Tell us how your WIP is going user's.
CYOA General WIP edition
previous thread: thought it better to do it in the second post.
The cyoa creator CYOA so far for anyone who didn't see it last thread.
Is this the OFFICIAL /cyoag/??
I NEED to know.
>Industrial Spy CYOA.
I feel like i could provide some critique.
Maybe weapons should come in two categories, concealable and not.
Crystal boys Is going well, got a slime, a better dragon, and an orc. The beginning is done, just need to set up the box's.
Mom your Aphrodite the godess of love, beauty, and sex. So greek mythology is true, does this mean I'm destined to be a slut.
I have rarely seen such pisspoor art as the literal shit you decided to use for Bliss.
I wouldn't fuck that abomination with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome if the future of the human race depended on it.
Also, change Box Wine. He isn't a cockwhore.
Yes, but you didn't need a cyoa to tell you that. You're already a shameless attention whore.
>thought it better to do it in the second post.
Why? Glad you did it at all though.
Is v1.1 the latest of the Dream Prince cyoa? Pic related.
In the middle of editing Familiar quest.
Also adding a just for fun option on page 4 Where you roll randomly to determine your master, species, Focus, and Perks.. Finished version should be going up in a couple of hours.
Instructions unclear, which guardian least likely to molest?
Just letting you know, user. I didn't post that, someone else took the liberty of doing it for me.
And there was a poll 2 threads back deciding between black hair and white hair images for Bliss.
>Is v1.1 the latest of the Dream Prince cyoa?
AFAIK, yes. I do recall Imaginos saying that he's working on some additional content for it, though.
80 points. Lets get interesting.
Body: male, female, change gender, change shape, disease immunity. -45, right off the bat.
Everything else: heavenly voice, read desires, magical ID, perfume. -35.
Berrill and Niko. We will have some very interesting sexcapades.
I would like to suggest that Italics' avatar is a capital, italicized I.
Does the loss of vision in my right eye come with choosing abandoned? If so, I choose abused--I can recover from those injuries. I would also adopt the abused character you illustrated for this, too. Or at least make sure she gets a home with someone who isn't a cunt.
Oh, and Clara will be adopting me 10 out of 10 times.
I imagine you are the user who suggested the dark-haired, glasses-donning variant that was offered up 2 threads ago. While it wasn't bad, whatshisface (who is making the cyoa) polled people for a little bit and the votes were in favor of what you now see representing Bliss. So sorry, but you'll have to settle for another author. Or don't settle at all. Get angry and storm out of the thread.
Also, user said that Box Wine went "deeper", whatever that means. I doubt Box Wine is an archetypal meretricious, cock-craving harlot, so you can rest your head.
For reinforcement.
Posting a bit of Broquest, perhaps the greatest WIP of them all. Tragically cut short by human pettiness.
so user has shit taste?
user, look at it. Look at it.
There is no amount of money in this world that would make me touch that freak.
>you are the user who suggested the dark-haired, glasses-donning variant
nope. I have functional eyes, which apparently user does not.
Well, I'm glad to know I can already cross multiple namefags off the potential list before any text is added.
I understand feedback, just commenting myself.
If you have other suggestions, I'm all ears as to pictures. And an Italics I works great, actually. And I just got a perfect twist for it. Lovely.
I don't care about the pictures. What you have is fine. If you want to change them at the request of others, that's also fine. I'm honestly more interested invested in what you have alluded to as "twists", more than anything else. I'll browse my CYOAs and see if I recall any other authors worth mentioning, since you said you didn't mind adding more.
Requesting that you post the rest of this. My version is out of date.
Now now, calm down. You are being hyper-critical.
Thanks mate.
Not inspired by real events. I swear.
The government is finally revamping auto laws and, by coincidence, chosen you as an everyman to choose what area out of several that they focus on to start. Of course, you'll be testing these out first.
Before that happens, everything across the board will get safety and feature upgrades across the board. Repairing tires, stronger frames, GPS, the works.
Choose two. Be aware that other people will have them eventually as well.
>Self Boot
If your car detects you weaving through traffic too much, it will lock your speed to a maximum of the road's speed limit.
This is a big enough drawback for the people who do this that it doesn't need any extra frills.
>Teslas for Everyone
Not really. Because of emission standards and oil something or other, cars will be electric going forward. Better yet, during testing, charging up your car will be completely paid for by... Elon Musk. When all the cars are electric it'll go on your taxes.
Not like, shitty electric, decent-or-better electric. Battery pack or fuel cell. They come with some of the silly Tesla tricks, too.
>Self Driving
Of course, the government has been working on self driving car software/algorithms, and amazing they don't get rear-ended every five minutes.
Self driving car technology gets boosted a couple of years. Think the terrible iRobot movie, but less murder.
Watch your cellphone bill, cars will need to be chipped for this one.
>Shitpost on the Go
Requires Self Driving.
While your car is driving itself, you can chat with everyone in a reasonable distance in a basic chatroom where you're only identified by body type and color.
Yell at people for driving poorly, ask for restaurant recommendations, or tell everyone you just got cut off by Adam Sandler in a powder blue VW Passat.
People without self driving cars can get the chat room read to them. Possibly in the poster's desired TTS.
You get to test a neat laser/electric gun that pops people's tires. The new safety features mean they'll be back on the road in a minute, but it's the thought that counts.
It's close range and doesn't work on people. But it does work on that asshole that just cut you off. Three times in the last half-hour.
Gets about 3 shots on a weekly charge.
We discussing WIPs here?
I wanted to make a waifu parody CYOA, but I gauged it would probably cause too much of a shitstorm.
So now I'm going to try to make a rap battle CYOA. If I can motivate myself to start writing it.
I seem to have lost the 4 part so if someone could post it that would be great.
What was the artist's name again? I can only remember his porn handle
I think this is it:
if not Imaginos posted it on /r/makeyourchoice here :
Painter is a little small compared to the others. If your scaled down your source image, I'd try it again at a larger size and just crop a smaller (%) of the image for the girl. That is, make a crop such that not much more than the girl, easel, and the rolly table are in the frame, but the image is still the same size as the others.
If this the one?
I will never forget you,
user, the picture is objectively shit. Her face is fucked up.
Beyond that, you can barely see her facial features (not that you'd want to) which you can for all the other images you've used thus far.
Well, not including Painter.
Image Version (1.11):
Somebody is revamping auto laws?
Anyway go for it, be a car otaku.
What?! How dare you, I'm completely pure and wholesome.
Thank you.
Link to our archives instead of to a community of thieves, thanks.
Still intend to add Soul-Allies to this page.
Needs more husbandos.
People keep submitting women.
This the update or still the old version?
Requesting Pallas goes in as an Egyptian catgirl.
The lack of Werepyres is really disheartening.
Just a new page, and a half-finished page. I've been lazy.
My WIP is going rather smoothly, though how quickly I can get the first rough draft out depends on whether you guys mind pdf or not.
In case you were wondering, I am doing a revision of pic related.
>Take Dragon and Baby Dragon
>Use both at once
I'm being a faggot and you can't stop me!
In this instance the creator posted it on imgur himself. I agree with you on principle though.
I can't help but be a little disappointed you picked one of the smaller breasted symbiotes, but whatever. I'm just happy to actually be on one of these.
>In case you were wondering, I am doing a revision of pic related.
Why do you announce this every time, as if it's going to be your magnum opus?
Sorry about that, didn't think about how it would annoy you guys. Will stop until it is complete.
Werepyres are in Adventure Quest, not Dragonfable
Same company, same universe, but different games
Regardless, thanks for posting it.
If you want a better one, feel free to submit one, I just picked what I felt fitted best.
Do you prefer killing werewolves or petting werewolves in cyoas?
>Soul Weaver + Ascendant + Technomancer + Necromancer + Paladin
>Soul Ally
>Twilly, Greedling, Dante
Nature + Bane to humans
Petting them.
Highlander as Ciri is cute, given both's dimension hopping escapades.
I.. what? I don't... Killing?
Did Quietanon do any CYOA besides the eponymous Quiet one?
Who wouldn't want to pet this?
This one.
I would, because I'm not a pussy.
Nah, it's fine. Finding good art of SFW symbiote girls is difficult enough. Especially when you want a look that doesn't look completely monstrous.
Pastebin has been updated.
Reminder that if you have a cloud folder or repository or other projects relating to your stuff, let me know.
Depends on the setting in the CYOA. If the werewolf's first instinct is to lunge at me, then you bet your ass I'm going Bloodborne on them.
If they more or less keep their faculties, though, petting ensues.
Nice work.
You're a credit to your species, user.
Good man.
Good to hear, all that leaves now is Ren, Speddrefuge, and Imaginos and page 1 will be ready for release, actually.
Nothing beats the smell of burnt elves in the morning.
Make this Spessrefuge/Lurl.
Vicar Amelia is cute.
I have an idea for a hero build, don't mind me just use it while I work.
Killing. You some kinda furfag user?
I found Quiet
It's really cold tonight and I want to cuddle with a big puppy werewolf. They look warm and snuggly.
My werewaifu can beat up your waifu.
did you draw this stuff?
otherwise i'm concerned why there is such a huge amount of whacky drawings
I don't think your waifu even does anything but try to kill the player.
Petting if cute girly werewolves who are actually girls. Killing if bara werewolves like in your pic.
That's because she is pure and faithful to her husband.
Yes, it's a term for the fetish.
And no, they are furry. Anthro animals are furry regardless.
>Anthro animals are furry regardless.
Then monstergirls are furry too. You can't have it both ways.
Succy sucky soul five dolla?
I don't know if I am missing anything from this but I will get too the build, if I am missing something please post. Also what the hell is with the influx of furry shitposting going on, is trash getting uppity or what?
I agree that werewolves aren't really furry, but those pictures you're posting are pretty furry.
yes, you're a furry
this guy has the right idea
>Equating furry with monstergirls
You're that guy who that other user yells at, calling him a furry for liking monsterboys, right? I assure you I'm not the same guy and I don't think monsterboys are furry. It's just that werewolves are not monsterboys, girls, what have you. They're significantly less human and have animal heads.
Werewolves are cute! They are for snuggling!!