Are police officers the modern day real life equivalent of Paladins?
Are police officers the modern day real life equivalent of Paladins?
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God no.Just no.Absolutely not.
No, because Paladins lose their powers when they shoot an unarmed prisoner 15 times in the back.
When did this happen
closest thing we got? fire fighters maybe since they actually always help people.
>cops can't be rogue
No modern police are the real life equivalent of the town guard
>White Male Human Fighter
The closest thing we got are IS. They are wholly devoted to their god, adhere to strict religious laws and smite people who do wrong by those laws.
>ITT: edgy anarchists
Cops patrol a single area. Paladins go on quests and adventure almost by definition, so no.
post rogue cops
Nope, they're the town guards. Not sure our world has a paladin equivalent, guess it'd be up to God to discern that. People who make the claim to be that way can end up being some of the worst people, given hat they consider themselves above committing and evil (or Evil) act.
No, because police are required to uphold the law, not the public good.
>Not sure our world has a paladin equivalent
Cops are greyguards.
They don't care about the goodness of the law, they just uphold it.
Not that user, and I don't have an example of that scenario, but in Baltimore two police officers killed a prisoner by removing his seatbelt and driving around, trying to bounce him around in the back of their van. They broke his spine and he died in the hospital three days later.
>I know it was you
They are the city guard.
No. They don't lose gun and badge instantly if they are being a dick.
This to a degree. The Knights Hospitaller actually still exist today under the name Sovereign Military Order of Malta. I don't know just how military they are these days, but they're still pretty close to paladins.
ISIS is just a horde of savage orcs
paladins have not been obliged to be lawful good for two editions
and old gygaxian paladins were allowed to murder prisoners anyway
They are Rangers with favored enemy Black People, Chaotic Neutral usually, Lawful Stupid sometimes, but mostly Neutral Evil.
Lawful Good fighters, ballin' ones at that. But unless God decides that their spears would impale an arsonist more efficiently than a fire fighter, D&D paladin's they aren't.
the edgelord is strong with this one
They're the modern day equivalent of the corrupt lord's personal guard.
Police officers would be fighters
Lawyers are bards
ITT: Americans
How's living in a lawless hellscape, you cucks?
Life in America is fucking fantastic. Keep sucking on that corporate media teat to make yourself feel superior, though.
>Implying I'd prefer to live in Rapefugee Rapefest 2016
Pic unrelated
america's quality of life varies enormously depending on where you live inside it
it's like three europes smashed together
>tila tequila
doesn't she also believe that the Earth is flat?
Did paladins protect the rich from the poor?
Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. It really depends on the officer, though I think few could really be considered Paladin equivalent. Not because cops are bad, but because being a Paladin entails a unique level of fervour that few people in any profession show.
>fondling women's asses in public is in fact legal
>looking in the direction of white women gets you dismembered by her sword-wielding beta orbiters.
Tila Tequila has shown symptoms of schizophrenia in the past. It's actually pretty sad.
Town guard. The title you'relooking for is town Guard.
Is this what euros actually think America is like?
Yes, but only American ones.
>all cops are corrupt OR only care about the letter of the law rather than intent
Good meme
It's what Americans think America is like.
I should go outside.
Only legal for Muslims, bro.
I would hunt her illegals.
OP, are all constables in your setting paladins?
>Are police officers the modern day real life equivalent of Paladins?
No, they're the modern equivalent of knights (knights as in their original sense, normans with chainmail and swords who excelled at murdering peasants, not the ridiculous late medieval retroactive misapplication of chivalric ideals to prior generations): thugs with the beast weapons and armor who use their position of power to harm the common people with impunity
>Expect thread about cops
Anyway. As a police recruit I speak to lots of cops and a lot of those who work around them. A common theme I hear is that you have to be insane to even keep the job. There is a lot of dedication given the rigors of being a police officer. But I'd definitely say no, its not the modern equivalent. Believe you me there are a shit ton of rogue cops. The pay is tight and death is always around the corner. You may not fall to evil but you might pick up some serious habits. But the biggest part of our training, or what gets stressed the most is that you have to be ready to call out anyone, even your direct supervisor once you get a hint of something wrong.
Our head trainer is a mad man. Logical, foul mouthed and good at justifying his actions. Swear to god every once in a while a teacher or something will come in, see him and immediately remark "I have no idea how the department is letting you teach"
No, they're modern day City Guard.
They serve an important function in society but it's one that unless you ARE a guard happens only "off-screen", and generally otherwise are obstructionist and annoying when they show up elsewhere, or in some cases depending on your cityCHICAGO are actually corrupt antagonists as often as not.
Speaking as someone also in the practice of legal shit (paralegal), I have no idea how you can put up with that bullshit as much as you do.
I mean, I gotta work with crazy people too but I get PAID well at the very least.
She's just a poorly-tattooed, MySpace, dwarf slut desperately trying to cling to her long-gone 15 minutes of fame.
1) Paladins protect the innocent from the forces of evil. Meanwhile, police officers aren't required to prevent crimes they observe. This is settled law.
2) Paladins must seek out and punish the true guilty party. Police officers regularly - not frequently, but regularly - find a person they think is guilty, then use any means necessary to "prove" they're guilty regardless of whether or not it's true.
2) Paladins track down and smite fallen Paladins with the fury of a thousand fiery Suns. Meanwhile, police officers cover for each other when they commit crimes. Blue shield is a well-known phenomenon.
4) While Paladins certainly loot the guilty, none would ever dream of stealing from an innocent. Meanwhile, look up civil asset forfeiture, and how difficult it is to recover property claimed by the police even if you're proven innocent.
So in short, no, police officers fall well short of the standards of Paladinhood.
You need to be 18 to post lads.
Keep your edge at school.
>I can't actually come up with a counterargument
>but by god, you can't stop me from shitposting
Fuck no.
Tell that to the cop who's being charged with being an online predator.
>Implying we don't do that here, too
Come on, man, there are plenty of corporate shill "news" outlets in America too.
What are you trying to prove? They're all required to uphold the law. People don't always do what's required of them.
Harmonium, not Paladins.
>only care about the letter of the law rather than intent
That is the legal precedent upheld by the US Supreme Court, user.
I think you need to step out of your fantasy land.
>you have to be ready to call out anyone, even your direct supervisor once you get a hint of something wrong.
So... why doesn't that actually happen?
Yeah but you know who caught that cop?
Another cop, probably one of those 13 year old undercover cops I keep meeting in chatrooms.
I'm from Baltimore and you're fucking wrong in your details. Also those cops have been found innocent in a court of law
Or just, you know, mildly paying attention and have had interactions with the police before.
So was OJ.
Dead men tell no tales, and how often to police testify against each other?
Police are regularly found innocent if they are taken to court because the evidence lay within their hands, often by a jury who is more than willing to give them benefit of doubt,
Just another Dindu Nuffin that probably had it coming to him, just like my hometown's Burgling Martyr Michael Brown.
>widely publicized cases can't prove wrongdoing beyond a reasonable doubt
>must be the cops' fault
Baltimoron here
Get your facts straight dumbass
So you're saying only cops should be found guilty in court?
>people deserve to be executed for petty crimes
No, widely publicized cases that went to court due to public outrage that couldn't be proven at all.
But please, tell me how all those cases clearly had no wrongdoing.
Stop it, user, you are being stupider than normal.
Of course!
>cops shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves when assaulted by people
>Oakland remains a shithole
How is this news?
Chris Rock can help you with your interactions with the police.
ITT: Fucking criminals. The police exist to protect us from "people" who act like dirty animals and to put those "people" in a place they can't hurt good citizens, like prison or the morgue. Everyone should get upset about corrupt individuals as well as widespread corruption, but guess what fuckface? If you don't view the police as the good guys in general, then you're the one the rest of us need to be protected from.
>cops are LE, niggers are CE
Holy shit, this is Blood War!
Only outfit I have never seen a /k/ommando talk shit about.
Actually there is a real Blood War going on in the middle east. Al Qaeda declared war on ISIS for being too batshit insane, and the two have been actively fighting. Since ISIS is obviously Chaotic Evil that makes Al Qaeda Lawful Evil.
>people either enthusiastically endorse the police to the point where they give them free range to kick out the teeth of old ladies
>think they are literally the gestapo
Why no middle ground? I mean, generally I think the police do an alright job in America. I mean, yeah, they need to work on how their officers interact with minorities and they fucking definitely don't need to buying surplus military gear from the US army auctions but speaking broadly I wouldn't want to live in a society without law and those who execute it
I would also see about getting guns removed from Officers who don't need them really. Cops I feel shouldn't be standard issued firearms as a practice. Restrict it to only emergencies or dangerous neighborhoods.
I study in America and it is kind of strange to see university cops walk around with a gun on their hip. Do they really need it?
And both are attracting recruits form the rest of the world... it fits!
If it's of evil nature, I smite it. Be it with a hammer or with a gun, to smite is to smite.