazon warehouse department store about her job. She works 55 hours a week at cut-throat regulations and bathroom breaks. She later posts about how strenuous her job is on Facebook. Suddenly, out of no where, millions of men come in stampedes all over the world to tell her how much of a pussy she is on Facebook. The Internets bandwidth could barely handle the traffic.
"60 hour per week and they give up??"
"I still do 60 hour weeks now. So fuck knows what these fgts are crying about"
"I just racked up 76 hours this last week, bunch of weak bitches."
"I’m embarrassed to be part of this generation."
"I pull that easy a lot between two part time jobs. Fuck those bitches."
"I work 100 hour work weeks"
"When Lazyfuckers actually started working their shit..."
Just then, the greatest wagecuck of them all, emerges out from the darkness.
The Grandmaster Cucklord dubbed the "Save a life, Fuck my Wife", Communist Loving, Bank Supporting, Debt Promoting, Socialist Illegal Alien finally awakens from his 10,000 year slumber to post.
"I work 168 hours a week below min wage"
The world is silent. All the wagecucks across the world bowdown to respect their new King of Cucks. They then throw away their freedom and financial futures to hail the new king. For they know they have become conquered by the supreme beings' great awakening of his 2nd coming. No man could ever match his greatness.
How could anyone even begin to fathom to hold an ounce of his strife and bravery?
I get paid more than this in Bulgaria while doing nothing but trading crypto on my personal laptop.
be careful to not be the next episode of hostel. OP is right, you laugh now, but in 10 years when he has 100 times more than most neets(except the few who really do have 10btc plus) he will be comfy and some of you will suffer terribly the last 20 yrs of your life cause you wasted your able body years
is it a mac?
The last 20 years of your life the goverment pays for your retirement.
Oh wait, don't tell me you are an Americuck?
I had no idea you crypto faggots were so rampant here as well. You better pray I don't see you on the streets of Sofia or I'll bash your gypsy face in. But then again, this whole thing relies on you going outside for once in your life so it probably won't happen, pedal.
Wagecucking is only for temporary accumulation of capital. The process is accelerated when you're not paying rent/mortgage.
Wagecucking should not be used solely as a means of survival, and you shouldn't plan on wagecucking until old age unless you're doing a job you love.
Only passing through. Gonna buy a sailboat and sail the med, trade crypto and spend my days swimming in the sea
50 hours a week for $45k?
I work 12 hours a week and make $75k a year, from my bedroom.
You must be on some serious welfare if you're such a fat, slimy mess that you can't even drag yourself out of your bed. Does your mommy collect that money for you?
No dumbass.
It's through dividends (capital returns)
But you're too fucking stoopid to understand that.
You want more detail? Look up how Q.E affects monetary supply and how it affects future costs of asset prices linked with banking interest rates.
It's going to take an entire capital to return you back to your bed once you fall off.
Where at?
>relying on government solvency
Most countries govts are balls deep in debt and money printing.
Friendly advice: The government will not look after you. Make your own arrangements.
Shut up SHUT UP
Don't let this thread die. I need to know how to escape wagecuckery.
How much $$$ do you have in dividends?
>saving lots of money for investing and future
>waiting to buy my own property outright instead of (((mortgaging)))
>starting business with dad who is sick of doing tile work
>get to live in nice, historic house
Not so bad when you look at it differently
thinking any country's gov retirement is less a ponzi scheme than burgerland. hahahahaaha yeah they will be there when you need them
have fun paying bills your whole life