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How's my list (It's only for vs Tau and Eldar):

Probably Maelstrom or some other type of objectives

>Casual or Competitive
Just tired of losing to Tau and Eldar


>Primary detachment:
CAD (330pt)

>HQ (90pt)
Librarian (90pt)
-lvl 2 mastery
-force axe

>Troops (240pt)
2 Tactical squads of the following form (120 pts each):
-Plasma gun
-Drop pod

>Secondary detachment:
Skyhammer fuck you force (670pt)

>Fast attack (180pt)
2 Assault Squads (90pt each):
-1 flamer
-Jump packs

>Heavy support (490pt)
2 Devastator squads (245pts each)
-4 grav guns
-Drop pod

>Spell school for librarian:
I don't know yet. I'm thinking of Telepathyfor Invis (no fun allowed) or Librarius (more no fun allowed). With a mastery level 2 psyker, I don't really know to be honest.

Thanks in advance.

Can this Primarch-sized astartes really slay Daemons better than Kaldor Draigo?

The fact that I don't play makes me less biased than you, because you play Tau in a discussion about Tau.

How's the Militarum Tempestus Start Collecting set? I was thinking of using the Scions as Space Marine Scouts because the actual Scout models suck balls.

Statline for reference.

I don't play tau. Just stop posting, I mean you don't even play nigga haha.

Kardan Stronos can out melee Horus so why not.

I'm not buying it. I dont consider the absurd Drago lore to be canon either.

both faggots for using this general to continue with your scat fetish.

no, have you read his stats? he could put up a decent fight against a herald though but it looks like you fell for the 1d4 meme

damn, i really like those metal effects. it's a step above my washing method

What? I'm not even part of the discussion about Tau or Space Marines or the guy that doesn't even play.

I bought some tanks. Should they be IG or heretics?

>have you read his stats?
Nah mate, why I'm asking. Need to see if it's true or not.

Am hoping it's true.

>I don't play Tau

>T4 without EW
>Only useful rule is gimped Fleshbane
>Costs more than a Leman Russ

>I don't play

space marines are balanced and skyhammer is balanced if used against tau/eldar faggot scum.

>I don't even

If you put a different head on the Scouts they arent that bad. I used Elysian heads on mine, they look ok I guess. I have 10 Blood Angels Scouts, they always carry out their mission without hesitation.

>using skyhammer
>calling other people scum
>bringing your list and dire need to be accepted for using skyhammer into a new general
nice one lad.

Alberec is the kinda guy that Skulltaker would casually slay while having fond thoughts about Draigo.


Who's the leader of the general that's made for you and me?
F-a-g-g-o-t A-n-o-n-e
Hey there, Hi there, Ho there! You're not welcome as can be!
F-a-g-g-o-t A-n-o-n-e

Faggot user! (Shit post!)
Mickey Mouse! (Shit post!)
Forever let us bump out threads up high, high, high, high!

Come along and sing a song and join the shitpost spree!
F-a-g-g-o-t A-n-o-n-e

Anyone got insight on this?


i dont even play space marines

Nah dude, you gotta play CAD otherwise you're a faggot who is WAACs.

In fact, even CAD is WAACs.

Just play Unbound bro. Otherwise you are WAACs.

I called someone WAACs for using a formation. Am I c-cool enough to p-p-post with you guys?

F-a-g-g-o-t A-n-o-n-e

Settle down, ok?

>haha waacfags don't exist, and by god if you play spacemarines you definitely can't be a waacfag

this isnt reddit kiddo. there are no upvotes and downvotes here

I really like the paint scheme and helmets, I guess I just don't like how scouts kinda look hunched over which is a model problem and not really something a good paintjob can fix. thought I'd try out scions since they're relatively cheap with that new start collecting box.

>I'm so above you guys, check me out as I laugh at your foolish game.
>Also I'm into little girl anime

Are you serious?
Astra Militarum of course.
Renegades and heretics is such a confusing army.

Does that mean you're into little girls non-anime?

It's just a game, bro.

>Ha, Ill show you by claiming ur from le reddit.

They look nice. With this post you are allowed to be proud of them

WHOA! Check out my list guys. (Don't worry though it's only against those SpaceMarine and Tau scum xD) Don't worry it isn't waac because those other factions are just scum! Remember I'm not a waacfag.

Windrider Host

Skyrunner Farseer Shard of Anaris (Remnant of Glory) Singing spear Skyrunner Eldar Jetbike

Skyrunner Warlock Conclave Brotherhood of Psykers , Communion of Minds

Jetbike Vyper Squadron Shuriken cannon, Shuriken cannon

Windriders 6x Windrider with Scatter laser

Windriders 5x Windrider with Scatter laser

Windriders 3x Windrider with Scatter laser
Wraith Constructs

Wraithknight Scatter laser, Two Heavy Wraithcannons Ancient Doom

Wraith Constructs

Wraithknight Scatter laser, Two Heavy Wraithcannons Ancient Doom

Wraith Constructs

Wraithknight Ghostglaive and Scattershield Ancient Doom

Wraith Constructs

Wraithknight Ghostglaive and Scattershield Ancient Doom

how easy were the heads to replace? seperate bits? or cutting involved

>says the taufag

Underrated post.

>Ha, Ill show you by greentexting with a reaction image

At least I don't do the latter.


I have some Scions too, just about done painting a Kill Team of them. Way better models than Scouts.

No lie though, I just read through this, and it is actually WAAC cancer unlike the skyhammer lists we've been seeing.

Not the same guy, high-horse-user.

Ooh! Then I can ask you a question: how much of a scale/size difference is there between a Scout and a Scion? Before I drop the money on a Start Collecting box I really wanna know if they at least look the same size...or close to it.

Really I think they are both cancer. No lie though xD.

>all these angry comments
>i'm just over here doing my exalted seeker chariots so I can go bully the local grey knight player tomorrow

Why would it be the same guy? They're both quoting the same post.

Use your head?

I only had a brief look but they didn't seem any more confusing than ig

Just FW resin heads for Elysians. Simple swap no modeling involved.

>How's the Militarum Tempestus Start Collecting set?
Are you asking about the rules or what? The formation bonus they get is by far the best out of all the boxes, although Eldar is probably the strongest box overall.

No lie but nice opinion you got there. No lie btw. Here I'll add a XD so you know I'm totally unfazed and not shaking with fury as I type this.

>28/52 posts hidden
This general is off to a great start. T

>Announcing hidden posts
You're worse than them.

WHOA, your right user. Here's my non-cancerous list. This one actually isn't waac because I said so, and many other people more important than you have also said so. So yeah it's not waac.

Windrider Host

Skyrunner Farseer Skyrunner Eldar Jetbike

Skyrunner Warlock Conclave Brotherhood of Psykers , Communion of Minds

Jetbike Vyper Squadron Shuriken cannon, Shuriken catapults

Windriders 3x Windrider with Scatter laser

Windriders 3x Windrider with Scatter laser

Windriders 3x Windrider with Scatter laser

Wraith Constructs

Wraithknight Scatter laser, Two Heavy Wraithcannons Ancient Doom

Wraith Constructs

Wraithknight Scatter laser, Two Heavy Wraithcannons Ancient Doom

Wraith Constructs

Wraithknight Ghostglaive and Scattershield Ancient Doom

Wraith Constructs

Wraithknight Ghostglaive and Scattershield Ancient Doom

Wraith Constructs

Wraithknight Ghostglaive and Scattershield Ancient Doom

I'm more just talking about the bits included in it. Like cool stuff that comes with the Taurox, HQ, and Scions. I was thinking of using Scions as 30k Recon Scouts and it's a really good deal to buy the Start Collecting instead of 10 Scions on their own.

nobody cares

how good is my army


Skytyrant Swarm (360pts)
Gargoyle Brood [10x Gargoyle]
Gargoyle Brood [10x Gargoyle]
Hive Tyrant; Desiccator Larvae, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms x2, Wings, Electroshock Grubs

Skytyrant Swarm (360pts)
Gargoyle Brood [10x Gargoyle]
Gargoyle Brood [10x Gargoyle]
Hive Tyrant; Desiccator Larvae, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms x2, Wings, Electroshock Grubs

Skytyrant Swarm (360pts)
Gargoyle Brood [10x Gargoyle]
Gargoyle Brood [10x Gargoyle]
Hive Tyrant; Desiccator Larvae, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms x2, Wings, Electroshock Grubs

Skytyrant Swarm (360pts)
Gargoyle Brood [10x Gargoyle]
Gargoyle Brood [10x Gargoyle]
Hive Tyrant; Desiccator Larvae, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms x2, Wings, Electroshock Grubs

Skytyrant Swarm (360pts)
Gargoyle Brood [10x Gargoyle]
Gargoyle Brood [10x Gargoyle]
Hive Tyrant; Desiccator Larvae, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms x2, Wings, Electroshock Grubs

It's WAAC.

>Condemning Condemning posts.
You're worst than them.

Pretty good and not waac. Check out my eldar list built to kill SpaceMarines and Tau scum . It isn't waac either.

>Hands shaking with such rage that he can't even type properly!

Theyre pretty much the same size and scale. They could work as scouts but the weapon swaps might get tricky. The HS lasguns could pass for sniper rifles, bolters would require a little work.

wow those are pretty much the same size. do they all come with the same base size too? I guess I didn't realize scouts never upgraded to the big boy marine bases. yeah I'd probably run them as snipers...I really appreciate you taking that pic for me. it helps a lot!

>Using Sniper Scouts

I want to do this but the sniper rifle profile hurts my soul.

Yeah they have the same size base. No prob man have fun with the Scion kit, it's one of my favorites so far.

1500 points. Devs go sit in ruins with the Inquisitors and the Lib for 2+ cover and shitloads of rerolls and no scatter. Khan scouts everyone up and shits around with the Command Squad, alternately trolling with relentless grav and spamming HoW + H&R. Rhinos cap points and let the Marines gunline up, plasma guns killing stuff. White Scars devs either add more lascannons or melta stuff. Speeder JSJs around with the Stormlance special rules, blapping things with melta or the launcher (depending on range) and hopefully getting out of LoS on the D6".

Stormlance Battle Demi Company - 975

White Scars Tactics

HQ - Kor'Sarro Khan - 150

Command Squad - 240
Storm Shields

Tactical Squad - 85
Plasma Gun
DT: Rhino - 35

Tactical Squad - 85
Plasma Gun
DT: Rhino - 35

Tactical Squad - 85
Plasma Gun
DT: Rhino - 35

Devastators - 110
2x Lascannons/4x Multi Melta
DT: Rhino - 35

Land Speeder - 80
Multi Melta
Typhoon Launcher
Inquisition Detachment

2x Ordo Malleus Inquisitor - 110
Liber Heresius
5x Servo skulls

Elites - 35
5x Boltgun Acolytes
1x Psyker

Raven Guard Allied Detachment - 380

HQ - Librarian - 125
ML 2
Armor of Shadows

TROOPS - Scout Squad - 55

HEAVY SUPPORT - Devastators - 200
4x Plasma Cannons
+5 Marines

Talking about IA13 here, no idea of the other ones.
First of a lot of options are unlocked only when your Head-Honcho is the Warlord. That gives you loads of trouble in games with multiple players. Furthermore it means, many options are mutually exclusive, as you can only have 1 warlord. Unfortunatly these are the really interesting things. Squads with more than 20dudes(mutants, things, whatever), Grenadiers a.k.a. pseudoscions, marauders (mercenaries)....
Another problem is that some options used without a secod thought on IG models are not allowed, for example an officer with a boltgun. Bad news for people like me who have the old metal IG.
The squad option list is all over the place, sometimes you pay 10pts for a single extra body (guardsman stat), sometimes 3.
Morale is d6+4 so you have to take notes Can aslo mean 5. So with one dice roll you are screwed big.

Every squad has access to different things, sometimes they cannot get a plasmagun, sometimes no melta or no heavy weapons.

Most IG-stuff can upgrade their BS from 2 to 3 for a fixed cost, making larger squads more attractive.

There are no orders, so IG is simply better most of the time.

some weapons have different stats based on what book you have (Colossus siege mortar has 8 in ia13, 6 in the 5th ed. ig codex...)

Quite a lot of rules and statlines are simply missing or found in 'other publications'. This includes Vanquisher cannon, coaxial stubber etc. (battlescribe helps here!)

On the plus side it has sooo much potential for weird stuff. Make a mutant army, an army of hereteks. An army of small elite groups of soldiers. Most squads can get dedication to one of the 4 gods, giving them boni. You have naturally FW goodies in there, autocannon chimera turrets, Leman russ annihilator, access to a rather weird selection of the FW tanks. (Some you can get access to, but the rules are elsewhere.....). A baneblade is ok, variants are not. Also book gives CSM goodies

>2x Lascannons/4x Multi Melta
I'm sorry, what?

You can only have 4 heavy weapons. Are you saying EITHER 2 lascannons or 4x multi melta?

Yes, either, not sure which I want yet but same points cost.

lascannons. multimelta that sit in ruins are out of range most of the time, making them rather pointless. Depending on where suitable ruins are, of course but soo often they are more in your backfield

Say I have a Gladius that is using bike squads instead of assault squads. They're the only bike units in the army. Would it be a good idea to give two of my librarians in my conclave bikes in case I want to attach them?

the melta devs would be scouting up as far as possible and then trying to pop something first turn.

Though now that I think about it, only two fire points, I may just take las and sit em in back.

>15 pts Heavy 1 Precision Shots, Sniper, Rending, Pinning, Turbo-Penetrator Rounds

Gladius, conclave....

Maybe its a good idea to rethink what you want from the game

Give it to all of your libs if you're going for competitive. T5 helps, and the extra mobility too.

Think about something else.
What will your multimeltas do, if you are unlucky and roll the short table edge deployment zones or something similar where the enemy is further away.

They will only be in melta range if you go second. Then you have to hope that something worth killing comes into range and doesn't kill your guys first.

Not any Librarians that will be going into majority T4 units.

They wont neccessarily need to be in melta range. Between 12 and 24 inches they spit 4 S8 Ap1 which is threatening enough to most things.

A group of friends that likes playing with formations and strong bonuses!

Oh wait, that's already what I have!

Well the list isn't super competitive, it has no grav in it at all and the aux choice is a 10th company task force with 3 squads of sniper scouts.

helps them with instand death weapons. Hello battlecannon.
also the mobility is still something to consider.

Another option would be termi-armor as it is discount-price for libbies and brings an invul

That's not going to be enough to earn their points back in one turn, though. And they'll probably be a top priority for shooting.

Isn't ID also calculated with majority toughness, or is it only to wound?

Instant death is per model.

Rate my 1850 point list, Veeky Forums

Skitarii Detachment (340 pts)
- 5x Vanguard [55 pts] + 5x Vanguard [55 pts] + Plasma Obliterator [230 pts]

Skitarii Detachment (340 pts)
- 5x Vanguard [55 pts] + 5x Vanguard [55 pts] + Plasma Obliterator [230 pts]

Skitarii Detachment (340 pts)
- 5x Vanguard [55 pts] + 5x Vanguard [55 pts] + Plasma Obliterator [230 pts]

Skitarii Detachment (340 pts)
- 5x Vanguard [55 pts] + 5x Vanguard [55 pts] + Plasma Obliterator [230 pts]

Skitarii Detachment (350 pts)
- 5x Vanguard [55 pts] + 5x Rangers [65 pts] + Plasma Obliterator [230 pts]

Officio Assassinorum Detachment (140 pts)
- Culexus Assassin [140 pts]

I think I'll pop the odd-man out Libby into terminator armor and figure out which squad to attach him to.
I'll figure it out.

So much footslogging. I would suggest grabbing an inquisitor and 3 rhinos to help you move into position.

Not very good at all, even as a joke.

>You are now only allowed to take a maximum of 1 unit of the same type for any list 999 points or under. This increases to 2 units of the same type at 1000-1999 points, 3 unit types of the same type at 2000-2999 etc.
Therefore an average game of 1500 or 1850 points would allow 2 of the same units maximum. Would this be a good change? Opinions?


I hate units and wargear that cost odd numbers.

There's no chance that the Black Crusade detachment won't be utterly disappointing, is there?

What would it take for a detachment to make CSM good?

>tyranids suddenly become even weaker
nothing out of the ordinary here

You could still have double flyrant, I don't see what's wrong? You have to remember that every army gets weaker with this.

Your idea is shit.

What army do you play?

Congratulations, you just made deathstars even stronger and banned most methods of countering them. I sure hope you like playing bikebrarians vs Knights every single game.

>Imperial Guardsmen
>Necron Warriors
>Tactical Marines

No. 25% troops was a much better idea than this.