Considering how much is written about them and their secretive nature, are they more casual than space wolves?
Are they the favorite chapter of casuals and new fags?
they're like the only cool chapter if you don't like space marines
and boy do i fucking hate space marines
Are you a guardsman fan?
Well, space marines are super-special, super-elite super-soldiers.
And gray knights are super-super-special, double-plus-elite, special-psychic-powers bestest of the very best best super soldiers.
So they're pretty silly.
no, i don't think any of the imperium armies are cool
I dont like the "Gay Knights" they are too fucking overused atm.
Also my friend has them and their rules piss me off when I play against them.
No, that'd be the Salamanders.
>m-muh good guys who stay at home with their waifus.
I love their theme, weapons, and armor above all other space marines, but I hate their fluff and crunch to no end.
Advanced players go for Eldar and Ultramarines.
>Space Wolves
pick one
In my experience Dark Angels are the newfag chapter due to their edginess
How 'bout both? DA and SW are both shit just like their Veeky Forums fanbases
Though fanboy-wise space yiffs are way worse
Nah, DAfags are the worst
After seeing that faggot Russ' all the time on the front page you can't sway me.
And DA-marines at least look good in artwork and models. And no, I don't play DA
DAfags barely exist.
Meanwhile there's Yiffers out the ass trying to tell me that their shitty viking furries are the best everywhere you go.
>mfw liking GK's since 3rd edition
>mfw being called newfag
Go fuck yourself.
That's fucking DA/Transexual Sons false flagging you newfag
>Grey Knights
Considering they can be a very hard army to play depending on what you're fighting (extremely elite, low model count army vulnerable to big blasts 'o D) and are one of the most expensive armies to assemble... no?
My wolf-fucker auspex is pinging.
Sure it is you retard
And you know, even if it was, I would still be right about yiffs being shit because they are
nice damage control faggot
not really tho homo
>the anal devastated city of (you)
>too mad to even rhyme
Why so butt blasted?
Are all dork angel fanboys shitposters?
It's probably the space furries like always
Thanks for proving my point dangle
oh look a yiff
I play guard butt munch, but I hate Dork Angel posters and anyone who ever, EVER uses the word "yiff". You fags are worse than chaosfags
No. I fight shitposting. Also this is now a First Legion Art Thread.
Besides we all know who the real enemy is. It's that Curze loving faggot.
yiff describes space faggots to the t
and i really dont play DA, honest to god you yiffing whorre
yiff cant handle the banter
This thread shows that Veeky Forums is a horribly underage board.
I don't think you know what that word means m8. Also just spouting "yiff" at everyone ITT is pure unadualterated shitposting
In his wisdom, the Emperor has seen fit to give me dubs of the Legion's digits.
>I don't think you know what that word means m8. Also just spouting "yiff" at everyone
You don't say yiff-o
Of course. The proper thing to call the Space Wolves is mutants blaspheming the purity of man with their genetic taint.
Traitors pls leave
A fucking Bloody Magpie should just keep quiet when it comes to this regard.
Claiming this thread for my dad. Miss you pep pep
I don't think you know what that word means.
the ultramarines attract more faggots the grey knights attract more casuals
Don't associate the blood Angels with those da fags
I think Bangles don't need to be associated with Dangles (or anyone, for that matter) to be flamingly faggy.
Sorry bro, we're joined at the hip.
Yeah they are the best. Other chapters are meh in comparison aesthetically, besides maybe black templars.
My boi