Stat up Donald Trump plox
Stat up Donald Trump plox
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Filed for bankruptcy five times.
Immune to mind-altering effects
Favored enemy: Illegal immigrants
Ascended meme/10
Half Orc Bard
Demagogue Archetype
Starts game with 10,000 Silver that he must repay at some point.
Character Flaw: Bigot; Take a -4 on all attempts to socialize with a race of your choosing.
Thanks /co/
Skills: Deception, Performance
STR: 9
CON: 10
DEX: 8
INT: 10
CHA: 10
5 Ranks in Barter, 11 Ranks in Bluff, 5 Rank in Know: Nobility.
Trump is literally the only honest candidate.
He's literally flipflopped on every single issue, and every political stance he's taken, up to and including the Clintons.
STR: 12
DEX: 13
CON: 12
INT: 13
WIS: 11
CHA: 17
Dump most ranks in Bluff, Disguise, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Appraise.
At least you got the joke
Make america great again
>200+ replies the OP
Good fucking job were gonna have libshits,trumpshills and stormfags arguing on the most popular thread Veeky Forums will have tonight
I'm becoming increasingly convinced this bid for presidency is some attempt to stay out of prison tbqh. Or a Hilary set-up.
> falling for bottom-of-the-barrel bait
digitty, diggity do
I bet that's why he's got supermodels and actresses lining up to date him, because he's so honest and Trump University was so successful. He's the most honest candidate, everybody says so. His views on gun control are so consistent it's unbelievable. The ladies are just lining up to look at his tax returns.
Nah, it's a scheme to make more money. Hype things up, get a bunch of people to invest, pocket as much as he can, then leave someone else holding the bag. He's done this sort of thing numerous times, this is just the biggest one yet.
I'm pretty sure it's to distract Cadmus while he implants his mind into AMAZO.
Daily reminder if you vote in Trump you will open the doors to break up the established political scene and make both Republicans and Democrats shit themselves as next election beloved figure from business, entertainment or sciene could run for office as it has been shown that money is no longer a massive obstacle if you have charisma and the right message.
Voting Hilary will maintain the status quo, voting Trump will promise you a better election next time.
I'm voting Gary Johnson
>tfw you will never play a game with Trump where everyone is clerics and paladins on a holy quest
So you just found another way to vote for Trump
Next elecion you could be voting for Gary Busey though.
>tfw you play a game with trump
>tfw everty cleric and Paladin casts detect evil upon seeing him
>mfw they are all horrified to learn he is LG
This line of argument is pretty specious, friend.
I'm voting Skub
It's about time this country has a good wholesome leader
>Unknown Armies
Avatar of the Demagogue
Body: 30 (small handed)
Speed: 40 (slow)
Mind: 25 (illiterate)
Soul: 98 (Overpowering)
Avatar(Demagogue): 98 (Near Ascendant)
From last thread
Athletics 1
Affection 3
Skill 0
Cunning 2
Luck 2
Will 1
Maid Types: Cool/Boyish
Maid Colours: Blue eyes, blonde hair, navy uniform
Special Qualities: Outgoing, Hairstyle (Curly)
Maid Roots: Business
Stress Explosion: Teasing
Maid Weapon: Rifle
Trauma: Betrayed by lover
Complexes: Flat-Chested, Own Interior
Maid Power: "World for Two." By taking 1D6 Stress, you can create a “world” for you and one country, where for 5 minutes no one else can intrude.
Starting Favor: 6
Spirit: 10
Name: Donald J. Trump, Millionaire. Owns a mansion and a yacht.
Age: 69
I'm still holding out hope it's secretly a genius bit of performance art.
Electing not-Trump guarantees there'll be a next time.
Are you nucking futz!? Skub wants to take away all our guns and give them to ISIS. A vote for skub is a vote for terrorism!
>Politicians are evil
>Only greater evil can defeat evil
>If Drumpf Destroys the world, there will be no politicians left
>If no politicians are left, no evil is left
your logic is very compelling.
Depends entirely on what state you live in. Only like ~10 states actually matter in the general election, the rest are solid blue or red.
>right message
Soritas anime girls and Imperial Guard custodoes?
10/10 plan, would watch animated series.
Yeah, like Texas.
It would take some sort of idiot on the republican side to loose Texas.
He would literally have to call 30% of the state's population rapists and murderers.
This artist likes to draw Donald Trump with Imperium styling and Bernie Sanders as a bird-summoning druid.
Not nearly as much as your use of the word, specious. But the important thing is you presented an argument.
The political class is almost a heirarchy, dominated by powerful families that have no interest in anything but power. People cry out for somebody who is not a politian and just tells it like he see's it, you get it, then you no longer vote for him.
Donald Trump has been in the public eye all his life but it was only when he was up against the Democratic party that he was named a racist.
He wants to withdraw from every warzone and not police the world, the exact thing people have wanted. I fail to see how he will end the united states when he has said he will actively remove the global police force from the world and stop getting in to empire building.
Good stuff, you take your political opinions straight from the mouth of a tv show. Why not research policies, see if what is said about him is true? As I said above, it is popular rhetoric and little else, please do view his policies, his opinions and don't get them from John Olive or Steven Colbert.
Those people have an active interest in keeping him out the white house. Because their networks have put millions in to the Democratic party over the years.
Excuse me fag but CongressPerson Skub has clearly stated they only want weapons in the hands of mentally, emotionally, and spiritually strong individuals
CongressPerson Skub has vowed to personally spearhead a internationally summit devoted purely to bringing zealots to heel
Do not listen to false propaganda
Vote Skub
Vote the Future
Just as a reminder, "supplying weapons to Middle Eastern terrorists" is a thing that was done by the man from whom Trump stole his campaign slogan. Your hyperbole wasn't extreme enough.
Voter ID laws.
This makes too much sense
What do we do?
Why is minitrump holding Gilgamesh's sword-thing?
Before he was a presidential candidate, it was easier to ignore him.
He's stated he wants to bomb the hell out of ISIS, not "pull out". He's praised Japanese internment camps and dictators. He called an opponent a pussy for not supporting torture and didn't even call it by its euphemism. He endorses government-enforced racial and ethnic profiling. He lies constantly and compulsively.
What is it about his policies then? What do you like?
For eclipse phase, should he be a
neotenic with gigantism, or something else?
Reddit is down the hall and to the left
>> Implying that wasn't exactly what I was hoping for by trolling Veeky Forums in this manner
>He lies constantly and compulsively.
You're confused. That's Hillary Clinton.
But... why user?
Why would you do such a thing
That's simple, we kill the Batman.
>The political class is almost a heirarchy, dominated by powerful families that have no interest in anything but power.
Let me get this right - the claim is Donald Trump does not fit into this class?
Honestly? Because my extended family is being total asshats to my immediate family and its pissing me off and i'm drunk and my trolling attempts in Overwatch failed.
>He wants to withdraw from every warzone and not police the world, the exact thing people have wanted. I fail to see how he will end the united states when he has said he will actively remove the global police force from the world and stop getting in to empire building.
GG Russia and China. This kills the US.
At the very least, the claim is that Trump won't listen to those families. It's an easy victory because Trump doesn't listen to fucking anybody.
Also, being Canadian, I have no way to actually stop Trump from winning, but I fucking hate him. Hopefully by stirring up shit, I can get Americans who are neutral to realize how much Trump will fuck up America and the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD if he's elected.
No, Clinton just lies a lot better. She keeps it vague and lies by omission. Donald Trump does it with the subtlety of a sack of bricks.
a noble enough cause.
The only problem is that Trump is a troll and his supporters are trolls.
>At the very least, the claim is that Trump won't listen to those families
That also seems very specious. Where's that coming from? How do you *do* solo politics in America, exactly?
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
To be fair, it's pretty obvious that the entire political establishment has been against him from day one. Yes, he has money, but it's clear people don't want to play ball with him.
>trolling attempts in Overwatch failed.
>How to troll in any Online video game
>1. Win
>2. Type "ez pz", "gg nah 2 ez", "git gud"
>3. ???????
>1. Lose
>2. Type "ez pz", "gg nah 2 ez", "git gud"
>3. ???????
Chris Christie is a sad example to all.
I appreciate the classics.
You be a populist, get a massive amount of support from Republican voters, and show massive amounts of disdain for everybody that doesn't vote for you. It's gonna be a stretch but only a fool would notice how Trump won the primary despite not being the GOP preferred winner.
...You're citing Politifact as if it is authoritative?
Damn, son. You're drowning in leftist piss you think is Kool Aid.
>He's stated he wants to bomb the hell out of ISIS
He was asked how would you stop ISIS, he answered bomb their oil fields which has been proven to be the major source of their income. Take away that they crumble.
>He's praised Japanese internment camps and dictators.
He was asked during WW2 when Japan was making direct efforts to stir up nationalism in Japanese. Ask the Japanese themselves, they agreed to it and some even formed their own battalion and decorated themselves well.
He was asked if Putin was a firm, efficient ruler, he said objectively yes he is. He has remained in power and increased things tenfold.
> He called an opponent a pussy for not supporting torture and didn't even call it by its euphemism
You mean he speaks like every grown man in the Western world?
>He endorses government-enforced racial and ethnic profiling. He lies constantly and compulsively.
The old marine visiting family in Texas is not a bomber. People who return from Mexico without speaking English have massively elevated risks of being mules. These are facts, they should direct our laws, not good feelies in a tummies.
>What is it about his policies then? What do you like?
I like the fact he is against eminent domian, that he is against work visas for entry level jobs, that he wants a net reduction in immagration.
Yes, by virtue of him never having held a fucking office nor anybody in his family. He is business class as in his family is tied to business, were he affiliated with the political class he would not be trying, and failing, to fuck his ass over a barrel.
Then you can not be helped. On the one hand you cry no more wars, then when you a given the chance of no more wars you cry we wars.
*not notice fuck.
The Republican party isn't exactly falling in ranks behind him, though. That said, I'm actually talking about the Presidency itself assuming he were to get it.
>Yes, by virtue of him never having held a fucking office nor anybody in his family. He is business class as in his family is tied to business, were he affiliated with the political class he would not be trying, and failing, to fuck his ass over a barrel.
I mean this is literally a /pol/ thread, but the man is a real estate developer. It's like trusting a monkey to look after your bananas.
I'm sorry, OP. I know it can be hard dealing with family. What are they doing?
Career Path: Rogue Trader
Rank: 3
WS: 33
BS: 74
S: 34
T: 51
AG: 41
Int: 47
Per: 41
WP: 43
Fel: 60
Awareness: +20%
Barter: Trained
Carouse: Trained
Charm: Trained
Command: +10%
Commerce: +20%
Common Lore, War: Trained
Common Lore, America: +10%
Dodge: Trained
Forbidden Lore, Pirates: Trained
Interrogation: Trained
Intimidate: +20%
Literacy: Trained
Scholasitic Lore, Commerce: Trained
Scholastic Lore, Tactica Americalis: Trained
Scrutiny: +20%
Trade: Trained
Talents and Traits
Hatred (Wetbacks)
Air of Authority
Weapon Training (Flamethrower)
Basic Weapon Training (Universal)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
Thrown Weapon Training (Universal)
Renowned Warrant
Performer (Reality Television)
True Grit
Sound Constitution (x2)
Master Orator
Power Armor: AP 8, Strength +20, Hulking size
Power Fist (Mezoa-Pattern): DAM 2d10E Pen 9, Power Field, Unwieldy
Keepsake: Jeb's Skull
Profit Factor: 63
Wounds: 12
Insanity: 19 (Unsettled)
Corruption: 27 (Soiled)
how to troll in an online game
Yes, citing sources and checking facts. Classic leftist.
Oh, that. That depends entirely on whether his popular support doesn't evaporate once he gets into office, like Obama.
Not entirely. You have to work in the system, and he can't do that if he burns all his bridges. I did actually think the Republicans would mostly fall in once he got the nom, but it looks like there's still a fight to be had on that.
You forgot your pepe my man
Consider yourself lucky. I have basically the same situation going on here in the us.
Only it's because of Trump. It's this whole thread nested in on itself.
Last time I talked to my aunt, she told me that every muslim in the world wants to kill America. And she's not racist, she just thinks we should kill them all.
Who are you trying to be?
He was elected to burn bridges. That's the entire point, Trump got elected because the Republican voter has a massive disconnect with the Republican party polity. Trump didn't get chosen because he was the best Republican.
thank you for helping me with trolling Veeky Forums.
I think it also had to do with his main opponent, Ted Cruz, being the actual Zodiac Killer.
Or, to put it more aptly. A monkey experienced in using his own bananas and is able to get the best bang for our tax-bananas as possible, prevent other people from hiding their bananas in other monkeys trees and generally cutting down on people wasiting bananas or eating other peoples bananas.
Being the "best Republican" is like winning the special Olympics. Case in point; the other candidates: El Rato, Jabe, and the gay one. Trump is popular because he isn't one of them.
You can't succeed purely by burning bridges in politics, though. This isn't even specific to the American system: it's true of any political interaction. If it's purely a protest vote, fine - but that means it's going to dead-end.
In terms of lasting change I don't see what Trump's measure achieves either - if he fails to win. These boys in suits can be trained to parrot anything; changing the rhetoric doesn't change them. Christ, there was maybe one genuine political animal among the whole field of nominees this time.
>Donald Trump has been in the public eye all his life but it was only when he was up against the Democratic party that he was named a racist.
This is untrue. I wish people would stop repeating it. People have been calling him racist since the 70s when he refused to let blacks rent his apartments. Even if it was true, why would it matter?
If Donald Trump had put the money he inherited in an index fund he would have made 4x as much money.
You know that right.
Doing literally nothing but mediocre stock performance is 4x better than Trump's businesses.
>against eminent domain
sure gonna have an easy time getting that wall built
There are a lot of separate additional claims in this, "more apt" phrasing you know. Do you want to count them off? I don't know how much you know about real estate development.
You've got some expectation of success here in our American system. Checks and balances means the founding fathers wanted a supine political system.
Incorrect. Right after he announced his candidacy, Ted Cruz endorsed him as a rival and they did joint campaigning for a few months.
Level 5 Cleric
STR - 13 (+1)
AGI - 10 (+0)
STAM - 13 (+1)
PER - 18 (+3)
INT - 13 (+1)
LUCK - 17 (+2)
Gorhan, the Helmed Vengeance, Lawful god of valor and chivalry
Level 1 Spells:
Detect Evil
Holy Sanctuary
Protection From Evil
Second Sight
Word of Command
Level 2 Spells:
Divine Symbol
Restore Vitality
Level 3 Spells:
Remove Curse
True Name
Special Equipment:
Maga's Hat of Command
Neck Tie of the Silver Tongue
Staff of Summon Iron Wall (unlimited charges)
Legendary Creature: Re-posted Thread
Facts have a well-documented liberal bias.