Post about X-Wing, Armada, FFG's Star Wars RPGs, d6, d20 (Saga), movies, shows, books, comics, vidya, lego, lore and everything else Star Wars related
Previous Thread:
Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games
Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)
Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault and the Star Wars LCG)
Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)
Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)
Reference Materials & Misc. Resources
All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)
Just What IS Canon Anyways?
The Clone Wars Viewing Guide
Shipfag's hangar
/swg/- Optimized Builds Edition
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First for Dass
Second for Dash
Wrong Dash.
>literally a Dash Render
How's my Dash build?
>taking a photo of the screen
You forgot a tab of "gay sex with hats on"
user, why did you take a picture of your laptop instead of screencapping?
>Push the limit, no Engine upgrade
>X-wing and A-wing low PS pilots
It's better to run a single, high PS ace in this sort of build. Corran Horn, Wedge Antilles, Jake or Tycho... something like that tends to survive better.
>Taking a picture of the laptop, rather than a link or screenshot
First for Black Sun is Best Sun!
Too lazy
it takes more effort to take the picture
Second for Ren is Worst Son!
Actually it would be fucking useless as adamantium claws already do nearly the same. Except you know, he wouldn't be able to deflect shots or win any dual vs a random guy with a lightsaber because of the 42" reach difference.
Is this real ? Obviously a troll, I can't believe it.
Nobody will answer that shit.
Do it like everyone else
Kylo Ren was cool because he wasn't cool. He was the best depiction of a tryhard teenager I've ever seen.
Yep for sure, its a decent take on a baddie on the way down to becoming completely damned.
How's this look? Trying to build my first lists on my own and this seemed good.
He was fucking thirty
I could understand Anakin because he was nineteen
Ren was fucking thirty and he didn't know how to talk to girls
>Ren was fucking thirty and he didn't know how to talk to girls
Sounds like he'd be right at home here, then.
Just ordered my first X-wing minis. How do you usually transport your stuff, Veeky Forums? Some models looks like they'd break rather easily.
I just use the box they come with
It is as tedious as it sounds, but there isn't much x wing acitivity where i live, so it really isn't a hassle
Most people use cases though
They briefly discussed some a few threads ago
Sounds about right. I mean, there's a prominent editor in the Superman office at DC who's like 40 or something who can't get his mind around the fact that you don't fucking touch people who don't want you to touch them.
So for an upcoming game of Age of Rebellion, I've decided to play a force-sensitive mechanic. However, the rest of my party is either combat classes or a grumpy old Doctor, none of which have much in the way of speaking. Should I eventually multiclass into something more talkative to help fill this void?
Hey, does anyone here want to do either of these drawing requests? Im going to post in the Veeky Forums drawthread too, but I figured I would ask here first.
1.A battle droid (or multiple) that has a green circle in the center of its chest like a commander, and black shoulders and lower chest like the security droids.
2. a lucrehulk droid control ship with the command sphere removed and in its place what looks like a hammerhead command deck. The coloration of the whole stations is similar to the paint job they had in the clone wars animated series, but in place of the blue it should be black, and there should be no visible CIS symbol.
Both are owned by a gang of pretty organized pirates during the rise of the empire, or I guess what nu canon is calling "The dark times" (which I think is a fine name).
Anyway, thanks a bunch in advanced guys, you are the bomb.
I used the little plastic cases they come in, for a while. But I'm also a miniature painter, and so I like to do little customized paintjobs, or cleanup detail work, or conversions. So I empties one of my pluck-foam miniature cases (LGS sells the pluck foam trays for about $10 a piece), and I use that. It's kind of funny to have "The Waaagh!" bag filled with X-Wing miniatures.
I have a plano tackle box and it has worked super well for me.
You don't have to right away, at the start roleplay and some luck will get you through the conversations easily.
I wasn't planning on it right away, this was something I would consider 5+ sessions in, if I do it.
Top Gear updated with our newest Star in a Reasonably-Priced Fighter, Poe Dameron. Still rusty as fuck, not helped by my rather tight personal schedule at the moment, so please do point out errors, typos, etc.
Does it ever feel weird that your version of Top Gear has actually managed to outlast the actual Top Gear?
Not really, no. I've only been doing this for a very short time with unreasonably long delays and an irregular schedule, so "outlast" would be giving me too much credit. Now, if I'd started SWTG all the way back in the early 2000s with strict weekly updates, sure, it would feel weird as hell.
Trying to run an EotE campaign on Roll20.
Where can I find the API/Script settings? The tutorial for the character sheets is telling me to access it, but I can't for the life of me find out where it is.
Playing a Gunslinger in an upcoming EotE game.
Give me your best gunslinger hats
Makes you immune to any Dark or Light Side nonsense.
Don't know where they are, I'm sure you can google it and a guide will show up. If you can't find it still, it might just be because you're not paying the subscription for API access.
Ah yeah, turns out you need to pay $10 a month to even get access.
That sucks, guess I'll have to get all the custom dice working with rolling tables and all that.
I've played Kotor 1 and 2, but I still don't understand Attribute and Skill Systems, or the d20 system.
If you don't mind using Google Hangouts, you can use it to load up both Roll20 and this dice roller:
Oh wow, cheers mate that's really helpful.
Fucked sideways.
Does it work pretty well? I've been curious about it in the past but I'm not sure if I'd miss the screen real estate so I havent tried EOTE with my roll20 group
Works well, only issues I've had is that sometimes (usually like every 3rd or 4th session) a player will roll but it won't register/be seen by the other players, but it's resolved pretty easily with them just closing the dice rolling extension and then re-opening it.
I'll see your hat and raise you a moustache
Oh man I really wanted to play a Nikto but I'm not sure if it's worth missing out on the facial hair.
I should be mad about that Rick Flair joke, but I'm glad to see you put Poe into your 'continuity'.
Also, I just kinda wanted to pimp some stories that I really like which are about First Order Stormies and learning not to be slaves in all but name.
The Story of Finn
>The only thing Stormtroopers own are stories.
Tomorrow (there'll be more of us)
>The resistance is starting to get stormtrooper defectors. Finn helps them out.
Unfortunately, a lot of authors are more keen to give a sort of teaser quote in the description instead of an actual synopsis or summary or what-have-you, so I've actually used the last line of each of their descriptions.
BUT, that doesn't mean these stories are bad, I think they're quite good and maybe, just maybe, people who want to talk about Clones and personhood can also take some inspiration from this.
Thanks. Also, I know I've been ghosting, but I'm just not feeling the badfic right now, I'm trying to work on my own projects and I'm also GMing a Shadowrun game, so my schedule's pretty full with the addition of summer classes.
>posting fanfics he enjoys
Questy bad fanfic is your cross to bear!
Give him a flappy bit on his upper lip.
Have him get a mustache tattoo.
Would this be too heretical for my Nikto Gunslinger? Trying to break the cowboy hat mold a bit.
He'd come across as more of a biker then.
>mfw I am a biker who wears one of those or a cowboy hat
Thats just sexy, get a swoop so you can have a steel horse.
First story was excellent, second one was campy/fanficy but still kind of good.
The second one struck me as not entirely serious but still rather touching.
Flechettes aren't too useful, from my point of view. A regen droid on a y-wing is interesting, however I would rethink what you're doing with him. You need to use Kyle's ability constantly in order to regen, leaving your target locks for torpedoes. If Kyle is nowhere near or dies, you have to choose one or the other.
Kyle is useful with jan, but without recon specialist, you aren't getting the most out of the moldy crow.
The synergy is there, but there's an obvious chink in your armor once Kyle bites it.
Isn't it strange how the vibe of a character can be made by the hat he wears?
Help me cast Jan Ors.
Not the bitch from Rogue One, I'd like an actual asian
No idea, so I'm going to say Rinko Kikuchi.
Eh, I dunno, maybe.
...Elodie Yung?
fuck you chink. Rogue one Jan Ors BEST Jan Ors
That is all.
We now return to your regularly scheduled thread
Gank with Body 5 can have 8 cybernetics (2 more than a Droid, an actual mechanical being). Plug in those repulsor arms and go Pacific Rim on people.
But what specializations/talents would you pick with that? What does Body do outside of combat except the occasional Resilience test? How can this guy contribute in space combat?
Brawn? It increases your wound treshold and your soak too. Having 5 brawn and a decent armor makes you FUCKING INVINCIBLE.
Skillwise, it's associated with Athletics, Resilience, some combat skills and some other ones I can't remember right now.
Ganks still have 2 in Agility so they can always be a backup gunner and their affinity with cybernetics also tends to make them good mechanics and repairmen.
Well, players quickly realise they can't do everything, however it also means being a 1-trick pony like in D&D was fine it doesn't work in Star Wars.
So he needs to have a bit of a secondary role and I reckon Bounty Hunter- Gadgeteer might be a good start by having some mechanical ability as well which is always useful on a space ship.
Its taken a while, but even my dense as fuck PC's have figured you can beat a lot of people up just by yelling at them, having sick merchant skills will actually get them the shit they want/need and running around in a technological setting without a 'Computer' skill to be seen is kind of like being kicked in the balls... every day
Yes, that's a thing that happened. Well done.
>Too lazy
>Takes path of most resistance
Put your helmet back on and try not to burn your mouth on the tendies your mommy just made you.
>Hard walker
>Cold walker
>Giant block of steel
>Happy walker
>Stompy walker
>Kill, kill, kill
Anybody know the species of this guy?
Grace Park, maybe?
You cannot know the power of the cute side, my little green text friend
Woo, Great Britain fucked itself and the rest of the world for god knows how long! Great job!
Also, GB's probably gonna tear itself apart cause N Ireland didn't want to leave and neither did Scotland.
I've posted stuff I liked before.
And speaking of stuff I liked, have another FO Stormtrooper fic.
>There are children. Leia has always known this, but even so, having the direct proof of it in front of her tears at her heart. The children never had a choice. (She wonders if any of them had a choice.) She wants to give them a choice, and a tomorrow. She is not alone.
Does shipfag have a stat block for that one?
>Big Bang Theory
Kill yourselves.
Alright, so I have the opportunity to fly the new Imperial veterans as a test flight against one of our store champions. I've doodled around with a couple of builds, and have settled down on two extremely similar lists.
Scimitar Squadron bomber with tie shuttle and Fleet officer. Then two glaive squadron Pilots with tie/d, ion cannon and either predator or ruthlessness.
What would you pick?
Also I have the mark 2 engine on the shuttle for extra green
Nikto? Maybe?
Predator is more reliable, Ruthlessness is more variable.
>Revolver with a barrel that runs from the middle of the cylinder
What the actual fuck?
It's not a barrel
It's a sight
Notice how the iron sight is lined up with it?
He's not talking about the sight, dumbfuck. He's talking about how the barrel doesn't line up with any of the chambers.
I see that, especially with focuses from the fleet officer. My problem with it is if I'm already getting focuses, I can use my action for target locks. This makes predator fairly redundant. I've also been looking for an excuse to use multiple instances of ruthlessness.
My secret wish is an imperial ship with a turret slot. Tlts with ruthlessness would be devastating.
You could always use multiple focus for defense, or for double modifying both attacks. Plus you can always barrel roll.
I think Predator is the more consistent choice, but Ruthlessness is more fun.
Firstly, die.
Secondly, he appeared only once in this handsome son of a bitch's comic and has no defined species. I looked him up. He's just an unidentified four-horned alien.
>Firstly, die
Probably just took a cap on his phone m8. Settle down.
>He literally actually doesn't know the meme
Oh, you sweet summer child.
Ill try both out and see which I like better. I've always had a problem with swarms if I wasn't flying one, but big ships are easy to get into R1 of. So ruthlessness is very much a threat to myself as well as my opponent.
So that's how he got his force powers...
I keep changing my mind as to whether or not I'll be getting the ARC-170. Should I just wait until Thane and Braylen's abilities and the new upgrades are revealed?
Im getting it because I want to have at least one of every ship
If you like the older ships (like the Y-Wing), and liked the ship at all in RotS, then get it. Or just get it for the Vectored Thruster, if they end up with a decent point cost.