Recap Thread 2
You've settled into a sort of mechanical reactionary state-
Your enemies are, essentially, phantoms.
Suicidal and homicidal phantoms.
Or maybe not suicidal? Homicidal isn't up for discussion, they are most definitely giving their all to kill you.
But whether they're being directed to attack you in some sort of attempt to drown you in their spilt blood, or are just reliving whatever shattered remnant of history this village seems to represent isn't something you're personally privvy to.
Of course, this is all moot- The fact of the matter is that ill-armed and armoured shades of past invaders aren't going to do much than potentially tire you sometime in the future. Maybe tomorrow.
You're thankful for the repetition, though. Boring as it is, it's the perfect thing to take your mind off the fact that there's a small, incredibly loud, and boisterous moth-girl carefully pacing across the giant skull that covers your spider-half, detailing your history in a carefully embellished story.
"- and her steps through that small town had only started to echo, marching inexorably into story- No, Legend!"
"I thought she jussst met a few people. And Jin?"
"Important people, though!"
The snake pauses briefly, absorbing what she can.
"I think it wasn't that important."
"Bah! That's because you're not as good at stories."
"Fine. What isss next?"
Nin takes a breath, and you lightly brace yourself before you catch another screaming berzerker on your spear- This one is almost wearing armour. And he had real weapons, too. Smithed weapons. Still ghostly phantom weapons. Weapons that are actually weapons but not real. Yes.
"As her steps shook the village, things began to stir to the surface, and the forest faced its first invasion in so many years-"