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PoW brawler and PoW vigilante out now.
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first for I forget what
Merfolk should be able to take a feat to gain a tail slap attack.
frog waifus.
I want to use all of the homebrew races in our pastebin. But I never will.
I remember it now. First for lesbo-cucking all waifuposters and then retconning it.
Merfolk need their own PF variant. Oh wait that exists.
I am a huge fan of underwater campaigns. It kills the need for flight as a prerequisite to being a good character. It can have cool monsters. Your races can do cool things. Lots of chances to do something new.
Qlippoth a cute
This meme stopped being funny in 2015. Please leave.
So folks, got somethin' different for ya tonight - been talking to N. Jolly, a/the major author and contributor to KoP, and convinced him to come say hi so folks can ask questions about the work. Try to be nice, aye? 's his first time.
Would you play a cute merboy?
Hellknight book when?
The shit is KoP?
Kineticists of Porphyra? Folks've been talking about it for the last few threads, user.
Isn't he the guy who blatantly steals Paizo content and spray-paints it with his own setting?
Man that one is gonna be legendary for awhile.
Not that I know of but I also don't follow the project. I know him primarily as a guide writer.
Hey all, N. Jolly here. I heard there was some chatter about my books, and I figured I'd check it out, see if anyone had any questions that they wanted to ask me directly about KOP 1-3, Legendary Kineticists, or the upcoming KOP 4.
Godmetals of Porphyra is what I was thinking of. And yeah, the guy's written some pretty decent guides. Alchemist and mythic stuff are what I remember about him.
Kineticists of Porphyra, with the new "time" element, because SOMEONE wants to play a Sakuya/Dio/Homura/Kiritsugu ripoff.
That was Mark Gedak, another Porphyra writer. Unless N Jolly is his namefagname.
Ah, kineticist shit, nothing worth caring about, gotcha.
I prefer sultry sea-elves.
This is gonna sound rude, but what's "KOP" and why should I be interested?
Sell me on it, man, 'cause you're a door-to-door salesman and you haven't opened your suitcase yet.
Oh, my bad then.
>nose piercings
Of course I would. And also a sporty fishgirl.
Or rather, tell me why /you/ like it, considering you put the effort into making it.
Hey look, we have a frogpeople race!
KOP is Kineticists of Porphyra, and it's basically the line that I did that made the Kineticist a viable class. Here I decided to include a ton more elements, actually make feats for the class, make enough wild talents to make any element viable, and a ton of other stuff like that.
And yeah, I'm also a pretty decent guide writer, as it seems some people here know about my alchemist guide already. And I'm not Mark Gedak, don't worry about that.
Wait... What happened? What's this about frog waifus and lesbo-cucking?
I like the time element stuff.
lot of the archetypes didn't help much though
Don't forget Tracer too.
Unrelated to frog waifus, but some guy got slightly too autistic about his DM being a shit and having his character's loving, monogamous fiancee cheat on him with another woman. It got retconned, DM apologized, some other faggot went on a rant about how straight people are just secretly bisexual and got shot down.
Some guy came in here last night bitching about how his DM lesbo-cucked his character's knight waifu who he was planning on taking leadership to take as a cohort.
And then we all chatted about how the DM could recon lesbo-cucking him and whatnot.
What we really need is a +Int merfolk race so we can have better MtG merfolk.
Though I guess you can SORT OF play a True-Name Nemesis with a merfolk Tzocatl warspeaker?
I'll admit Time hasn't gotten the most love since the release, although it's mostly since I did a lot of stuff that I already liked with Time initially. I do think Dimensional Ripper was a nice archetype for it, even if it is better for other elements.
Using the Avant Garde from DSP's kineticist thing and the KoP time thing you can actually have a stand and freeze time. Thats why I care.
Problem with piercings, user?
>being so autistic you try to force MtG into everything
>thinking MtG is "authentic"
Please die.
It didn't seem like he was bitching or autistic about it at all; the guy was rightfully pissed, posted about it on /pfg/, and eventually made up with the DM after they got put in the spotlight by the user and other players.
It's not like he continued to whine after fixing the issue, or got up and punched the DM like some other guys posted.
Yeah, only a little. He whined about how he personally had a special bond and the damage could never "be undone". Nigga it's imagination, just retcon it, accept the apology, and move on. Glad he managed to do that.
>Part 3
it's shit
at least get bomb shit for Kira or something; anything else
Oh, cool. I'll check it out, then, since I've got a game where one of my fellow players is a fucking 1pp fire kineticist.
I wish I was joking. Hopefully the GM will give him a rebuild later on, or just kill his character out of mercy.
>who the fuck is Mark Gedak
>why should I even care beyond avoiding his products
It lacks the 3-burn supercombos some other elements have access to, as well as some of the better composite blasts around.
It's best paired with Avant-Garde and capitalizing on upgrading the simple blast; its pure composite rather hurts...
Rather too bad it can't be Gambler'd...
Kira is lame. The part 4 bad guys are lame.
>i'm a big dumb psychopath hurp-de-durp!
Fire is a god damn joke. I've done my best to make fire better, but when 80% of the bestiary ignores it and only draining infusion is there to help, you're not doing much. I've done my best, there's a few talents in there that help you ignore some energy resistance, and one that straight up negates fire immunity around 14th level, so eventually you don't have to worry about everything being immune to your best thing.
Fair, I thought at least one of the new tristalts was time, seems I forgot. I keep forgetting what was held back for KOP 4, so that'll be on the list of the things the Team and I work on. Also DSP's content will be getting added to my kineticist guide, although it's damn solid right now.
What's your thoughts on the DSP kineticist archetypes?
So in Cerulean Seas we have:
Cerulean Seas Undersea Campaign Setting you have +int strong deep sea eal merfolk, and normal merfolk you choose +2 to any ability score for.
Cerulean Seas: Waves of Thought you have +int psionic merfolk, octopeople, and sea snails.
There is also a half-breed system.
DSP archetypes are hype, and I thought about reviewing them in the guide as playtest, but I figured I'd hold off until they were completed. I'm a little jealous of the Gambler idea myself.
>not liking muh geetar
>not liking muh quiet life
>not liking muh tower
shit taste my friend
What's the status of your lovelife?
THIS SHILLING jk cerulean seas is pretty good and well thought out
When you finish the KoP line, do you have other awesome plans?
Didn't the company go out of business?
I'm the one playing an exploiter wizard, man, I know exactly how you feel.
I tried to warn the kid against it, too, but he'd already built the character (with the GM's help, no less) by the time I heard about it. Wouldn't even swap elements.
I'm also the only person who built their own damn character, everyone else either had my or the GM's assistance. Guess which characters survive longer in the fights every single time?
I can talk for days about a lot of DSP stuff, but I also have a lot to say about many 3PP. I just wanted to see if I could start discussions on some of the less popular 3PP, so forgive the shilling please?
I love my life very much.
>personal bond and the damage could never be undone
I think he was talking about the knight and his fiancé, not user and the character.
The damage thing was odd, but it seemed less "you sullied her imaginary body" and more "you revealed your power level in the worst way possible."
I mean, I'd be angry too if the DM inserted a guro fetish into their campaign by butchering my character's dad, and it's not just because the dad got sexually slaughtered.
i have no idea desu.
i said i was just kidding
how do you do it
At this point, I'm just planning on doing player stuff, although plans for more hybrids for things compatible with Starfinder are first on my priority list.
>doesn't bathe in self-hatred and scorn all day every day
Normie get out REEEEEEEEEEEE
Is using poison considered evil in pathfinder?
Do you have any insider access to starfinder to inform your future writing plans?
What kind of player stuff? I know I would like to see vigilante and spiritualist stuff.
At first glance the Gambler seems to have a high optimization floor, but a low ceiling.
PP is effectively infinite, which is great, but your odds of hitting double or nothing with a BAB15 aren't great, and at best you're doing what, a crystalline-needle composite with a souped-up energy ray?
That's down in the "optimized a repeating crossbow" land of meh.
Meanwhile GMs and CRBtards will scream about how overpowered it is because around 7th you might start healing infinite HP.
i'm sure a CG character could get away with it
Pyrokineicist needs a game where the GM knows you're a huge piece of trash if you fight normal enemies. You need someone running who knows fire resistance shouldn't be given to everything. There's some CR 3 creatures with fire immunity.
Poison use is generally considered evil if it does stat damage.
I wish, I'm not sure who gets access to SF stuff at the moment, although if Legendary Games gets in on a playtest, I'll be impossibly happy. And also I'm currently working on some vigilante stuff as we speak, including an archetype to play without dual identity so you can play it like a normal class.
>including an archetype to play without dual identity so you can play it like a normal class.
If i wanted to use the steel serpent discipline from Path of War, should i stay away from the stings and prana's then, if i was hoping to play a good character?
Anyone who bases their damage calcs off the CRB is never going to be happy. Gambler both has a solid balance in power as well as a fun mechanic, making it one awesome addition to the game.
Looks like things are going well.
In the meantime, thanks for the story requests/ideas from last thread, and I'm still open to those if folks have more. I won't promise to write any in particular, but I've got page space to fill dammit.
what if i took this feat.
"Dangerous Tail (Combat)
Prerequisite(s): Base attack bonus +5, Lizardfolk.
Benefit(s): You gain a tail swipe attack. If used as part of a full-attack action, the attack is made at your full base attack bonus – 5. If the tail swipe hits, it deals 1d4 points of damage (assuming you are Medium) + 1/2 your Strength modifier. If you confirm a critical hit against a target with your tail swipe, as a free action you can attempt a trip combat maneuver against that target."
What do you have so far?
>Improvisational Expert (Ex): A night terror is an expert at using anything around him to his advantage, striking deadly blows with mundane objects and using his location to incredible effect. At 1st level, a night terror becomes proficient with improvised weapons, and as such does not take the normal –4 penalty on attack rolls for using them.
>At 8th level, the night terror can weaponize the environment around him; he can make attacks with unattended objects within his reach as if he was wielding them, regardless of whether or not his hands are full or what he’s otherwise wielding. This ability only gives him the ability to attack with objects around him; it does not grant him the ability to make additional attacks, nor is he considered to have extra “hands” for the purposes of fighting with two weapons.
>At 15th level, the night terror is so adept at using whatever is at hand to fight that he can strike opponents with objects nearby by throwing or ricocheting things into them. He can make attacks with any unattended objects within 30 feet of him against targets that are adjacent to or sharing a space with the objects. These are treated as attacks with thrown weapons, though he need not have the objects on hand, does not take the normal –4 penalty for shooting into melee, and treats the object’s space as the attack’s origin for the purposes of determining cover and concealment. He must have line of effect to both the object and the target to make an attack in this way.
You don't even know the half of it.
>8 players
>5 of them are very new, as in this is their first PF experience
>the other three of us are a slayer, an alchemist, and myself
>at least the cleric has played 3.5 some
>I helped the witch (who was previously a druid and died to death) and the barbarian build their characters
>everyone else has the GM's fingers in their pie
I've been straight-up cheesed out of fights with suddenly-collapsing tunnels, a panicky war horse, and being straight-up swarmed by goblins because I spend all of my acquired money on scrolls of color spray, just so we can try to survive the fights he's making us fight.
The kineticist doesn't even factor into it.
Oh, yeah, and we're level 2 as of the 13th encounter.
I thought one of the assumptions of the 3e XP curve was that you'd level up every 13 encounters. Obviously Pathfinder changed a few things, but...
Well other than the fact that horse tails and the like would be useless at it...
I'd want to apply it to mine too
13th encounter?
Only level 2?
GM is cheating.
Honestly, I've got to disagree, you guys give the kineticist, particularity the pyrokineticist, way too much flack. I played a straight pyrokineticist from levels 1-16 in Mummy's Mask, and I never had an issue. Fire resistance and immunity weren't really an issue past low levels, since I always had something to do instead, mainly Flash Infusion at really high DCs. At no point in time did I ever regret playing it and I was able to contribute in ever fight. That said, most of the other players were not running superoptimized characters so I'm sure that contributed.
Someone told me I couldn't build a flintlock samurai beyond just taking quickdraw, but I totally can. But I need a little help.
Okay. The DSP Warlord can stack both Desperado and Privateer. This gets him gun proficiency, reloading stuff, no stat-to-damage sadly, and something that counts as Dazzling Display. You lose your gambit recovery, but you still keep gambits, and importantly since you can exchange gambits for ploys you can just turn both your starting gambits into the ploy that gives you gambits that recover a single maneuver, so that's not so bad.
But we're not going to do that, /pfg/, we have PLANS. Instead we're going to take Weapon Focus at level 1 (I know, but just wait), exchange one of our starting gambits for the Gun Training ploy, which gets us Extra Grit (I hate Grit so much, what the fuck do you USE it for?) and a grit feat of our choice. This feat will be Gun Twirling.
Gun Twirling allows you to feint with guns, which we won't ever do because we know Tempest Gale anyway, but more importantly it lets you holster guns as a free action.
Our other gambit we exchange for the Sea Combat ploy, which does something so breathtakingly weird I can't believe nobody ever talks about it: it makes guns into melee weapons. In EVERY WAY. They use Strength or Dexterity for attack and bonus damage, benefit from melee feats and abilities, do not benefit from ranged-only feats and abilities, don't provoke attacks of opportunity, the whole shebang. They're essentially touch-AC sledgehammers.
There's another ploy - need a bonus feat or gambit slot to grab it - that lets us draw and fire a firearm any time we full-attack in melee, with no penalty. Now Privateers want to dual wield, but Gun Twirling lets us sheathe freely, so that's just a free attack.
So in melee range, our guns can now sheathe as free actions, Quick Draw will let us draw them again, and they work just fine for Mithral Current, and...
...that's as far as I got, /pfg/. Help?
> Merg story
> Villain story
> Comedy of errors leads to fatalities
> Aftermath of high-level adventurers fighting
> "Tiefling nuns"
I'm not saying that the pyro is TERRIBLE, I'm saying the fact that fire resistance being handed out like candy is terrible. The pyro just manages to suffer in that in the later levels...and the early ones too if the monsters are particularly fire resistant.
There already were grippli you fucks
The fact that this isn't a default option is a shame. Although I get that they want to 'force' the roleplay, vigi talents are just good enough to want to play the class to play a less janky fighter.
>there's only one type of frog
Alrighty then. I'm requesting there be at least one kidnapping, and a horrific mage creation somewhere along the lines. Not necessarily related.
word twisty but the intent is very clear.
You already can just play the class without the social talents. They shouldn't get replaced by anything that isn't fluff though.
>a playable race
nigga what?
To be fair, there's a few non fluff things that work with it, access to a few social talents that aren't that bad, and some mechanical stuff like the scrying trickiness. But I agree, I'm not giving a bonus vigilante talent for taking off the mask.
Depends? Even tiny cat tails?
hm, probably not, but Tieflings should be able to.
retard detected
That would make sense against APL = CR encounters.
These are more like APL+3 encounters, yet we're getting far less xp than we should when almost every enemy has PC class levels and wbl.
Even with 8 players, more than half the party going down every fight is not okay at 1st level. We have yet to finish an encounter in one go, because we end up needing to run and regroup for a day. According to the CRB, an average encounter should use 1/4th the party's resources, not 1/2-3/4 the party's health.
Hm. I think they'd be good if given either Powerful Build or 30ft speed, in addition to the regular traits (that you trade out for Glider and Jumper obviously).
Grippli already has 30 ft speed despite being small
honestly they should just get that tongue feat they have for free and then they'd be awesome.
Oh shit, I misread their speed. I didn't even see that they had a climb speed and blanked, thinking it just said 'speed 30ft'. Grippli do seem fine then. Their ability to jump as if running and then glide is practically a pseudo-flight.