New Lili.
New Lili
They managed to do a worst liliana of the veil
Fifty zombies sounds cool at first, but the more I think about it, the less useful it sounds.
Fake as fuck.
>They managed to not make a planeswalker better than the second best planeswalker of all time
Consider me surprised
I'd play it.
You're kidding, right?
Sure, it really easy to just clean all those up with any boardwipe stronger than electrickery, but I finally have a reason to dust off one of my favorite and one of the strongest cards ever.
If she's real then I think her +1 and her -3 are definitely worth playing her for. I highly doubt she is real, though, considering how similar those 2 abilities are to LotV.
This is.. Too good to be true right? It's no LotV but fuck I'd play it.
Fake. The wording on her ultimate is wrong.
See pic related
You can't exile a GRAVEYARD. You exile cards IN the graveyard.
Fake, on pw you can see through the text, and you cant here
>You can't exile a GRAVEYARD.
Shows what you know.
What does posting Haunted Fengraf accomplish when trying to prove the other user wrong about not being able to exile a graveyard?
Nice catch. Funny enough, removing a graveyard from play used to be the correct terminology (see Relic of Progenitus)
sounds fun for unbreathing horde.
+1 is objectively better
-3 is objectively worse
Ult is more expensive, and only causes problems for people who are graveyard reliant or don't run boardwipes.
meh at best.
that's not a graveyard, its a graf. have some cultural sensitivity.
th -3 is situationally worse. worse against hexproof creatures, better against tokens and decks that go wide like aristocrats. the fact that it chooses the creature they sacrifice is actually pretty helpful.
but is it worth the extra loyalty?
>target creature's controller sacrifices it
This upsets me. Forced targeted removal is not a sacrifice.
it is if it removes indestructibles.
>I just wanted a story without Planeswalkers
When has that ever happened post Ice Age? Ravnica? Kamigawa? Any others?
Obviously fake, the art doesn't leak down the box.
Faker than yer mums tits.
Fake yall
Weatherlight had some I think.
who are you quoting? No-one has said anything this could be a response to, and it seems off-topic for the thread.
That's gonna see play.
Try reading the OP image instead of falling back on old terrible memes.
dang, I couldn't even read that blurry as heck text til I zoomed in the pic. sorry user.
This was confirmed as fake houra ago. Jeez Veeky Forums, even reddit knows that by now. You disappoint me.
you see the word "target" there?
what does that mean?
im new to mtg so pls no bully but would you literally need 50 2/2 zombie tokens