Is ETH really getting killed by this cat thing?
Is ETH really getting killed by this cat thing?
The way I see it, it's better for ETH to test its scalability from a cat meme than from a real project.
when will this be fixed?
When you set up your node you selfish prick
If this isn't the sign of the top, I don't know what is
Someone give me a quick gestalt on this situation
I just sold this for .5 ETH
Could be worth more but what ever.
>ETH is the wave of the future guys
>guy makes a neopet thing for cats using ethereum to pay for it
nice 'future' you have there guys
>daily reminder ETH is catmania
Is this really the power of ETH? Damn, that sucks.
This thing perfectly symbolizes my luck so far with cryptocurrency.
>ethereum is performing well for the past few months
>dip comes, price drops more than 20%
>buy at bottom
>some faggot invest the most retarted moneygrab website in existence, aimed at scamming furries
>ethereum falls apart
But they can fix it right? I've heard they can.
Lets hope plasma fixes this
Yeah, raising the price of transactions for everyone. If it works for bitcoin it will also work for eth :^)
How is it getting killed, explain to a retard.
Same here. It's more like a test fire to see how the network can handle people actually and constantly doing smart contracts with each other
Yes. This cat thing has exposed "MUH GLOBAL SUPERCOMPUTER" as a platform that can't scale for shit, can't even handle some grandmas trading cats.
It can't handle the amount of transactions. They take forever/get stuck for a long ass time.
Txs went over 5k the moment that stupid cat game became popular. Now transactions get delayed, are more expensive and sometimes don't even go through.
A shitty game is crippling Etherum? The wave of the future you say?
Etherium Cash is what we need. Corecucks btfo
everyone (competent) knows that ETH isn't ready for large scale adoption; the solutions are in the pipeline
you invest in ETH for the potential, not the current state
time for lightning network
Eth is shit and got clogged by literal autists.
IOTA will save the future.
>everyone (competent)
>you invest in ETH
That and rsk launched yesterday
>Q1 2018
>ETH proposes a solution for cryptocats
>meet cryptodogs
its the same as building a wider road, more cars immediately flood in, and the traffic jam is worse than before and the only thing that x2's is the number of accidents
>more cars immediately flood in
>the only thing that x2's is the number of accidents
When we fork to ethereum cash
This whole situation is fucking hysterical
>1.5 years
It's post like this that remind me I still have time to accumilate more of the IOTA killer. Thanks pal
>multi-sig wallets self-destruct
>sir, what do we do
>release the kittens
it's the Kevin "its ok because I'm gay" Spacey move of crypto
I've been waiting 20 hours to for a transaction to make some buys on ED. It just keeps resetting the time pending.
delta is fucked up.
send transaction to cancel sell order.
it appeared on chain after 18 hours
i made new sell order..... and you know what i noticed. that shitty order that i "successfully" canceled is still running.
somebody bought some venchain from me.
i got eth but its not showing up on my trade history
So how bad are we talking? "Small bitcoin transaction" bad? Or even worse?
I was an utter retard and sent ETH from coinbase instead of using LTC because I didn't think much of the "network is congested" warnings. Is it going to be confirmed by tomorrow morning (in ~15 hours)? How about in a day?
Is monero going to go past $400 while I'm fucking about with exchanges and will I kill myself because of that?
dude i waited more than 18 hours to cancel sell order when used 100 times more gas than i used days before this shitty cat shit.
this bad.
Whoop whoop. So you're saying I'll be waiting for like 2-3 days now
I'm thinking about resubmitting my transaction but don't want to be resetting something that could be on the verge of going through. Should I resubmit? How much gwei did you use? I always use 8 gwei and only usually takes ~3 minutes.
I think I'm gonna have to get drunk tonight, I've got a bad feeling. This cryptokitty stuff is Bond villain-tier evil.
Made by soulless high IQ Asians.
>cats killed eth
>I always use 8 gwei and only usually takes ~3 minutes.
after fork transactions with 0.1 gwei was getting completed in next 5 blocks. or less.
now i don't know.... safe was is 10. but i used 10...when safe one was showing 10 and I wasted lots of time. maybe you should try using like 11 or something. it will be less than dollar but still. its crappy compared to less than cent transactions
Coinbase made me pay $0.15, is that good or bad
I'm used to paying fucking $10 on my bitcoin transactions so I don't have a good frame of reference
i doubt that asians made this.....probably ((())).
somebody who wants to force skeleton to move to pos and to change some shit in eth.
its how much you payed to them.
who knows how much they will use on transaction.
Been waiting for a btc -> eth transaction for well over an hour now
bought more btc at around the same time and received it almost instantly
btc >>>>> eth confirmed
gold background is fancy kitty. you fucked up.
It seems 10 is the average minimum for most mining pools, so I set it to 11.
which iota killer would that be?
btc is gold.
eth is .... btc grabbing..... bags creating shittoken machine.
Not exactly.
ETH was running at ~600k transactions daily before this with an increasing trend.
Kitties pushed this over to 700k and problems started.
>high fees
>eth is now a store of value
You know you can just go to the website of the dev company right
With 11 gwei my transaction took ~10 minutes. Woop woop.
He probably likes holding balls