Youtube channels discussing tabletop systems

>Extra Credits
>Errant Signal
>Super Bunnyhop
>Gamemaker's Tool Kit
I've got a ton of subscriptions of people who will wax philosophically about how this or that video game mechanic is important, but why are the only Youtube channels for tabletop games people reviewing board games or playing games. Sometimes explaining how to play or set up board games.

Why aren't there any channels talking about different game design theories? Why do I have to link a video about video games when I want to explain to someone how mechanics can create emotional weight?

Other urls found in this thread:

And I don't just mean RPGs, either. Sure, RPGs are great, and there are a lot of RPGs that have really neat, interesting mechanics that shape the kind of games they are (M&M's Toughness, MtAw's Creative Thaumaturgy, GURPS' blandness), but there are a lot of board games and even Magic cards where you just get this sense of the mechanics doing a lot to sell the theme of the game.

I've actually heard that as the biggest divide between "Euro" and "Ameritrash" board games: One has tacked on themes and the other is all about theme first. The best board games have mechanics that are engaging and interesting while still working to highlight the theme of the game. For instance, the way Forbidden Island's increasing Flood Deck and shore up mechanics really give the sense that you're on an island that's sinking, even if "draw cards and trade them in for the treasure" isn't all that thematic.

>extra credits

I deleted my fedora meme folder, but that's what I'd post there. Really, they're not as smart as they think they are.

I was hesitant to add that one because I knew there'd be posts like this.
Really it doesn't matter how smart they are, they're still a channel for the thing I said they do, and there are a ton of those channels for video games but not for tabletop mechanics.

I've even seen blogs about this or that gameplay mechanic or game style (West Marches blogs and How2DM blogs come to mind), but never any Youtube channels.

It might be time to move beyond youtube and on to books.

I'm specifically looking for Youtube channels, though. That format of someone rambling on talking about a subject and relating it to the books they've read.

Also that doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for at all.

That's what game design looks like to professionals but fair enough.

I don't want professionals. I want stuff like this

Aww. It's Wander and Agro from Shadow of the Colossus.
