I like Ultramarines

I like Ultramarines


Good for you.

Have a picture of a WMD

K and?

I like THIS Ultramarine

>Fuckin' Heretic

I like to troll Ultramarines.


Is Ventris the only based Ultramarine?

What of these two ultramarines?

Then you must hate this guy

Good for you. They're a solid chapter with some neat characters and a simple but effective colour scheme.

Who the fuck was this guy? I never cared enough to simply google it. There was no, in the games at least, foreshadowing or reason for weeaboo ninja prick to keep annoying me other than the massive shoe horn Bioware had.

>Pic related, would of been better.


He appeared in two tie-in novels for ME, in one of those he literally took his time to eat Anderson's cereal when he was sneaking in his office.
Annoying is a very good word to describe him. I never could take this guy seriously despite game's all attempts to make me do that.

The worst part about him is that every other character becomes morons whenever he shows up.

He makes a LOT of stupid decisions that should get him instantly killed but none of the other characters take the obvious reactions to just kill the motherfucker. He's built up as some super powerful threat but he only ever wins fights by calling in extreme backup, running away or others just letting him win by not taking the obvious methods to kill him.

The Ultramarines aren't my favorite, but the hate's gotten stale and there's a lot of good about them.

I think people forget the First Tyrannic War was supposed to be a learning experience - the Codex Astartes was great, but it wasn't prepared for everything.

I like Ultramarines too.
It's the "we are ze bestest of all at everything" Ultrasmurfs that I don't like.

>the hate's gotten stale

Yet, here sits this obvious bait thread - literally emblemmatic of our disgust - not with some fake game faction - but the IRL legion [swidt] of insufferably gushy corporate fanboys.

>there's a lot of good about them

Case in point. It's the incomprehensible defense of bbby's first caffeine-free diet grimdark that makes pic related possible. I'm convinced it's some undiagnosed mental illness.



So you don't like the original conception from their first codex?

This post has more buzzwords than thoughts.


Know No Fear managed to make them likable again.


Ultrasmurfs aren't as bad as the Dark Angels and their fanboys

His eyebrows are FABULOUS.

I like spacewolves
The worst fanboys I've encountered are blood angel Fags

Space wolf fanboys will shout "hurr Viking werewolves ''
Blood angels will blabber about how pretty boy sanguinius and his marines are the bestest evar', actively ignoring the establishment of Horus as 'bestest primarch evar' in fluff

If he's so bestest evar why did he kill his daddy

I like Space Wolves as well. Oh, and fuck the blood angels and their retarded genes. At least the curse of the Wulfen is pretty fucking rare, look how common the red thirst and black rage are


I swear bioware was trolling their fans with him. He's so fucking "edgy" that it cant' be anything else. I mean he even literally starts trolling the player in the game, too.

If sanguinus was better why didn't he kill Horus?

That it did. And Know No Fear was an awful book. The depiction of Rowboat as a logistics autist par excellence with a stubborn asshole streak is possibly the single best addition of the Horrid Heresy novels. It goes a long way to explaining Ultramar, his post-Heresy actions, just how hard Gillman's progeny pimp the Coat of Stars, etc. I strongly dislike anyone (especially Dabnett) over-humanizing Space Marines; this was a case of it being necessary to make the Legion relatable as more than just Default Marines With Easy Paintjob and reintroducing flaws that fell by the wayside in the peak of the Wardian Era.

>being upset that canonically the XIII legion is just the best, period

Best at what? Shitposting? The Transexual Sons and that Kurzefag have them beat for sure

All your favorite chapters are absolutely shit. There's always something stupid about them or their fanbase that makes them absolutely disgusting.

If you can't accept this and learn to like them without having to defend them every five seconds, you might as well play Halo and enjoy the totally badass Spartans who are always cool and anyone who makes fun of them doesn't understand Master Chief.

At everything. Shooting, winning, being the biggest, taking the least casualties, liberating the most worlds. There are loads of things they've been outright stated to be the best at. This upsets people for some reason. It's just a game.

You shitpost this in every space marine thread m8. Also first edition names the Ultrasmurfs as traitors who are banished to the eye of terror

Because Space Jesus had to be sacrificed so that Good could triumph over Evil.

No good deed goes unpunished, after all.

>Also first edition names the Ultrasmurfs as traitors who are banished to the eye of terror

Prove it?


>muh Rogue Trader
The original XIII legion was the traitors. The Ultra-Marines were their replacement. This during the period when the Rainbow Warriors were a First Founding legion.

Filthy poser. Back in the day they even had a half-eldar astropath because they were so special.

How about you google it?

>make assertion
>asked to prove assertion
>refuse, like a prick

How about I simply disbelieve whatever outlandish shit you have to say. That cool, Pumpkin?

How about you just google it since you're a fucking newfag who doesn't know the fluff

Despite all the hate they get, everybody either openly or secretly loves ultramarines, because their colour scheme is objectively the best.

This. Ultramarines and Space Wolves have the best color schemes and it's not even debatable

Which of their nine main colour schemes are you referring to?

I like turtles

one in op


So, specifically the Second Company.

gold and blue. shutup nerd.

I refuse to hide my power level. Ultras are lots of colors. I like the 1st Company scheme best.

Why does Ventriss hold his bolter like that.

Because he's a "badass" rebel who plays by his own rules. Didn't you read his books?

Get out of here Ultramariboo.

This guys are the only to troll the Ultramarines. And they are from their seed stock.

Macragge life

The Scythes get along pretty well with the Ultras.

Who doesn't like the Ultras? I'm trying to figure out who hates who among space marine chapters

The Hammers of Dorn are jealous of them, basically.

I dunno who else, maybe the Black Templars? Oh, I know. The Minotaurs, but that's mutual.

No one likes the minotaurs. Also isn't the Black Templar's thing ancient history?

I almost came to believe that his power was simply that everyone, himself included, became retarded as shit when he was around. He was just the most used to being retarded, so he dealt with it best.

His downfall was when Shepard managed to not be retarded the second time he fights him, because he'd already adapted to his tactics.

Which is why, in his boss fight, he's absolutely retarded.

Dark angel fans are newfags, edgelords, and autistic and usually a mix of all three

Green and gold on dark Angels is pretty raunchy too, but I'd say I like the fists third company scheme the best

All boss fights in bioware games are fucking retarded

yep. look at those DA namefags, drunk chaplain and lion guard for a perfect example of your typical DA fanboi

>space Jesus

LMAO that chapter costs more than my bachelors degree.

Manlet marines.

What was that Successor chapter that Calgar ordered to surrender their heritage weapon to the ultras cause he thought they were unworthy? I remember them giving the Knife of Girlyman to the Deathwatch instead.


Let me reiterate this, 40k is edge and almost all of us nerds to some degree are both edgy and autistic, it's just the oldfag dark angel hipster players think they're something special because of it, night lords fans are the same way, they think their edginess and autism makes them special when almost all fans of 40k possess both of those traits and that's why we have near dead social lives and paint tiny miniatures relating to some dystopian universe 99% of the world has never heard about more than once in their lives. The newfag dark angel fans come from the dark vengeance set but then again oldfags buy that too so it gets confusing. All in all it all depends on the player.

all Dork Angel fans are gay cancer and should be purged for the traitors they are

Go to bed, Logan.

With a setting as large and varied as 40k, there should never be an answer to "who is the best space marines". Currently it'd the ultras, and as a blood angels fan I can't help but think it's silly to say ultrasmurfs are all but the most devote to the codex astartes

>admitting to studying a literally worthless subject
And he can sell that army for a pretty penny on eBay, maybe making about half back.

Ultras are best in ways that are irrelevant. So what if they're the most prestigious and honored chapter? They still got their shit pushed in when the Tyranids first showed up.

>I can't help but think it's silly to say ultrasmurfs are all but the most devote to the codex astartes

That's their whole deal. They retardedly follow the codex to the letter

There are chapters whose entire identity is "we're even more strictly adherent than the Ultramarines!".

>Hammers of Dorn
>Jealous of being descended from Girlyman

Get a load of this traitor! Hammers hate the Ultras because they just can't follo AND successfully use the codex as good as they can. Too bad the Ultramarines aren't Sons of Dorn. Then they might have a chance at being able to master the codex like they can.

But in all seriousness, the Hammers of Dorn legitimately are able to use the Codex better than the Ultras, and still better than the Red Scorpions as they use Apothecaries in place of Sergeants in their tac squads.

A couple Ultra successors, the Red Scorpions, and the Hammers of Dorn.

Lore-wise, the Hammers actually can pull it off as they pretty much memorize the whole thing word for word and use every tactic in the book to great effect, that is, until Farsight 360-no scoped an assault marine that was sneaking up on him as he was speaking to an apothecary who was retrieving gene-seed and simultaneously figured out the Codex all by himself. Somehow.

Red Scorpions are cool because 'None Purer', and all that. Claim to follow the codex stricter than the Ultras, but replace their tac squad sergeants with apothecaries, and are Forgeworld's favorite chapter for some reason. With one of their characters having 7(?) different incarnations now.

FW UPDATE YOUR OTHER CHAPTERS, REEEEE! I need new/updated rules for Red Hunters and a character for them! Seriously, the only FW chapter to not have a single character.

False... You have the Red Scorpions who somehow have an Apoc attached to every squad... and who else?

How is being the most faithful, ferocious successful, influential, puissant, and overall best shots and warriors as chapters go irrelevant?

Is 1d4chan still around?

I like notEmperor's Children.

>hur dur the ultras are more faithful than you

So what? It's not like your chapter has fallen to Chaos.

>hur dur the Ultramarines are more ferocious than you

Pretty sure Ultras aren't even remotely known for ferocity, unlike Flesh Tearers, Space Wolves, Minotaurs, World Eaters, Carcharodons, etc.

>hur dur the Ultras are more influential than you

So what? Why does it matter if both of you are crusading in bumfuck nowhere where their influence means nothing? Or if your chapter can get shit done WITHOUT having to "have influence" on the local populace? That's arguably even better than being influential: being independent and self sufficient.

>they're better shots and warriors than you

If you win the battle anyway, why does it matter if the Ultramarines are better?

How do the Ultramarines being supposedly better have any negative influence on any given chapter?

Use your brain, that's fucking how it's irrelevant, you dumb cunt.

I'm pretty sure being better implies you are better, which is an obvious advantage given the definition of the cunting word. Cretin.

>this post is trying to argue that being better in every way isn't being better


>Lorgarfags actually brag about losing with literally every conceivable advantage save their gene-seed being that of Roboute Guilliman

Wasn't Legion's username Infiltrait0rN7?


I don't think he mentioned what subject he studied user, just that it was a Bachelors degree.


Name a single flaw of the Ultramarines chapter.

You can't, you jealous little plebeians.


I detest the 40k ultras.
But the heresy era ultras are quite cool.
everythin writen about the lorgar vs girlyman is realy dope. Calth is dope.

unremembered empire had some flaws but was stil dope

I said flaw. Having the Company of the Undefeated of the East is not a flaw.
>I detest the 40k ultras. They're too mainstream, y'know?

how long is his fucking arm?

I mostly dont like the overuse in heraldry and "bling bling" in the 40k universe desu.
Also matt ward.

Im painting a 30k ultra army right now, the spartan look of the heresy era is more to my liking.